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Published byEric Rose Modified over 9 years ago
1 Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) for Dairy Karen B. Bodley ASA Regional Sales Rep. & Katie Rossini Director, Risk Management and Analysis
2 Federal Crop Insurance Corporation LGM for Dairy
3 What is LGM for Dairy? Insurance program –Protects the gross margin between milk price and feed cost Written and reinsured by the Federal Government (Risk Management Agency)
4 What do you need to participate? 1. Determine amount of milk to insure per month 2. Determine amount of feed used to produce the amount of insured milk 3. Determine months to insure
5 What LGM is not It Does Not –Insure against death of cattle –Loss for unexpected decrease in milk production –Unexpected increases in feed use –This product does not affect any other crop insurance product you may currently purchase
6 Enrollment Period Insurance can be purchased monthly –Coverage can be for one month –Coverage can be up to 10 months Coverage will attach one full month following the offering date –Book on August 27 th, coverage begins October 1 st Coverage is offered on the third to last business day of each month
7 Enrollment Example AugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJun X AugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJun X X – Enrollment Month - Coverage Period
9 Insurance Limits There is no minimum number of hundredweights that a producer can insure The maximum amount of milk that can be insured is: –24,000,000 lbs (240,000 cwt) per insurance period
10 What are your responsibilities? Keep accurate feed records (purchases and field grown) Keep accurate records/reports of milk produced each month *If at this time you are unable to keep accurate records please talk to one of us and we can help you set up a system that will work for you and your farm
11 What are acceptable feed records? Farm Management Records Ledger Sheets Bin Measurements Field Harvest Records Precision farming and yield Monitoring systems. Livestock Feeding Records Verifiable receipts of purchase for feed
12 How do I apply for insurance? Application and target marketing report Marketing report Transfer of right to an indemnity * Sample forms have been provided in your packets
13 Target Marketing Milk A producer determines milk in cwt that they wish to insure – up to a max of 100% of total production Feed Convert energy and protein of current ration to feed equivalent of corn and soybean meal Only for insured milk quantity
14 Expected Prices Chicago Board of Trade futures prices are used for corn and soybean meal Chicago Mercantile Exchange futures prices are used for milk
15 Expected Pries - Example To calculate LGM coverage for July ‘09 –July ‘09 corn futures price on the CBOT –July ‘09 soybean meal futures price on the CBOT –July ‘09 milk futures price on the CME
16 Basis Basis = Difference between the state price and the CBOT/CME price for a given commodity Predetermined for crop year –NASS Data (National Agricultural Statistic Survey) Does not impact your typical basis –Additional components, PPD, premiums
17 Vermont BasisMilkCorn ($/cwt)($/bu) Jan$2.38$0.34 Feb$2.15$0.34 Mar$2.42$0.37 Apr$1.10$0.40 May$1.39$0.47 Jun$1.69$0.47 Jul$1.71$0.42 Aug$1.44$0.40 Sep$1.53$0.36 Oct$1.99$0.19 Nov$2.27$0.24 Dec$1.99$0.25
18 Cost Premiums –Determined monthly High price volatility = high premiums Insure more months together – pay lower premiums Deductibles –Increase deductible – decrease premium –Range from $0 to $1.50/cwt in $0.10 increments
19 Premium Quotes Obtaining a Quote –Prior to the sales day (3 rd to last business day of the month), quotes run off of the previous month’s prices –Actual quotes can only be given on the actual sales day
20 LGM for Dairy Quote Scenario: ABC Dairy would like to purchase an 11-month LGM policy They would like to book 200,000 lbs (2,000 cwt) of milk per month Their corn equivalent is 13 tons per month and soybean meal equivalent is 7.5 tons per month They would like a quote with a $1.00 deductible and one with out a deductible
21 Quote Sales Closing Date: August 27, 2008 Coverage Begins: October 1, 2008 Coverage Ends: July 31,2009 With $1.00 Deductible Without Deductible Gross Margin Guarantee: $366,291.79$386,291.79 Liability:$427,000.00 Producer Premium:$14,563.00$23,977.00 Producer Premium: ($/cwt) $0.72 $1.19
22 Quote Comparison Farmer A decided to book milk for October –Milk booked was 200,000 lb, (2,000 cwt) corn fed was 25 tons, and soybean meal was 7.8 tons Farmer B decides in August that he wants to insure10 months using the same cwt of milk and feed from above
23 Quote Comparison
