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How Can I Use PBL In My Classroom?  research and find problems for your course  set up your classroom culture  train them, teach them how to present.

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Presentation on theme: "How Can I Use PBL In My Classroom?  research and find problems for your course  set up your classroom culture  train them, teach them how to present."— Presentation transcript:

1 How Can I Use PBL In My Classroom?  research and find problems for your course  set up your classroom culture  train them, teach them how to present  be flexible with your class, do a few problems  keep track of your students, everyone must participate

2 A trapezoid has a 60 degree angle and a 45 degree angle. What are the other angles? Method A student presents the problem Other students can inquire, discuss Teacher asks scaffolding questions Main goal is stated Exampl e

3 Project Based Learning  gives flexibility to different learners  multidisciplinary approach  provide various learning opportunities  modify it in terms of classroom resources

4 Examples

5 Math-Art-Sustainability-Literacy

6 Field Trip Ex. Math Trail Math - Architecture


8 What is your IQ?

9 Issues and Concerns  IQ Test Biases  How various boards define giftedness  Inclusion vs Segregated Classes  Funding

10 Some Types of Intelligence Areas of Intelligence in which students may be gifted Linguistic exceptional ability to use words Musical outstanding ability to maintain pitch, rhythm, timbre Logical/Mathematical rapid problem solving, grasp of principles Spatial excellent perception of patterns, shapes, ability to create visual arts Bodily/Kinesthetic outstanding bodily control, athletic

11 (teachers should talk!) Teachers should encourage their gifted students to realize their potential… Teacher Talk

12 Attention Gifted Learner!! YOUR UNDERSTANDING MUST BE:  DYNAMIC: always changing!  FLEXIBLE: to receive new knowledge of the world as it comes your way  MALLEABLE: must reshape as new information is discovered  HANDS-ON: it’s your call!

13 Gifts for the Gifted: Competition Two One minute puzzles Ready…Go!

14 genius ish bright like the rest of us! R U GIFTED?

15 Three Quotes to tell your gifted student about Giftedness and Achieving Potential from The New York Times Bestselling … “ The people who become excellent at a given thing aren’t necessarily the same ones who seemed to be ‘gifted’ at a young age. “ “If you don’t love what you’re doing, you are unlikely to work hard enough to get very good at it.

16 References  An Idiot’s Guide to Geniuses, Gifted Exceptionality Group et al, July 2012  Developing Individual Education Plans for Gifted Students:Information for Parents/Guardians.  Georgia Dept. of Education.  Math and Science Conference at Phillips Exeter.  Prufrock Press Inc.

17 Bibliography British Columbia Ministry of Education Illinois Math and Science Academy PBL Network Phillips Exeter Academy

18 Achieve Your Potential! Joanne Suzanne Jin Lee & Daniel recommen d…

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