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Published byDamon Henderson Modified over 9 years ago
Allen D. Malony 1, Scott Biersdorff 2, Wyatt Spear 2 1 Department of Computer and Information Science 2 Performance Research Laboratory University of Oregon An Experimental Approach to Performance Measurement of Heterogeneous Parallel Applications using CUDA ShangkarMayanglambam 3 3 Qualcomm Corporation
Measurement of Heterogeneous Applications using CUDAICS 2010 Motivation Heterogeneous parallel systems are highly relevant today Heterogeneous hardware technology more accessible Multicore processors (e.g., 4-core, 6-core, 8-core,...) Manycore (throughput) accelerators (e.g., Tesla, Fermi) High-performance engines (e.g., Cell BE, Larrabee) Special purpose components (e.g., FPGAs) Performance is the main driving concern Heterogeneity is an important (the?) path to extreme scale Heterogeneous software technology required for performance More sophisticated parallel programming environments Integrated parallel performance tools support heterogeneous performance model and perspectives 2
Measurement of Heterogeneous Applications using CUDAICS 2010 Implications for Parallel Performance Tools Current status quo is somewhat comfortable Mostly homogeneous parallel systems and software Shared-memory multithreading – OpenMP Distributed-memory message passing – MPI Parallel computational models are relatively stable (simple) Corresponding performance models are relatively tractable Parallel performance tools can keep up and evolve Heterogeneity creates richer computational potential Results in greater performance diversity and complexity Heterogeneous systems will utilize more sophisticated programming and runtime environments Performance tools have to support richer computation models and more versatile performance perspectives
Measurement of Heterogeneous Applications using CUDAICS 2010 Heterogeneous Performance Views Want to create performance views that capture heterogeneous concurrency and execution behavior Reflect interactions between heterogeneous components Capture performance semantics relative to computation model Assimilate performance for all execution paths for shared view Existing parallel performance tools are CPU(host)-centric Event-based sampling (not appropriate for accelerators) Direct measurement (through instrumentation of events) What perspective does the host have of other components? Determines the semantics of the measurement data Determines assumptions about behavior and interactions Performance views may have to work with reduced data
Measurement of Heterogeneous Applications using CUDAICS 2010 Task-based Performance View Consider the “task” abstraction for GPU accelerator scenario Host regards external execution as a task Tasks operate concurrently with respect to the host R equires support for tracking asynchronous execution Host creates measurement perspective for external task Maintains local and remote performance data Tasks may have limited measurement support May depend on host for performance data I/O Performance data might be received from external task How to create a view of heterogeneous external performance?
Measurement of Heterogeneous Applications using CUDAICS 2010 CUDA Performance Perspective CUDA enables programming of kernels for GPU acceleration GPU acceleration acts as an external tasks Performance measurement appears straightforward Execution model complicates performance measurement Synchronous and asynchronous operation with respect to host Overlapping of data transfer and kernel execution Multiple GPU devices and multiple streams per device Different acceleration kernels used in parallel application Multiple application sections Multiple application threads/processes See performance in context: temporal, spatial, (host) thread/process
Measurement of Heterogeneous Applications using CUDAICS 2010 TAU and TAUcuda TAU performance system Robust, scalable integrated performance framework and toolkit Parallel profiling and tracing Shared and distributed parallel systems Open source and portable TAUcuda Extension to support CUDA performance measurement Goal is to leverage TAU's infrastructure and analysis capabilities in TAUcuda development Deliver heterogeneous parallel performance support 7 TAU Architecture
Measurement of Heterogeneous Applications using CUDAICS 2010 TAUcuda Performance Measurement (Version 1) Build on CUDA event interface Allow “events” to be placed in streams and processed events are timestamped by CUDA driver CUDA driver reports GPU timing in event structure Events are reported back to CPU when requested use begin and end events to calculate intervals CUDA kernel invocations are asynchronous CPU does not see actual CUDA “end” event Want to associate TAU event context with CUDA events Get top of TAU event stack at begin (TAU context) S. Mayanglambam, A. Malony, M. Sottile, "Performance Measurement of Applications with GPU Acceleration using CUDA," ParCo 2009, Lyon, France, September 2009.