24 Approval Insurance application must be accepted by USDA (RMA – Risk Management Agency) prior to coverage attaching If program capacity is reached You may not be able to get coverage Your coverage quantity may be decreased
25 Losses At the end of the producer’s marketing plan they will receive a notice of probable loss *The end of your marketing plan is the last month in which you choose to insure your milk Producer must file a new marketing plan within 15 days of notice to receive an indemnity payment *Sample of Notice of Probable loss located in packet
26 Getting Started & Examples
27 Step 1 – Insurance Period Enrollment: –Monthly 3 rd to last business day of every month –Multi-month, or individual months Can cover as little as one month Can cover up to 10 months per enrollment
28 Step 2a – Target Marketing Milk –Up to 100% of expected production Insures milk that is produced –No minimum –Up to 24,000,000 pounds per crop year
29 Step 2b – Target Marketing Feed –Corn Equivalent –Soybean Meal Equivalent –Convert current ration into corn and soybean meal equivalents –Must be within a range for the amount of milk you are insuring
30 Step 3 - Deductible Deductible –$0 - $1.50/cwt –$0.10 increments –Increase deductible – decrease premium
31 Step 4 - Apply Fill out necessary paperwork –Target Marketings –Milk & Feed
32 Step 5 - Indemnity To Collect your Applicable Indemnity –You will receive a notice at the end of your insurance period –You must return paperwork within 15 days of notice to claim any indemnity
34 LGM-Dairy Example August 27 th enrollment 3-month coverage $0 deductible Coverage for 200,000 lbs/mo (2,000 cwt) (100% of anticipated production) Feed target marketings?
35 LGM-Dairy Example Feed –Marketing for 200,000 lbs of monthly milk production –Can use suggested feed conversion rate –Must be within USDA specified range Example: Feeding 2 tons of whole cottonseed Soybean Meal Equivalent: 0.646 tons Soybean Meal Equivalent: 2 tons X 0.323 = 0.646 tons Corn Equivalent: 1.700 tons Corn Equivalent: 2 tons X 0.850 = 1.700 tons
37 LGM-Dairy Example Total Feed Equivalent –7.5 tons of Soybean meal –893 bushels of Corn (25 tons) Milk Production –200,000 lb per month
38 LGM Example 1 Enrollment: August 27, 2008 Milk: 200,000 lb/month (2,000 cwt) Corn: 893 bu/month (25 tons) Soybean Meal: 7.5 ton/month Insurance Period: Oct – Dec 2008
39 LGM Example 1
40 LGM Example 1a Enrollment: November 25, 2008 Milk: 100,000 lb/mo (1,000 cwt/mo) Corn: 445 bu/month (12.5 tons) Soybean Meal: 3.8 ton/month Insurance Period: Jan - Apr 2009
41 LGM Example 1a
42 LGM Example 2 Enrollment: August 27, 2008 Milk: 200,000 lb/mo (2,000 cwt/mo) Corn: 893 bu/month (25 tons) Soybean Meal: 7.5 ton/month Insurance Period: Oct – Dec 2008 Deductible: $1.00/cwt
43 LGM Example 2
44 LGM Example 2 – Settle 1 Actual Margin greater than Gross Margin Guarantee – NO INDEMNITY
45 LGM Example 2 – Settle 2 Actual Margin Less than Gross Margin Guarantee – INDEMNITY PAID $19,535 or $3.26/cwt
46 Example – Farm Use
47 LGM-Dairy Overview Benefits Protects the margin! Variable size Variable terms Deductible Monthly enrollment options Compliments current RMS programs Difficulties Short enrollment period Relative to your state – not your farm Limited capacity Can create cash flow issue
48 LGM & RMS DifferencesLGMRMS Price ~ $0.75/cwt and up$0/cwt and up Protection Protects milk-feed margin Only protects milk Settlement Settles at the end of the insurance period Settles monthly Time Offered Offered once per month – every month Offered daily Coverage Months 1 month – 10 months Must cover next available month 1 month – 23 months Can cover any months
49 Fixed Price Forward Contract Average Pay Price
50 Fixed Price Contract with Upside Rider $0.50/cwt Premium
51 Minimum Price $0.40 Premium $16.00 Minimum Price Contract
52 Maximum Potential Minimum Price Fence Contract with $18.00 Floor, $23.00 Ceiling Fee = $0.26
53 LGM & RMS LGM Margin Protection Upside Potential Settles on average Book once/month $1.50 Deductible $0.65 premium Minimum Price Contract Milk Protection Upside Potential Settles monthly Book daily Priced $1.50 below market $0.50 premium October – December Contract Same Pounds Fixed Price Contract Milk Protection NO upside potential Settles monthly Book daily Priced at market $0.09 premium
54 Contacts Karen Bodley Regional Sales Rep. 866-297-7729 Ext. 5635 Cell: 315-440-5869 Email: Katie Rossini Director Risk Management & Analysis 866-297-7729 Ext. 5581
55 Contacts Amanda Carosella Customer Service Rep. 866-297-7729 Ext. 5522 Email: Steve Lewis Gannon Associates Workers’ Comp & Crop Insurance specialist 800-654-8840 Email: Sean Beirne Gannon Associates AG Marketing Manager 800-654-8840 Email:
