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Molecular Genetics History of DNA. Discovery of DNA Friedrich Miescher (late 1860s) - collected used bandages at hospitals and immersed in salt solution.

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Presentation on theme: "Molecular Genetics History of DNA. Discovery of DNA Friedrich Miescher (late 1860s) - collected used bandages at hospitals and immersed in salt solution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Molecular Genetics History of DNA

2 Discovery of DNA Friedrich Miescher (late 1860s) - collected used bandages at hospitals and immersed in salt solution (to release cells) -alkaline solution caused lysis of cells and nuclei to precipitate out -isolated substance with high P content in the nuclei, called it “nuclein” -

3 Frederick Griffiths (1920s) (Image from:

4 Joachim Hämmerling (1930s) (Image from: experiments with single-celled alga called Acetabularia determined that the nucleus is the organelle that contains hereditary information

5 Hämmerling Expts (1930s) (Image from:

6 Hämmerling Expts (1930s) (Image from:

7 DNA or protein? (Image from: Alfred Hershey & Martha Chase (1952) experiments with virus: bacteriophage T2 bacteriophage infects bacteria cells by attaching itself and injecting its DNA into the cell

8 DNA or protein? Bacteriophage cells infecting bacteria cells:

9 DNA or protein? Alfred Hershey & Martha Chase (1952) - proteins contain sulfur but not phosphorus - DNA contains phosphorus but not sulfur - Hershey & Chase tagged viral proteins with radioisotope 35 S and viral DNA with radioisotope 32 P - after infection by labelled bacteriophages, bacteria cells were isolated from protein coats of viruses

10 DNA or protein? Alfred Hershey & Martha Chase (1952) - bacteria cells contained 32 P but no 35 S - culture medium (containing viral protein coats) contained 35 S

11 DNA or protein?

12 Molecular Genetics Structure of DNA

13 Composition of DNA Erwin Chargaff (1949) - isolated DNA from different organisms and measured levels of each of the 4 nitrogenous bases - amts of adenine = amts of thymine - amts of cytosine = amounts of guanine

14 Rosalind Franklin (1953) (Image from: produced X-ray diffraction images of DNA that suggested its double helix shape See animation: Franklin-s-X-ray-diffraction- explanation-of-X-ray-pattern-.html Franklin-s-X-ray-diffraction- explanation-of-X-ray-pattern-.html

15 Structure of DNA James Watson & Francis Crick (1953) -used information from Chargaff and Franklin’s work -proposed a model of DNA with a double helix of 2 anti-parallel strands -won the Nobel Prize in 1962 for deducing the structure of DNA

16 Structure of DNA James Watson & Francis Crick (1953)

17 Structure of DNA 4.2 See also 1.2 (pages 52-54)

18 Nucleic Acids (Image from: polymers of nucleotides: 5 carbon sugar (ribose or deoxy-) nitrogenous base C 1 phosphate group C 5

19 RNA vs DNA (Image from:

20 RNA vs DNA (Image from:

21 DNA & RNA Directionality (Image from:

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