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What can publishers do to support data? Dryad’s perspective STM Annual US Conference - April 22, 2015 Meredith Morovati Executive Director Illustration.

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Presentation on theme: "What can publishers do to support data? Dryad’s perspective STM Annual US Conference - April 22, 2015 Meredith Morovati Executive Director Illustration."— Presentation transcript:

1 What can publishers do to support data? Dryad’s perspective STM Annual US Conference - April 22, 2015 Meredith Morovati Executive Director Illustration credit: Ainsley Seago @datadryad

2 Dryad Digital Repository o Curated resource that makes the data underlying scientific publications discoverable, freely reusable, and citable. o Integration - support the work without recreating infrastructure o All data submitted to Dryad are associated with a publication.

3 Why have a policy? Vines, T (2013, January 15) “I Want” Doesn’t Get — Just Recommending Data Archiving Isn’t Nearly as Effective as Requiring It, the scholarly kitchen

4 An effective data policy First the policy Joint Data Archiving Policy (JDAP) Data are important products of the scientific enterprise, and they should be preserved and usable for decades in the future …Data supporting the results in the article should be deposited in an appropriate public archive Authors may elect to embargo… Embargo exceptions may be granted... Now the reality Roche DG, Lanfear R, Binning SA, Haff TM, Schwanz LE, et al. (2014) Troubleshooting Public Data Archiving: Suggestions to Increase Participation. PLoS Biol 12(1): e1001779. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1001779

5 Integrated data submission Matching functionality with policies o Simple data deposition o Permanent link to data within each article (and vice versa). o Data can used for review o Data availability statements o Embargo options

6 Data Availability Statement

7 What about REVIEW? Kratz JE, Strasser C (2015) Researcher Perspectives on Publication and Peer Review of Data. PLoS ONE 10(2): e0117619. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0117619

8 Dryad policies on citing data

9 Recommendations

10 Citing data in the literature

11 Dryad’s experience

12 Recommendations Lin J, Strasser C (2014) Recommendations for the Role of Publishers in Access to Data. PLoS Biol 12(10): e1001975. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1001975 Also see: Norman, H. (2014). Mandating data archiving: Experiences from the frontline. Learned Publishing,1 September 2014, Pp. (4), 27(5), 35-38.

13 Thank you Repository home: http://datadryad.org News: http://blog.datadryad.org Twitter: @datadryad Meredith Morovati,

14 For more information Data Policies o Vines, T (2013, January 15) “I Want” doesn’t get — Just recommending data archiving isn’t nearly as effective as requiring It, the scholarly kitchen o Norman, H. (2014). Mandating data archiving: Experiences from the frontline. Learned Publishing,1 September 2014, Pp. (4), 27(5), 35-38. Data Review o and-peer-review/ and-peer-review/ o Kratz JE, Strasser C (2015) Researcher perspectives on publication and peer review of data. PLoS ONE 10(2): e0117619. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0117619 Data Citation o Data Citation Synthesis Group: Joint Declaration of Data Citation Principles. Martone M. (ed.) San Diego CA: FORCE11; 2014 [] o

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