56 Questions? Thank you!
57 Handouts
58 Farm Example
59 Farm Example
60 Extra Slides
61 Increase or Decrease in Production? Cannot claim indemnity on more than 100% of your target marketings If actual marketings are less than 75% of the target marketings - coverage will adjust proportionately Anything between 75% - 100% will be 100% covered
62 Feed Ration Changes? Only covering protein and energy equivalent for pounds of milk –How much energy and protein are required for 1 pound of milk? For the most part, it doesn’t change Have better feed – produce more milk, but still the same amount of protein and energy per pound of milk –Settles to CBOT and CME prices Not your farm price
63 The LGM Cycle
64 LGM-Dairy Eligible States
65 Pennsylvania Basis MilkCorn ($/cwt)($/bu) Jan$3.40$0.34 Feb$3.19$0.34 Mar$3.32$0.37 Apr$1.94$0.40 May$2.23$0.47 Jun$2.63$0.47 Jul$2.61$0.42 Aug$2.38$0.40 Sep$2.37$0.36 Oct$2.87$0.19 Nov$3.19$0.24 Dec$3.01$0.25
66 Vermont Basis MilkCorn ($/cwt)($/bu) Jan$2.38$0.34 Feb$2.15$0.34 Mar$2.42$0.37 Apr$1.10$0.40 May$1.39$0.47 Jun$1.69$0.47 Jul$1.71$0.42 Aug$1.44$0.40 Sep$1.53$0.36 Oct$1.99$0.19 Nov$2.27$0.24 Dec$1.99$0.25
67 New York Basis MilkCorn ($/cwt)($/bu) Jan$2.32$0.29 Feb$2.11$0.29 Mar$2.32$0.32 Apr$1.04$0.35 May$1.43$0.42 Jun$1.57$0.42 Jul$1.61$0.37 Aug$1.44$0.35 Sep$1.39$0.31 Oct$1.79$0.14 Nov$2.17$0.19 Dec$1.97$0.20
68 Maryland Basis MilkCorn ($/cwt)($/bu) Jan$2.78$0.23 Feb$2.57$0.23 Mar$2.70$0.26 Apr$1.32$0.29 May$1.61$0.36 Jun$2.01$0.36 Jul$1.99$0.31 Aug$1.76$0.29 Sep$1.75$0.25 Oct$2.25$0.08 Nov$2.57$0.13 Dec$2.39$0.14
69 Massachusetts Basis MilkCorn ($/cwt)($/bu) Jan$2.94$0.34 Feb$2.71$0.34 Mar$2.98$0.37 Apr$1.66$0.40 May$1.95$0.47 Jun$2.25$0.47 Jul$2.27$0.42 Aug$2.00$0.40 Sep$2.09$0.36 Oct$2.55$0.19 Nov$2.83$0.24 Dec$2.55$0.25
71 LGM-Dairy Ration Calculator Converts to: 426 bushels of corn 12 tons of soybean meal
72 Possible Outcomes Increase or Steady Margin – NO PAYMENTS Milk Price Feed Cost Milk Price Feed Cost Milk Price Feed Cost Decreased Margin – PAYMENTS Milk Price Feed Cost Milk Price Feed Cost Milk Price Feed Cost
73 Pounds of Milk Booked
74 Pounds by Contract Type (2008)
75 Expected Milk Price – October 2008 Milk Value
76 Feed Value Expected Feed Value – October 2008
77 Expected Margin – October 2008 Gross Margin Guarantee
78 Example Gross Margin Guarantee at $14,125 –Indemnity paid only when actual margin decreases –Indemnity = Gross margin guarantee - Actual margin Milk Price and Feed Price Gross Margin Guarantee = $14,125 Actual Margin = $13,545 $ 580 Indemnity = $ 580
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