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MAR*TEC Supported Assessing Teacher Candidate Effective Integration of Technology in Clinical Practice SRATE 2003 Susan Arisman Marcia Cushall Frostburg.

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Presentation on theme: "MAR*TEC Supported Assessing Teacher Candidate Effective Integration of Technology in Clinical Practice SRATE 2003 Susan Arisman Marcia Cushall Frostburg."— Presentation transcript:

1 MAR*TEC Supported Assessing Teacher Candidate Effective Integration of Technology in Clinical Practice SRATE 2003 Susan Arisman Marcia Cushall Frostburg State University

2 MAR*TEC Supported Becoming Effective at Technology Integration Instruction Field experiences Clinical practice Assessments

3 MAR*TEC Supported Feedback and Assessment For candidate growth and development Candidate demonstration of knowledge, skills, dispositions aligned with program outcomes Assessment provides information about candidate teaching Assessment provides information about degree to which education program is meeting its goals (Guyton & Byrd, 1999)

4 MAR*TEC Supported Use of Technology Can engage student thinking and creativity Use of technology should have a focus / guidelines for type of project intended Candidates need to see effective integration of technology modeled Candidates need to have guidance and practice in designing lessons Candidates need to have opportunity to present and reflect on lessons they teach

5 MAR*TEC Supported Candidate Use of Technology in Instruction Ability to apply what they have learned Ability to appropriately integrate technology in teaching Ability to assess their students’ learning Ability to conduct a meaningful reflection of the process and results

6 MAR*TEC Supported Standards and Performance Assessments Development of Maryland Teacher Technology Standards (MTTS) Development of performance assessments for each standard

7 MAR*TEC Supported Development of Knowledge and Skills 3 1-credit technology courses placed in three blocks of the education program Applications integrated throughout foundations, methods, and field courses

8 MAR*TEC Supported Candidate Performance Assessment V Design, deliver, assess learning activity –Based on content standards –Integrates technology into instruction –Actively engage learning in using technology to develop their understandings Select technology that supports / enhances student learning

9 MAR*TEC Supported Candidate Performance Assessment V Videotape learning activity Write reflections before and after viewing the videotape –Support selection of technology to enhance students’ higher-order thinking skills –Discussion of how students’ use of technology enhanced their learning

10 MAR*TEC Supported Preparation for Completing Assessment V Review of state and national technology standards Review of technology plans from various school systems in the nation –Generalize skills for each grade level –Match skills with technology standards Review lessons with technology appropriately integrated into instruction –Review questions to be considered when planning for technology integration

11 MAR*TEC Supported Preparation for Completing Assessment V Select a good lesson plan that does not contain use of technology –Revise lesson to include student use of technology –Include assessment of learning Technology-rich lesson modeled –Candidates reflect on outcomes, assessments, and activities –Candidates revise lesson outcomes, redesign the lesson and assessments, and adjust the activities to match new outcomes

12 MAR*TEC Supported Preparation for Completing Assessment V Candidates design a treasure hunt appropriate for a specific lesson Candidates learn to use an electronic gradebook Candidates learn about use of student portfolios in K-12 education –Candidates create templates for electronic portfolios for their students

13 MAR*TEC Supported Process for Assessing Candidate Performance 4 instructors review lessons and videos from previous semester Instructors come to consensus on assessment of lessons Peer coaching groups formed –4-5 candidates –2 instructors Each group assigned specific time for assessment

14 MAR*TEC Supported Process for Assessing Candidate Performance Video review within each peer group –Candidate presents overview of the lesson –Candidate describes environment and special circumstances to be considered –Candidate plays segment of lesson (not more than 10 minutes)

15 MAR*TEC Supported Process for Assessing Candidate Performance Discussion within each group –Lesson outcomes and determination of student learning –Use of appropriate technology –Classroom management Constructive suggestions / questions offered by group members

16 MAR*TEC Supported Process for Assessing Candidate Performance Viewing of videos in groups –Candidate observes lesson in terms of What worked well What could be improved What needs to be revised and retaught –Candidate gets feedback about the items listed above –Candidate views other lessons and learns from what other candidates have taught

17 MAR*TEC Supported Process for Assessing Candidate Performance Instructors complete the assessment for the “teaching” portion of the performance task Instructors read and assess candidate reflections using the performance rubric for the reflections

18 MAR*TEC Supported Process for Assessing Candidate Performance Internship II –Supervisors assess the lessons and the reflections Possible revisions for Spring 2004 –Internship I, peer groups include 1 supervisor and 1 instructor (instead of 2 instructors)

19 MAR*TEC Supported Discussion Feedback Suggestions Questions

20 MAR*TEC Supported References Guyton, E., & Byrd, D (Eds.). (1999) Standards for field experiences in teacher education. Reston, VA: Association of Teacher Educators National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) (2000). NCATE 2000 unit standards. Washington, DC: Author. Professional Development Strategies - Peer Coaching and Review. Retrieved May 6, 2003 from Maryland Teacher Technology Standards. Retrieved from International Society for Technology in Education National Educational Technology Standards [ISTE NETS]. Retrieved from

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