Measurement of Heterogeneous Applications using CUDAICS 2010 TAUcuda Performance Measurement (Version 2) Overcome TAUcuda (v1) deficiencies Required source code instrumentation Event interface only perspectives could not see memory transfer or CUDA system execution CUDA system architecture Implemented by CUDA libraries driver and device (cuXXX) libraries runtime (cudaYYY) library Tools support (Parallel Nsight (Nexus), CUDA Profiler) not intended to integrate with other HPC performance tools TAUcuda (v2) built on experimental Linux CUDA driver Linux CUDA driver R190.86 supports a callback interface!!!
Measurement of Heterogeneous Applications using CUDAICS 2010 TAUcuda Architecture TAU events TAUcuda events
Measurement of Heterogeneous Applications using CUDAICS 2010 TAU and TAUcuda Performance Events TAU measures events during execution Events are made visible as a result of code instrumentation Records event begin and end for profiling and tracing TAU events are measured by the CPU when they happen TAU can not measure events on the GPU TAUcuda events are measured by CUDA and the GPU device TAUcuda events occur asynchronously to TAU events TAUcuda is integrated with TAU measurement infrastructure Must transform TAUcuda events into TAU events Associate TAUcuda events with application CPU operation samples the TAU context to link to application call site
Measurement of Heterogeneous Applications using CUDAICS 2010 TAUcuda Instrumentation Normal application software composition No performance measurement enabled 12
Measurement of Heterogeneous Applications using CUDAICS 2010 TAUcuda Instrumentation Includes only CPU-level instrumentation (TAU events) 13 TAU events
Measurement of Heterogeneous Applications using CUDAICS 2010 TAUcuda Instrumentation 14 TAUcuda eventsTAU events
Measurement of Heterogeneous Applications using CUDAICS 2010 CUDA Linux Driver Library Tools API Experimental CUDA driver library provides callback support Exposes all driver routines through callback interface subscribe to events via cuToolsApi_ETI_Core interface table Exposes functions to retrieve GPU performance information TAUcuda intercepts only events of interest in callback handler API routines cuToolsApi_CBID_EnterGeneric cuToolsApi_CBID_ExitGeneric Measurement (context synchronization, GPU buffer overflow) cuToolsApi_CBID_ProfileLaunch cuToolsApi_CBID_ProfileMemory Call TAU event creation / measurement routines (enter, exit) 15
Measurement of Heterogeneous Applications using CUDAICS 2010 CUDA Driver Library Routines Intercepted Launch cuLaunch();cuLaunchGrid(); cuLaunchGridAsync(); Memory transfer cuMemcpyHtoD();cuMemcpyHtoDAsync(); cuMemcpy2D();cuMemcpy2DUnaligned(); cuMemcpy2DAsync();cuMemcpy3D(); cuMemcpy3DAsync();cuMemcpyAtoA(); cuMemcpyAtoD();cuMemcpyAtoH(); cuMemcpyAtoHAsync();cuMemcpyDtoA(); cuMemcpyDtoD();cuMemcpyDtoH(); cuMemcpyDtoHAsync();cuMemcpyHtoA(); cuMemcpyHtoAAsync(); 16
Measurement of Heterogeneous Applications using CUDAICS 2010 CUDA Kernel Launch and Memory Transfer cuToolsApi_CBID_EnterGeneric callback occurs for cuXXX() routines that invoke GPU kernel launch and memory transfer CUDA system manages these operations and make measurements in association with the GPU device Keeps information in an internal buffer How to associate "enter" with asynchronous future "exit"? TAUcuda Event Handler creates a call record: event namecall IDoperation typeAPI routine name TAU contextCUDA contextGPU deviceGPU stream TAUcuda Event Handler calls into the TAU system to retrieve current TAU event stack (TAU context) during EnterGeneric Profile callbacks will return performance data at later time TAUcuda then generates TAU events (profile or trace) 17
Measurement of Heterogeneous Applications using CUDAICS 2010 CUDA Runtime Library Instrumentation NVIDIA does not implement callbacksfor runtime library Only provides header files (no source) for the runtime library Instrument with TAU's library wrapping tool, tau_wrap Parses header files Automatically generates a new library (Magic!) Redefines the library routines of interest Wrapped routines are instrumented with TAU entry/exit Original routines called with the appropriate arguments CUDA runtime library performance measured by TAU TAU enter and exit events for all cudaYYY() 18
