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Do Now What is the difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter? Homework –1914 MAP DUE FRIDAY –Read & Take notes 23-2 –Study island due Wednesday,

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now What is the difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter? Homework –1914 MAP DUE FRIDAY –Read & Take notes 23-2 –Study island due Wednesday,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now What is the difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter? Homework –1914 MAP DUE FRIDAY –Read & Take notes 23-2 –Study island due Wednesday, Feb 6

2 The Black Hand The Black Hand was a Serbian terrorist organization. Archduke Franz Ferdinand plans a trip with his wife to Sarajevo, the capitol city of Bosnia –Sarajevo has a large population of Serbs The Black Hand is outraged by the Archduke’s visit, and decide to assassinate him.


4 The Plot don’t take notes, just listen 7 Assassins are set up along the route Franz and his wife are taking to City Hall One assassin throws a bomb, but it misses Franz. They continue to City Hall with no problems.

5 The Plot still no notes The assassins all think that their plot has failed. Gavrilo Princip, a 19 year old member, walks away and goes to a café. After leaving City Hall, the car with Franz & Sophie makes a wrong turn. The car stops in front of the exact café that Princip has gone to. He gets up, and fires two shots.

6 Franz and Sophie “Sophie dear, don't die! Stay alive for our children!”

7 Gavrilo Princip



10 NOW take notes The Black Hand is a Serbian Terrorist organization that wanted to create a Pan-Slavic kingdom Archduke Franz Ferdinand planned a visit to the city of Sarajevo in Bosnia. This insults the Black Hand because that city has a large population of Slavs who feel they should not be under the control of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

11 NOW take notes 7 assassins plan to assassinate the Archduke One of the assassins, Gavrilo Princip shoots and kills the archduke and his wife.

12 What Happened Next? Austria-Hungary is convinced that the government of Serbia is behind the assassination, and declare war. Remember all those alliances?

13 Alliances


15 The Alliances kick in 1.Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia (July 28) 2.Russia mobilizes their forces to defend Serbia (July 29) 3.Germany declares war on Russia (August 1)

16 The Alliances kick in 1.France declares war on Germany (August 3) 2.Germany attacks France, violating the neutrality of Belgium (August 4) 3.Great Britain declares war on Germany (August 4)

17 Schlieffen Plan Germany’s plans at the beginning of the war Years before all this, a German General came up with a plan to avoid a two front war The plan was to quickly defeat the French and then defeat the Russians

18 1.Send troops through Belgium & Holland, into France 2.Defeat French in 6 weeks 3.Send those troops east, to fight Russia 4.Defeat Russia in 6 weeks 4 Parts of Schlieffen Plan

19 Belgians put up more of a fight than expected. French quickly transported troops to the front. Russians mobilized faster than expected. Why didn’t the Schlieffen Plan Work?

20 Belgium was a neutral country. When Germany attacks them, Great Britain comes to their defense After the Schlieffen Plan failed, fighting occurred on two fronts. –The Western Front –The Eastern Front Schlieffen Plan

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