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DOUBLE. 100 200 500 400 300 100 200 500 400 300 100 200 500 400 300 100 200 500 400 300 100 200 500 400 300 Biocomputer Wired for Action MWABBYH CTBIRLOBES.

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2 100 200 500 400 300 100 200 500 400 300 100 200 500 400 300 100 200 500 400 300 100 200 500 400 300 Biocomputer Wired for Action MWABBYH CTBIRLOBES

3 100 200 500 400 300 100 200 500 400 300 100 200 500 400 300 100 200 500 400 300 100 200 500 400 300 Biocomputer Wired for Action MWABBYH CTBIRLOBES


5 Individual nerve cells that process and carry information Biocomputer - 100 What is a: Neuron

6 Looks like a tree root, and receives messages from other neurons Biocomputer - 200 What is a: Dendrite

7 Sends messages (nerve impulses) down a thin fiber Biocomputer - 300 What is a: Soma

8 Acetylcholine, an example of this, normally activates muscles Biocomputer - 400 What is a: Neurotransmitter

9 During an action potential, this ion rushes into the axon through the ion channel Biocomputer - 500 What is a: Sodium Ion


11 A bundle of thin fibers called axons Wired for Action - 100 What are: Nerves

12 This system consists of the brain and spinal chord Wired for Action - 200 What is the: Central Nervous System

13 Intricate network of nerves carries info to and from the central nervous system Wired for Action - 300 What is the:Peripheral Nervous System

14 Carries messages to and from the sense organs and skeletal muscles Wired for Action - 400 What is the: Somatic Nervous System

15 A part of the ANS (autonomic nervous system) that quiets the body Wired for Action - 500 What is the: Parasympathetic System


17 The ultimate case of the "Right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing"! My What a Big Brain You Have - 100 What is a: Split-Brain

18 A thick band of fibers that connect the two hemispheres of the brain My What a Big Brain You Have - 200 What is the: Corpus Callosum

19 The outer layer of the cerebrum containing 70% of the neurons in the CNS My What a Big Brain You Have - 300 What is the: Cerebral Cortex

20 The half of the brain in charge of time sense, speech, writing, and rhythm My What a Big Brain You Have - 400 What is the: Right Brain

21 The fact that humans are more intelligent than other animals is particularly related to this My What a Big Brain You Have - 500 What is: Corticalization


23 A device that detects, amplifies and records electrical activity in the brain Charting the Brain’s Inner Realm - 100 What is an: EEG

24 X-ray information is collected and formed into an image of the brain using this device Charting the Brain’s Inner Realm - 200 What is a: CT scan

25 This scan allows us to see the living brain as if it was transparent by using a magnetic field Charting the Brain’s Inner Realm - 300 What is a: MRI

26 Detects subatomic particles emitted by weakly radioactive glucose as it is taken by the brain Charting the Brain’s Inner Realm - 400 What is a: PET scan

27 Surgical removal of parts of the brain causes us to see the purpose of the missing part Charting the Brain’s Inner Realm - 500 What is a: Ablation


29 It is located at the back of the brain and it is where vision is registered LOBES - 100 What are the: Occipital Lobes

30 Located above the occipital lobes; touch, temperature, pressure and other somatic sensations are registered here LOBES - 200 What are the: Parietal Lobes

31 Located at each side of the brain; auditory information is registered here LOBES - 300 What are the: Temporal Lobes

32 Located in front of the brain; motor control, sense of smell and higher mental functions are controlled by this area LOBES - 400 What are the: Frontal Lobes

33 The speech center on the left frontal lobe; It is related to aphasia LOBES - 500 What is the: Broca’s Area


35 200 400 1000 800 600 200 400 1000 800 600 200 400 1000 800 600 ATCOTMH & BBI & A

36 200 400 1000 800 600 200 400 1000 800 600 200 400 1000 800 600 ATCOTMH & BBI & A


38 Has a major role in producing emotion and motivated behavior At the Core of the Matter - 200 What is the: Limbic System

39 Part of the limbic system associated with fear response At the Core of the Matter - 400 What is the: Amygdala

40 Part of the limbic system associated with storing memories At the Core of the Matter - 600 What is the: Hippocampus

41 A brain structure that controls posture and coordination At the Core of the Matter - 800 What is the: Cerebellum

42 Two of the most important parts of your body buried within your brain. One acts as "switching station" for sensory messages and the other is a kind of master control center for emotion and many basic motives At the Core of the Matter - 1000 What are the: Thalamus and Hypothalamus


44 Carried throughout the body, these chemicals affect both internal activities and visible behavior Hormones and Behavior - 200 What are: Hormones

45 Gland that regulates the rate of metabolism in the body Hormones and Behavior - 400 What is the: Thyroid Gland

46 Gland that influences growth and lactation; also regulates the activity in other glands Hormones and Behavior - 600 What is the: Pituitary Gland

47 The system comprised of glands that secrete chemicals directly into the bloodstream or lymph system Hormones and Behavior - 800 What is the: Endocrine System

48 Hormone that the penial gland releases Hormones and Behavior - 1000 What is: Melatonin


50 Damage to association areas in the left hemisphere may suffer from impaired language ability Brain Injuries and Abnormalities - 200 What is: Aphasia

51 Inability to identify seen objects or "mind blindness" Brain Injuries and Abnormalities - 400 What is: Agnosia

52 A form of “mind blindness”; is the inability to perceive familiar faces Brain Injuries and Abnormalities - 600 What is: Facial Agnosia

53 Individuals are perfectly proportioned but tiny Brain Injuries and Abnormalities - 800 What is: Hypopituitary Dwarfism

54 A condition in which the arms, hands, feet, and facial bones become enlarged Brain Injuries and Abnormalities - 1000 What is: Acromegaly

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