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A Head Injury Leads to a Change in Character. A Man Who Borrowed Cars.

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Presentation on theme: "A Head Injury Leads to a Change in Character. A Man Who Borrowed Cars."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Head Injury Leads to a Change in Character. A Man Who Borrowed Cars

2 The Brain

3 Subarachnoid

4 aneurysm CT-Scan Angiogram Subarachnoid hemorrphage

5 What had the man done ? 1.Took the car with the keys in ignition 2.A short ride 3.Abandoned car

6 Why? Borrowing cars gave him a kind of pleasurable But he knew that this is illegal ∴ contradiction

7 Drug Clomipramine Valpromide Paroxetine Bromazepam – All had not clear-cut benefit

8 Test for Prefrontal Function Wisconsin card-sorting Test  Method 128 respone cards, and 4 stimulus cards Stimulus card :  a red triangle  two green stars  three yellow crosses  four blue circles

9 response cards : different combination of those parameters match each one to one of the stimulus cards judge by number, color, and shape The participant is not told how to match the cards who is told whether a particular match is right or wrong

10 With each change of sorting rules 1. how long it takes the subject to figure out the rules have changed 2. how long it takes him to learn the new rules 3. what mistakes he makes while learning them Clinic use 1. With severe frontal and prefrontal cortex damage  stuck in one sorting modality 2. cognitive dysfunction

11 Stroop Test  Method showing the names of colors the actual words are printed in a different color from the color name they represent respond with the color you see  Clinic use a psychological test of our attentional and flexibility. left brain (word) V.S. right brain (colour)


13  Clinic use attentional fatigue.. directed attention: have to manage the attention, inhibit or stop one response in order to say or do something else.

14 The Trail making test  Method two parts - A and B Part A : encircled numbers from 1 to 25 randomly spread across a sheet of paper. Trail Making Test, Part A –Timed test, connecting numbers from 1 to 25, in order

15 Trail Making Test, Part B (often done without Part A) –Timed test –Connect numbers and letters in alternating pattern –Ordered as follows: 1-A-2-B-3-C...  Uses the side of damage in patients with unilateral impairment cognitive flexibility impairment

16 Part A

17 Part B

18 Semantic and phonemic word generation  Method 1.Asked to generate letter beginning with the letter “a”. Ex. about,act… 2.Asked to organize a group letters Ex. Given: cat,dog,hat semantic: cat, dog phonemic: cat,hat Neutral :dog, hat

19  Clinic use used to assess executive function, especially of the frontal cortex frontal lesions (especially left) perform poorly  Alzheimer's disease: tend to be unable to make use of category information (and might recall: Apples, Bananas, Oranges, Chicken) Alzheimer's disease  Parkinson's disease tend to make repetition errors (for example: Apples, Bananas, Oranges, Bananas ). Parkinson's disease

20 WAIS-R Uses  Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale or WAIS is a general test of intelligence (IQ )  Three IQ scores are obtained from the WAIS(R): 1. Verbal IQ 2. Performance IQ 3. Full Scale IQ

21 Method Verbal Subtests  Information  Degree of general information acquired from culture (e.g. Who is the president of Russia?)  Comprehension  Ability to deal with abstract social conventions, rules and expressions(e.g. What does "Kill 2 birds with 1 stone" metaphorically mean?)  Arithmetic  Concentration while manipulating mental mathematical problems (e.g. How many 45c. stamps can you buy for a dollar?)

22  Similarities  Abstract verbal reasoning (e.g. In what way are an apple and a pear alike?)  Vocabulary  The degree to which one has learned, been able to comprehend and verbally express vocabulary (e.g. What is a guitar?)  Digit span  attention/concentration (e.g. Digits forward: 123, Digits backward 321.)  Letter-Number Sequencing  attention and working memory (e.g. Given Q1B3J2, place the numbers in numerical order and then the letters in alphabetical

23 Performance Subtests Picture Completion  Ability to quickly perceive visual details Digit Symbol - Coding  visual-motor coordination, motor and mental speed Block Design  Spatial perception, visual abstract processing & problem solving Matrix Reasoning  Nonverbal abstract problem solving, inductive reasoning, spatial reasoning

24 Picture Arrangement  Logical/sequential reasoning, social insight Symbol Search  Visual perception, speed Object Assembly  Visual analysis, synthesis, and construction

25 Discussion 1.Which clinical examination is the most efficient? 2.Did the man should be arrested and went to prison because of his misdemeanors? 3.If the man is your relative or friend, how will you help him?

26 2. A Different Way of Thinking

27 Preview Questions Have you ever heard about someone who have learning difficulties at school but show special talent in other field ?

28 Right Brain and Left Brain Characteristics Left hemisphere Right hemisphere Holistic ProcessingLinear ProcessingLogicalIntuitiveVerbal & SymbolImage & Color Sequential Random



31 Tests: Right or Left Dominented? Part of BodyTestLeftRight Hand Write name Use scissors Throw ball Drink from cup Foot Kick ball Step up stair Step on object Eye Look in tube Sight a finger Look through hole Ear Listen to whisper Listen to box Listen through hole

32 Tests: Right or Left Dominented? Hit-the-Dot – dot.html dot.html

33 The Brain Corpus callosum

34 Discussion 1.Have you ever known someone that processing information in non-linear way? What do you think of him/her? 2.Do those “train your right brain” trick works? What is your opinion? 3.If you can choose, would you like to be a right-hemisphere-person?



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