Measurement of Heterogeneous Applications using CUDAICS 2010 TAUcuda Profiling and Tracing Keep a profile or trace for every GPU device stream Profiling Calculate flat profile for each kernel and memory transfer Done at time of Profile callback Tracing Must use TAU clock for timestamp Kernel and memory timestamp reported with GPU clock Must synchronize CPU and GPU clocks Save a TAUcuda trace for every GPU device stream can not insert into TAU's runtime trace buffer (Why?) Kernel / memory transfer start/stop are asynchronous Offline trace merging, clock correction, and translation 19
Measurement of Heterogeneous Applications using CUDAICS 2010 Running with TAU / TAUcuda To run an CUDA application with TAUcuda, all of the necessary libraries must be dynamically linked TAUcuda works with unmodified CUDA application binaries Use scripts for di ff erent scenarios: taucuda / taucuda taucuda / taucuda mpirun TAUcuda produces profiles or traces in the current working directory in sub-folders to distinguish them from TAU performance output TAUCuda profiles are in di ff erent metric sub-folders: gpu_elapsed_time gpu_memory_transfer gpu_shared_memory 20
Measurement of Heterogeneous Applications using CUDAICS 2010 TAUcuda Experimentation Environments University of Oregon Linux workstation Dual quad core Intel Xeon GTX 280 GPU cluster (Mist) Four dual quad core Intel Xeon server nodes Two NVIDIA S1070 Tesla servers (4 Tesla GPUs per S1070) Argonne National Laboratory (Eureka) 100 dual quad core NVIDIA Quadro Plex S4 200 Quadro FX5600 (2 per S4) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign GPU cluster (AC cluster) 32 nodes with one S1070 (4 GPUs per node)
Measurement of Heterogeneous Applications using CUDAICS 2010 CUDA SDK Transpose (256 x 4096 matrix) 22 CPU profile GPU profile cu events cuda events kernel...
Measurement of Heterogeneous Applications using CUDAICS 2010 CUDA SDK OceanFFT (profile, trace) 23 CPU GPU kernels Jumpshot trace visualizer
Measurement of Heterogeneous Applications using CUDAICS 2010 CUDA Linpack Profile (4 processes, 4 GPUs) Measure performance of heterogeneous parallel applications GPU-accelerated Linpack benchmark (M. Fatica, NVIDIA) 24
Measurement of Heterogeneous Applications using CUDAICS 2010 CUDA Linpack Trace 25 MPI communication (yellow) CUDA memory transfer (white)
Measurement of Heterogeneous Applications using CUDAICS 2010 NAMD and TAU / TAUcuda Demonstrate TAUcuda with scientific application NAMD is a molecular dynamics application Written using Charm++ parallel object-oriented language Charm++ and NAMD run on large-scale HPC clusters NAMD has been accelerated with CUDA TAU integrated in Charm++ (ICPP 2009 paper) Now apply TAUcuda to observe influence of GPU execution Observe the effect of CUDA acceleration Show scaling results for GPU cluster execution
Measurement of Heterogeneous Applications using CUDAICS 2010 NAMD Profile (4 processes, 4 GPUs) 27
Measurement of Heterogeneous Applications using CUDAICS 2010 NAMD GPU Scaling (4–64 GPUs) Strong scaling experiments on Eureka cluster Use TAU PerfExplorer to compare
Measurement of Heterogeneous Applications using CUDAICS 2010 SHOC Stencil2D(512 iterations, 4 CPUxGPU) Scalable HeterOgenerous Computing benchmark suite CUDA / OpenCL kernels and microbenchmarks (ORNL) 29 CUDA memory transfer (white)
Measurement of Heterogeneous Applications using CUDAICS 2010 HMPP SGEMM (CAPS Entreprise) 30 Host Process Transfer Kernel Compute Kernel Host Process Transfer Kernel Compute Kernel
Measurement of Heterogeneous Applications using CUDAICS 2010 Conclusions Heterogeneous parallel systems will require parallel performance tools that integrate performance perspectives Need to rely on hardware and software support in heterogeneous components to access performance Experimental Linux CUDA driver provided by NVIDIA facilitiates access to CUDA / GPU performance information TAUcuda merges with TAU (CPU) performance data TAU/TAUcuda provides powerful scalable heterogeneous performance measurement and analysis NVIDIA is incorporating performance tools requirements in next-generation driver/device libraries TAUopencl is in development (working prototype) 31
Measurement of Heterogeneous Applications using CUDAICS 2010 Support Acknowledgements Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science ASC/NNSA Department of Defense (DoD) HPC Modernization Office (HPCMO) NSF Software Development for Cyberinfrastructure (SDCI) Research Centre Juelich Argonne National Laboratory Technical University Dresden ParaTools, Inc. NVIDIA
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