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Coming of Age Novel Survival Loss of Innocence

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1 Coming of Age Novel Survival Loss of Innocence
Unit 1 Coming of Age Novel Survival Loss of Innocence

2 Coming of Age? Definition: In this unit we will focus on two coming of age novels that deal with: Survival Loss of Innocence

3 Lord of the Flies By William Golding Set in year 1954
Dystopia vs. Utopia British boys stranded on deserted island Attempt to govern themselves

4 Sigmund Freud Austrian Neurologist
Developed idea of Id, Ego, and Superego These are the our 3 levels of psyche All theoretical

5 Id Present at birth Part of brain that is entirely unconscious
Driven by instant/immediate satisfaction of desires, wants, and needs IF not met/gratified immediately=state of anxiety/tension Example: Hunger/thirst produce immediate attempt to eat/drink


7 Ego Deals with reality-what is actually going to happen
Occurs in conscious and unconscious Strives to satisfy Id, but in societal/realistic accepted ways Weighs pros and cons

8 Superego Responsible for morals and ideals
Strives to perfect and civilize our behavior Also present in conscious and unconscious This is the ideal-tries to keep Id happy, while having the Ego aim for ideal/perfect solution

9 Interaction and Relevance
Key to healthy psyche is balance between all 3 parts Characters in LOF will present these 3 parts Your job is to detect which parts of the psyche they are ruled by How does knowing about 3 parts of psyche play into loss of innocence? What do I mean by loss of innocence?

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