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Derek J. Green President December 2014. Industry Highlights * Annualized returns Sales and Assets  Total Industry assets of $1,116B, up 18.7% year over.

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Presentation on theme: "Derek J. Green President December 2014. Industry Highlights * Annualized returns Sales and Assets  Total Industry assets of $1,116B, up 18.7% year over."— Presentation transcript:

1 Derek J. Green President December 2014

2 Industry Highlights * Annualized returns Sales and Assets  Total Industry assets of $1,116B, up 18.7% year over year.  YTD Industry net flow of $49.6B, up 49% from 2013.  Rolling 12 month industry net flows of $58.2B strongest on record. CI net flows of $4.1B during same time period represent 7% share.  Equity funds for the industry in YTD net positive flows of $4.82B, up $1.87B from last year. Source: IFIC, as at September 30, 2014

3 Sales Results: Year over year  Continue to see year over year sales growth, with gross flows up $611M / 6% and net sales up $438M / 15% over same period last year. YTD Year over Year to September 30 Purchases RedemptionsNet

4 Sales & Assets by Product: YTD * Managed Solutions is Portfolio Series, Portfolio Select Series, Private Client, Evolution, Optima Strategy and G5/20 Series. January 1 – September 30, 2014 YTD:  Managed solutions and PIM net flows (87.9%) continue to far outweigh their share of AUM (25.9%). YOY managed solutions and PIM have grown their share of net flows by 23% and 52%, respectively.  In contrast, traditional funds share of gross and net flows YOY has declined 11% and 41.6%, respectively.  Our flows to managed solutions and traditional funds are very consistent with the overall industry. Managed solutions represent 72% of YTD industry net flows, traditional funds 28%.

5 Sales & Assets by Channel: YTD January 1 – September 30, 2014 * Other is Discount, House and Default YTD:  Sun Life, Assante and the Planners / Credit Unions all with significant YOY growth in net sales – 40%, 29%, 15% respectively.  IIROC net still positive, however gross flows have slowed throughout the year resulting in a $74M or 50% drop in net from same period 2013.

6 Sales & Assets by Asset Class: YTD January 1 – September 30, 2014 * Other is Alternative, Index, non sub-advised CIIAM Segregated assets, PC Segregated assets and Structured products YTD:  Fund of funds, global and global balanced continue their trend of increased share of gross and net flows over same period last year.  Fund of funds from 18% gross / 38% net to 24.5% gross / 51.5% net  Global Balanced from 3.4% gross / 9.7% net to 8.2% gross / 21.4% net  Global from 6.1% gross / 1.0% net to 7.5% gross / 9.6% net  Income has grown share however still significantly lower than 73% share of net flows to end of Q3 last year.

7 Creating Advisor Partnership Enhancing our partnership with advisors continues to be an important focus for supporting continued growth in existing distribution channels. 1.Provide business solutions in addition to product solutions  Address changing landscape due to regulatory reform  Help advisors enhance the value of their business  Strategic Business Development, Advisor Toolkits, coaching and wholesaler support 2.Enhance coverage  Bigger emphasis on AUM to retain, and grow, assets  Segmentation of territories to support coverage model  Additional resources, training program and career path to retain the best and brightest

8 Creating Advisor Partnership (cont’d) 3.Enhance product solutions  PIM householding at $250k to meet needs of mass affluent  Private Client enhancements to support Assante Wealth Management HNW 4.Improve the ease of doing business  Creating a better understanding of the advisor’s business by providing a 360 o view across the organization  Simplify advisor interactions and make it seamless across the organization 5.Build our brand  Continue to focus on retirement market through golf properties with an advisor friendly message 6.Deliver premiere events  Las Vegas Leadership Forum for 1,400 advisors representing $14.4B in AUM, $1.9B in gross and $1.1B in net sales YTD  23 city Fall Roadshow featuring Cambridge Global Asset Management and Black Creek Investment Management

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