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Chapter 12 DNA. Section 12.1 Identifying the Subsrance of Gene Summarize the process of bacterial transformation. Describe the role of bacterio- phages.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 12 DNA. Section 12.1 Identifying the Subsrance of Gene Summarize the process of bacterial transformation. Describe the role of bacterio- phages."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 12 DNA

2 Section 12.1 Identifying the Subsrance of Gene Summarize the process of bacterial transformation. Describe the role of bacterio- phages in identifying genetic material. Identify the role of DNA in heredity.

3 Biological characteristics are inherited through genes that are passed from parents to offspring. the molecule make genes Griffith’s Experiments Streptococcus pneumoniae S Strain (smooth)  deadly R Strain (rough)  hramless

4 Griffith’s Experiments Ran for tests on mice: 1)S-type injected into mice -Mice die 2)R-type injected into mice -Mice live 3)Heat-killed S-type injected into mice -Mice live 4)Heat-killed S-type and R-type injected into mice -Mice die

5 Transformation Conclusion Some material from dead S-type changed R-type into S-type Transformation - one type of bacteria had been changed permanently into another -the transforming factor had to be a gene

6 The Molecular Cause of Transformation Which molecule was most important for transformation in the heat-killed bacteria? Avery Used enzymes to destroy either the proteins, DNA, or RNA of the cells and then tried to transform the bacteria.

7 R-type + S-type with destroyed proteins  transformation R-type + S-type with destroyed RNA  transformation R-type + S-type with destroyed DNA  no transformation Conclusion: DNA must be needed to transform bacteria cells, so it must be the key to heredity

8 Bacterial Viruses viruses—tiny particles that can infect living cells The kind of virus that infects bacteria is known as a bacteriophage.

9 The Hershey-Chase Experiment bacteriophage made of just DNA and a protein coat Labeled DNA and protein coat of virus with radioactive P and S isotopes

10 The Hershey-Chase Experiment

11 E.coli+Virus with labeled protein  no radioactivity in offspring E.coli + Virus with labeled DNA  radioactivity in offspring Conclusion: DNA, not proteins, are passed on to offspring

12 The Role of DNA What is the role of DNA in heredity? The DNA that makes up genes must be capable of storing, copying, and transmitting the genetic information in a cell.

13 Storing Information Genes must contain the instructions that cause a single cell to develop into a mature individual. Copying Information Before a cell divides, it must make a complete copy of every one of its genes. Transmitting Information When a cell divides, each daughter cell must receive a complete copy of the genetic information.

14 Section 12.2 the Structure of DNA Identify the chemical components of DNA Discuss the experiments leading to the identification of DNA as the molecule that carries the genetic code Describe the steps leading to the development fo the double- helix model of DNA

15 The Components of DNA What are the chemical components of DNA? -Deoxynucleic Acid / polymer -deoxynucleotide / monomer -covalent bonds form between sugar and phosphate groups.


17 Nitrogenous Bases and Covalent Bonds four kinds of nitrogenous bases: adenine (A) guanine (G) purines cytosine (C) thymine (T) pyrimidines Chargaff’s Rules [A] = [T] and [G] = [C]

18 Franklin’s X-Rays There are two strands in the structure. The strands in DNA are twisted around each other like a helix. The nitrogenous bases are near the center of the DNA molecule.

19 The Work of Watson and Crick They built three- dimensional models of the molecule. the double helix model

20 The Double-Helix Model Antiparallel Strands -The two strands of DNA run in opposite directions. -The nitrogenous bases on both strands meet at the center of the molecule

21 Hydrogen Bond and Base Pairing -between certain nitrogenous bases -Base Pairing Adenine with Thymine Guanine with Cytosine -weak chemical bond -allow two strands to separate easily


23 Section 12.3 DNA Replication Summarize the events of DNA replication Compare DNA replication in prokaryotes with that of eukaryotes

24 Replication of DNA ( 复制 ) The DNA in the chromosomes is copied in a process called DNA replication.

25 Replication of DNA ( 复制 ) separation of strands replication forks base pairing A-T; C-G template bonding of bases

26 Replication of DNA ( 复制 )

27 The Role of Enzymes break the hydrogen bonds unwind the two strands

28 DNA polymerase principle enzyme join individual nucleotides check new DNA strand

29 Telomeres the tips of chromosomes Telomerase add short, repeated DNA sequences to telomeres

30 Replication in Living Cells Prokaryotic cells single circular DNA Plasmids  additional DNA rings based between different bacteria; help protect against their environment Eukaryotic cells long DNA in the nucleus bigger chromosomes

31 Prokaryotic DNA Replication Single starting point, ori Two directions; one large replication bubble DNA attaches to the cell membrane to steady itself

32 Eukaryotic DNA Replication Dozens or hundreds starting points; many replication bubbles Chromatin condenses

33 That’s All Ready For A Quiz!?!

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