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VII Conference COSMOS and BIOSPHERE October, 1 – 6, 2007, Sudak (Crimea) The Sensitive Bioelectrical System in the human Vincenzo I. Valenzi Institute.

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Presentation on theme: "VII Conference COSMOS and BIOSPHERE October, 1 – 6, 2007, Sudak (Crimea) The Sensitive Bioelectrical System in the human Vincenzo I. Valenzi Institute."— Presentation transcript:

1 VII Conference COSMOS and BIOSPHERE October, 1 – 6, 2007, Sudak (Crimea) The Sensitive Bioelectrical System in the human Vincenzo I. Valenzi Institute of Biometeorology, UNILUDES, Lugano

2 Understanding How Ion Channels Sense Mechanical Force The electrical activity of cells is controlled by plasma membrane ion channels. Ion channels are opened and closed or “gated” by chemical ligands, voltage differences across the membrane or mechanical force. Mechanosensitive channels play central roles in fundamental physiological processes such as the perception of sound, touch and gravity; coordination of muscle contractions; cell volume regulation; cell motility; and regulation of systemic fluid balance and blood pressure. Alterations in the activity of mechanosensitive ion channels may underlie certain pathophysiology associated with space travel such as cardiac arhythmias, disorders of systemic fluid balance, bone loss, hypotension and neurovestibular disturbances.

3 The problem of Magnetic Field Action on Aqueous Solutions Problems of the influence of electromagnetic and magnetic fields, especially weak ones, on aqueous solutions were interested for us for a long years, because the water medium is a main substance in activity of cells and living tissues. In the beginning of 90-th we performed a series of experiments for investigation of action of weak low frequency magnetic fields on aqueous solution of amino acids. The discovery by Liboff and Blackman (1985) of unusual regularities in action of weak (about of 20-40 mcT) combined magnetic fields on biological systems gave new possibilities for performing such sort of research..

4 Resonance peaks at combined magnetic fields action Blackman et al. (1985) and Liboff (1985) revealed that static (DC) and alternating (AC) combined magnetic fields caused the increase in concentration of free calcium ions in nervous tissue. This increase was manifested in the form of very narrow resonance peaks with a maximal peak at the cyclotron frequency of AC magnetic field corresponding to Ca 2+ ions. The cyclotron frequency was a product of DC magnetic field on the ratio of charge-to-mass of the investigated ion. These works created a new line in development of Bioelectromagnetics, initiating a lot of experimental and theoretical works.

5 Zhadin Experiment We were trying to reveal resonance peaks in the current through the solution at the change in AC field frequency, sweeping this frequency within the interval including the cyclotron one of the ions of amino acid (glutamic acid) investigated. We were trying to reveal the effects at the weakest values of AC field. To our great surprise, we discovered resonance peaks at so low values of the AC field as 20-40 nT that were on three orders less than in experiments by Liboff and Blackman and in various other experiments with combined magnetic fields. It was very interesting, but does not agree anyway with the ideas of that time.

6 Experimental Installation

7 Resonant Peaks in Current through the Solution We were trying to reveal resonance peaks in the current through the solution at the change in AC field frequency, sweeping this frequency within the interval including the cyclotron one of the ions of amino acid (glutamic acid) investigated. We were trying to reveal the effects at the weakest values of AC field. To our great surprise, we discovered resonance peaks at so low values of the AC field as 20-40 nT that were on three orders less than in experiments by Liboff and Blackman and in various other experiments with combined magnetic fields. It was very interesting, but does not agree anyway with the ideas of that time. (M. Zhadin)

