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Country report for CI Regional Meeting on A2K Indonesia By Sudaryatmo ( Director Indonesian Consumer Organization.

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1 Country report for CI Regional Meeting on A2K Indonesia By Sudaryatmo ( ) Director Indonesian Consumer Organization Kuala Lumpur, 18 February 2009

2 Cost & availability of learning material : government policies Era 1970s -1990s : textbooks were under purview of the Ministry of National Education and the supply of textbooks was monopolized bay the government publisher (PT Balai Pustaka ). Under this system, students did not need to pay for textbooks at all as they were given to them free of charge; Era early 1990s until now : the government decentralized and privatized some of textbook production and distribution. The market is open to other private publishers ;

3 Cost & availability of learning material : basic education Basic education (average) : a package that contains all the main textbooks for one semester costs around Rp 350.000 to Rp 500.000. Workbooks cost around Rp 112.500 per semester ( USD 1 = Rp 11.900,- ) Indonesia students generally rely on libraries to provide them with the knowledge they need. Most of the libraries are not equipped with up-to- date books and they are not well categorized;

4 Cost & availability of learning material : university Textbooks for university fall into three categories: (1) the imported foreign-language ( English ) textbooks; (2) translated books; (3) Locally produced books Resources in most of the universities in Indonesia are very limited. Many state-owned universities have not been allocated adequate budgets for their library acquisitions ;

5 Cost & availability of learning material : photocopying Photocopying is common practice among university students. Most universities make available photocopying machines on their campuses an in the libraries; For printed material in Indonesia there is no third party organization to collect royalties from the copying of copyrighted materials and providing these to the producers. However, the music industry has such a third party royalty collector. (Yayaysan Karya Cipta Indonesia );

6 0ther communication rights Are blogs or email monitored or censored? Reactively Is internet access filtered ? Usually not but there have been cases. For example, the banning in Indonesia of the anti-Islam film Fitna provoked the government to block access to you tube. This reaction was heavy handed because it limited consumers access to other useful information contained on the you tube site: Privacy and data protection law : These laws are still in draft stage but have not come before parliament ;

7 Intellectual Property regime Which IP conventions has your country signed ? ; (1) TRIPs ( Law No. 7 / 1994 ); (2) Berne Convention ( President Decree No. 18 /1997 ) ; (3) WIPO Copyright Treaty ( President Decree No. 19 / 1997 ) ; Are there any bilateral trade agrements on IP ? Preliminary Discussion Between Indonesia – Japan about developing management collective institution Is there much awareness of IP alternatives such as open source and Creative Commons Licensing ? The Government of Indonesia launched a programme called Indonesia Go Open Source (IGOS), however, the implementation of the programme has not been fully implemented on government, but widely adopted at education institution

8 Access to the internet Law or policies that impact on internet access : A new law has come into effect this year. This law focuses on information and electronic transactions ; The law is in the process of a judicial review by the constitutional court. The focus of the judicial review is on the criminalization of pornography and threats to freedom of expression.

9 – Penetration: 116,000,000 mobile phone user 8,700,000 fixed-line user 25,000,000 Internet users 1,500,000 mobile Internet users 241,000 broadband Internet users

10 Conclusions A2K is a transnational/global issue. It is necessary to act together; Consumer need : Consumers need a national law that guarantees their access to a variety of sources of information. My contribution : to share information about problems in Indonesia and approaches to improving the situation; CI can help by sharing information and through collective research/surveys togethers, campaign (communication program), advisory center

11 The end of presentation Thank U

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