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Reading the Code Making more of you.

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Presentation on theme: "Reading the Code Making more of you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading the Code Making more of you

2 How does DNA work to code for you?
DNA is the “blueprint” RNA is the “contractor” to build more of you What makes more of you? proteins

3 RNA is like DNA Nucleotides are monomers Sugar is Ribose Uracil instead of Thymine A bonds with U (not T) in RNA

4 3 types of RNA Messenger RNA (mRNA) “Working copy” of DNA Transfer RNA (tRNA) Transport vehicle to bring materials to the construction site Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) Construction site

5 2 steps to construction Transcription Making the working copy of DNA Occurs in nucleus Translation Reading that copy to make proteins Occurs in cytoplasm

6 Unzip DNA at gene location
Transcription Unzip DNA at gene location complementary RNA nucleotides attach to exposed DNA nucleotides (A-U, C-G)

7 RNA is released when the end of the gene is reached
Transcription, cont’d RNA is released when the end of the gene is reached DNA zips back up RNA can now be used

8 How do the enzymes know where to start & stop?
Promoter Sequence of codes that says “start here” Termination signal Sequence of codes that says “stop”

9 mRNA is a rough draft Rough draft of RNA needs to be cleaned up for errors and “garbage” Introns are edited out Exons are left to be “read” mpwettlovemabiologyjie

10 Translation, or protein synthesis
Must “translate” the gene code into protein At construction site (Ribosome=rRNA), proteins are made from amino acids (AA)

11 DNA/RNA alphabet Every 3 letters of DNA make up CODON of RNA
Each CODON specifies a single AA Only 20 AA make up ALL proteins 64 codons specify the 20 AA of all life

12 Turning the blueprint into the house
mRNA leaves nucleus & binds with rRNA at ribosome tRNA picks up the correct AA in cytoplasm

13 Construction cont’d tRNA shuttles the AA to the ribosome where its ANTICODON is complementary to the CODON on mRNA rRNA attaches the AA together

14 AA + AA + AA makes a polypeptide, or PROTEIN (your traits)
Protein synthesis… AA + AA + AA makes a polypeptide, or PROTEIN (your traits)

15 How does rRNA know when to start & stop?
mRNA has built-in signals start codon (AUG) stop codon (UAA, UAG or UGA)

16 Mutations to DNA, mutations to you
Typo’s change DNA, which change the mRNA codon, which changes the AA coded for – a different trait is formed Point mutation Frameshift mutation

17 Mutagens Anything that causes a mutation is a mutagen
A cancer-causing mutagen is a carcinogen

18 Random errors in replication, transcription, translation
Mutations & Cancer Random errors in replication, transcription, translation Environmental factors Food & diet factors

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