8 Resonance Peak in the Current through the Solution

9 FROM PAF TO MEMORY OF WATER A. Pisani, U. Grieco, V.Valenzi Congres Fiamo Roma ottobre 2006 After discovery of PAF (1971) for several years, J Benveniste had observed that highly dilute (over Avogadro's limit, i.e. in the absence of any physical molecule) biological agents triggered relevant biological systems. Some of these experiments were reproduced in three external laboratories who cosigned the Nature article on the subject (1988, 333, 816-818). Later, several hundred experiments (and in the last years with the new technology digital EAV, Bicom, Mora, Qx Scio, Oberon, ecc.) have confirmed ability to transfer to water, using an amplifier (Medical Hypotheses, 2000, 54, 33-39), the specific molecular activity of more than 50 substances, such as physiological and pharmacological agonists, antibodies (purified or in whole serum), antigens and even the specific signal of bacteria. Benveniste digitally recorded (sampling 44 kHz) specific biological activities on a computer. When "replayed" to water, plasma, target organs, cells, or to an antigen-antibody reaction, the recorded signal induces an effect characteristic of the original substance. These results suggest an electromagnetic nature for the molecular signal. This signal, that is "memorized" and then carried by water, most likely enables in vivo transmission of the specific molecular information between two functional biomolecules.

10 From biometeorology a Key for the comprension of bioelectromagnetic interaction On the role of S.E.P. (Skin Electric Parameters) in the study of meteoropaties

11 What are the Skin Electric Parameters (SEP) or BAP? They are electrical mesurement, on the skin with a ohmetro, on the chinese meridian studied as circuit a variable resistence, in answer to signal physical mesurable (magnetic and electric fields,ecc) and not mesurable (Vector potential ecc.).

12 The Ohm Law in Therapy and Biology Measures highlighted that, in subjects various pathology, the electrical resistance increased in physical electric circuits, with a medium of about 43 scale unites of Sep, that correspond at 130.000 Ω. After administration of coherent therapy, we saw a resistance fall, in medium at 39.000 Ω (70 us), with an improvement of bioelectric performance due to an increase of physical electric currents, in accordance with the Ohm’s law, I= V/R

13 Effects on the conductivity by magnetic field of cell phone antenna on 7 man exopsed in amagnetic room

14 Climatics influences on SEP

15 Thermal therapy effect on SEP

16 Corrispondence between US and Elettrical Resistence The meridians as electrical circuit 24 uscorrisponde a300.000 Ohm (300 KΩ) 32 uscorrisponde a200.000 Ohm (200 KΩ) 43 uscorrisponde a130.000 Ohm (130 KΩ) 49 uscorrisponde a100.000 Ohm (100 KΩ) 50 uscorrisponde a95.000 Ohm (95 KΩ) 62 uscorrisponde a63.000 Ohm (63 KΩ)

17 BAP or SEP…. how sensitive bioelectric system could be used for diagnostic or terapeutics effects of MFs, Vector Potencial Drugs, magnetic fields, termal therapy are active on electric circuits in human and we can improve our ability to analyze environment influences, physiopatologic state and driven therapy. The theoretical basis of these technics may be found on the BOHM AHRANOV effect by Vector Potential. Ahranov and Bohm: Significance of electromagnetic potential in the quantum theory” Physical Review 1959

18 POTENTIAL VECTOR The Potential Vector extends to a nearby large area, without trasporting energy but just informations, exerting a “fine influence", we could say “informatica”, that alters the phase of the present coherent systems.. Giuliano Preparata (Scienza e Conoscenza 17/2006)

19 Quantum Coherent Interactions Quantum incoherent Quantum coherent Quantum phase N scatterers

20 Development of application of Vector Potencial in Bioinformatic … It was supposed that definite quantities of BAS caused in water the phase -transition “order-disorder” based on hydrogen bonds network reorganization Rogacheva S.M From Maxwell to Bohm-Arhanov, from Josephson to Puthof and Preparata, many scientists have developed works, published on Physical Review, won Nobel Prizes, and developed patents and new technologies. It is time to develop a large controlled study to give scientists, medical doctors, governments, patients, a new opportunity for diagnostic and the driven therapy, to improve the ratio risk/benefits and costs/benefits. BAP or SEP way……….

21 We have a new (or old) Sensitive Bioelectrical System? Thanks for your attention and your contribution!

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