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Energy Efficient Buildings Joint Technology Initiative E2B ECTP High Level Group Meeting Paris, Sept. 3 rd, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy Efficient Buildings Joint Technology Initiative E2B ECTP High Level Group Meeting Paris, Sept. 3 rd, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy Efficient Buildings Joint Technology Initiative E2B ECTP High Level Group Meeting Paris, Sept. 3 rd, 2008

2 2 1.Founding Members 2.E2B Association 3.Main Meetings 4.Communication 5.Present organisation S u m m a r y

3 3 1. Founding Members

4 4 9 founding members in 8 countries covering main fields of expertise: Engineering Energy and services Materials Systems General Contracting 1.Founding Members 1.1 Preserve diversity

5 5 1.Founding Members 1.2 Who is "in" ?

6 6 2. E2B Association

7 7 An International Non Profit Industrial Association (INPIA) is being created under the Belgian Law This is needed to:  Prepare the future Joint Undertaking  Show to EC the commitment of our industry  Endorse memberships  Build a first organised legal structure 2. E2B Association 2.1 Creation

8 8 2. E2B Association 2.2 Statutes Statutes have been written with a Belgian Lawyer (Mr Vergauwe) Statutes have been approved by all founding members. They define: - The constitutive bodies of the Association and their relations - The functioning of the Association Expected official date of existence: End of 2008

9 9 2. E2B Association 2.3 Organisation General Assembly Indust. 9 Resear. 5 SME. 4 Clients 3 Executive Board 9 Steering Committee 30 Elected Members 21 Scientific Council

10 10 2. E2B Association 2.3 Organisation General Assembly The body entrusted with the general direction of the Association It is composed of all members having the right to attend meetings Steering Committee The body entrusted with the management of the Association It is composed of two colleges:  The college of Executive Board Members  The college of Elected Members The Steering Committee appoints a Secretary General and, when needed, administrative staff to build up the General Secretariat G. A. S.C. Steering Committee

11 11 2. E2B Association 2.3 Organisation Executive Board The Executive Board is in charge of executing the decisions taken by the Steering Committee.  It ensures the day-by-day management of the Association  It represents the Association  Composed of 9 members, organised around: A Presidium (President and 2 Vice-presidents) 6 members among which the Treasurer G. A. S.C. Steering Committee

12 12 2. E2B Association 2.3 Organisation Scientific Council The Scientific Council is an advisory body to the Executive Board.  It is composed of at least 10 members of the Association  "B" members have the majority  External experts may be members of the Scientific Council  It guarantees, at a scientific level, the quality and pertinence of decisions taken by E2BA  It is concerned by and consulted on all issues pertaining to R & D G. A. S.C. Steering Committee

13 13 3. Main Meetings

14 14 3. Main Meetings 3.1 General Launching Meeting 28th FEBRUARY 2008 in Brussels A general presentation in front of 90 people Messages from DG Research and ECTP A day of information, exchange and reactions A commitment from most to become member of E2B 3.2 Other Meetings and presentations Many meetings were held with Officers from DG Research and DG TREN Presentations and participation to seminars (Energy Week, Thermal Solar platform, PV Platform, Agora Citoyenne…) Contacts with Parliament Members (ITRE Committee)

15 15 3. Main Meetings 3.3 DG RESEARCH 8th JULY 2008 EC: H Von Bose, L Valles, C Tokamanis E2B: M.Cote, J.Mardaras, C.Lenglet E2B is appreciated for its content and diversity Full commitment from EC is not possible now because of 2009 European Elections Be ready for early 2010 Centre of Gravity is DG Research Follow 50/50 financing like H2 JTI 2 Billion € overall budget is ok A meeting with Mr Silva Rodriguez is needed. It will be scheduled in September

16 16 3. Main Meetings 3.4 DG TREN 1st JULY 2008 EC: S Tostmann, M. Constantinescu ECTP: L. Bourdeau, C.Lenglet SUSCHEM: B.Schleich A strong interest from DG TREN for E2B They are looking for Energy Efficiency programs, somewhat absent of SET Plan A yearly financing of 40 M€ would not be a problem A meeting with Mr Barbaso would be useful S Tostmann will talk with DG Research

17 17 3. Main Meetings 3.5 DG INFSO April, June and July 2008 EC: M. Nagy Rothengass, B Lepape, M. Sanchez, M. Riera, C Maloney E2B: J. Mardaras (+ A Zarli CSTB) First meeting: discovery and strong interest Asked for an assessment of ICT contribution E2B members will constitute an Advisory group to the EC on Smart Buildings for Energy A contribution to E2B of ~ 30 M€ can be expected A meeting with C Maloney (replacing M Nagy Rothengass) is scheduled in September to present E2B and the ICT E2B impact assessment

18 18 4. Communication

19 19 4. Communication 4.1 Website

20 20 4. Communication 4.2 Reference documents Flyer (A4) 2 Powerpoint presentations (short or long)

21 21 4. Communication 4.2 Reference documents Statutes (French) Statutes (English)

22 22 4. Communication 4.2 Reference documents Scope and Vision (in progress)

23 23 5. Present organisation

24 24 5. Present organisation 5.1 Founding Members Meetings Founding Members meet in Brussels:  Every 5 to 6 weeks  One-day meeting  ECTP is invited Work has been concentrated on:  Statutes  Reference Documents  Keeping everyone informed Next meeting: October 13th

25 25 5. Present organisation 5.2 National Contact Points A network of National Contact Points is being imagined to support E2B. They are light organisations devoted to E2B for one Member State: 1/ to provide up-to-date national data (market, buildings, statistics...), regulations, laws, plans, roadmaps..... 2/ to build up the network of contacts and relations between E2B and potential members of E2B Association 3/ to disseminate the information concerning E2B vision, progress, events... NCP are ideally built around a team of 2: One "A" type member and One "B" type

26 26 5. Present organisation 5.2 National Contact Points A first definition meeting was held on August 26th with: UK (Arup) Netherlands (TNO) Germany (Fraunhofer) Other countries will be sollicited soon UK NL DE

27 27 Today E2B Is supported by 3 DGs of the European Commission Is recognised as dealing with a major topic Starts to be known from Parliament Members Is in a strong process of structuration Communicates intensively Improves its definition Is forced to follow the schedule of political EU events Still needs additional support from industry Still needs to expand in many Member States

28 28 Thank you for your attention

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