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Phase diagram of immiscible liquid-liquid binary systems

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1 Phase diagram of immiscible liquid-liquid binary systems
P=9.79X104Pa A(l)+B(l) b a g T P A(l)+g g+B(l) g+B(l) A(l)+g g A(l)+B(l) H2O C6H5Cl H2O C6H5Cl

2 Water vapour distillation

3 5.4.4 Phase diagrams of solid-liquid binary systems
Condensed matter Solid-solution Water-salt ( )P F=2-Φ Single phase region Bi-phase line Triple point

4 Phase diagram of Water-salt system
Decrease of freezing temperature Saturation curve Consoluted temperature Liquid solution/Salt/ ice

5 Application example 1: ice salt bath
Water-salt Consolute temperature 252 K 218 K 262.5 K 257.8 K

6 Application example 2: Refine crude salt

7 5.4.5 Phase diagrams of Solid-solid binary systems Solid-solution equilibrium
(1) Completely Miscible binary system Alloy Au-Ag,Cu-Ni,Co-Ni Annealing Quenching

8 Dendritic segregation

9 Zone melting:

10 Dephlegmate factor

11 (2) Have upper or lower consolute temperature

12 (3) Two almost miscible solids and their miscible solutions
Eutectics xB

13 Measurement of the Cd-Bi binary phase diagram


15 Application example: Solder
67 per cent tin and 33 percent lead melts at 1830C

16 Sn-Zn alloy

17 Liquid-crystal the nematic phase the smectic phase
the cholesteric phase

18 5.4.6 Partly miscible solid solution

19 5.4.7 Phase diagrams of reacting systems
N stable products N+1 Eutectics

20 H2O-H2SO4 phase diagram 283K 235K

21 Incongruent melting—K-Na

22 CaF2-CaCl2 peritectic temperature a: b: d:

23 Homework Y: P176: 28; P182: 35; P183: 37 A: P215: 8.3(a); P219: 8.6
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