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Understanding the Brain The Brain Song. The Brain Q & A T/F- People use only 10% of their brain. T/F- People with larger brains are more intelligence.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding the Brain The Brain Song. The Brain Q & A T/F- People use only 10% of their brain. T/F- People with larger brains are more intelligence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding the Brain The Brain Song

2 The Brain Q & A T/F- People use only 10% of their brain. T/F- People with larger brains are more intelligence. T/F- The brain gets better with use.

3 The Nervous System Central Nervous System & Peripheral Nervous System (brain & spinal cord) (nerves, organs, muscles) AutonomicSomatic (involuntary)(voluntary) Sympathetic Parasympathetic (arouses body)(calms body)



6 Ways to Measure the Brain EEG CAT (CT) Scan MRI Scan PET Scan

7 Electroencephalograph (EEG) Monitors the electrical activity of the brain- brain waves Used in clinical diagnosis of various neurological disorders

8 Brain Imaging- CAT Scan X-ray beam moves all around the patient, scanning from hundreds of different angles. Portrays only brain structure. Used to diagnose a wide variety of ailments (head trauma, cancer, tumors).

9 Brain Imaging- PET Scan examine brain function monitor chemical processes such as neurotransmitters Person receives an injection of radioactive substance

10 Brain Imaging- MRI Similar to CAT scan but better picture due to higher resolution Uses radio waves to capture picture of the brain The energy released by different structures generates an image on a computer screen.

11 MRI Machine

12 Three Main Regions of the Brain 1. Hindbrain- lower part of brain stem (pons & medulla), & cerebellum

13 Three Main Regions of the Brain 2. Midbrain- upper brainstem (reticular formation)

14 Three Main Regions of the Brain 3. Forebrain- largest & most complex  limbic system (hippocampus, hypothalamus, thalamus, amygdala) at the center  cerebral cortex & lobes can be seen externally


16 Cerebral Cortex - layer of cells covering the surface of the brain. It’s divided into 4 Lobes

17 Frontal Lobe Prefrontal Cortex Personality- how we behave in social settings, impulse control Plans & decision making Motor cortex- controls all voluntary movements

18 Phineas GagePhineas Gage example of prefrontal cortex damage

19 Phineas Gage- example of prefrontal cortex damage


21 Parietal Lobe- Process info from body parts Somatosensory Cortex- sense of touch Sense of touch, feeling temperature & pain Phantom Limb syndrome


23 Temporal Lobe Involves hearing, speaking, understanding written & verbal words

24 Occipital Lobe Processes visual information Visual Agnosia- inability to recognize whole parts Neglect Syndrome- unable to see objects on the opposite side of the brain damage

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