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“Intrinsic Motivation and the Process of Learning: Beneficial Effects of Contextualization, Personalization, and the Choice” Diana I. Cordova and Mark.

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Presentation on theme: "“Intrinsic Motivation and the Process of Learning: Beneficial Effects of Contextualization, Personalization, and the Choice” Diana I. Cordova and Mark."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Intrinsic Motivation and the Process of Learning: Beneficial Effects of Contextualization, Personalization, and the Choice” Diana I. Cordova and Mark R. Lepper Journal of Educational Psychology 1996, Vol. 88, No. 4, 715-730 Presented by: Youngmee Choi

2 Goals Issue-recognizing coach + motivational enhancements environment Explore effects of different motivational enhancements to an educational game –Contextualization, Personlization, Choice Measure impact on student: –Learning –Intrinsic motivation: Direct & relative enjoyment –Longer term motivation: Self-competence & aspiration for future challenge –Task involvement

3 Experimental Method Participants: –4 th & 5 th graders 70 students 5 Conditions: –No Fantasy control, Generic Fantasy-No Choice, Generic Fantasy-Choice, Personalized Fantasy-No Choice, Personalized Fantasy-Choice Procedure(5 sessions): –Pre-test, Interest questionnaire, Play “Space Quest” or “Math Game”, Play “Treasure Hunt” or “Math Game”, Post-test

4 Achieving Fantasy Effects Two fantasies: –“Space Quest” & “Treasure Hunt” Changes: –Start page included title & relevant icons –Prologue: Intro characters & mission –Game board changes: “Intergalactic trail” from “Earth” to “Planet Ektar”

5 Achieving Personalization Effects Use interest questionnaire from day 1 Change in prologue It’s [child’s bday], 1044. …your crew [3 friends]… necessary supplies [3 favorite foods & toys] … Commander [nickname] Use child’s name for various events: –Each turn: “Commander Peter’s turn” –Landing on intergalactic tunnel, on Earth Landing on Space Station –“You landed on the space station, Commander Peter. You are now resupplied with[child’s 3 favorite foods]

6 Achieving Student Choice effects Students make the following choices: –Select the icon to represent them –Name their space vehicle –Select icon for alien (opponent) –Name their opponent –Select starting point for the two shortcuts on board

7 Conclusion Motivational enhancements can have a dramatic effect –Not only on motivation, but also on learning Contextualizing, personalizing, & choice all provided enhancement –Possible with minimal modifications General principle –Maximize match between motivating activity & actions relevant to learning

8 Future Works How could we make use of such results in cognitive tutors? Fantasy --> Context problem –Survey students interests –Incorporate in problems –Feedback

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