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Biblical Weather Forecast. Examples of God’s Use of Weather The Flood (Gen. 6-9) Drought (Gen. 39-50) Hurricane/Sea Storm (Jonah) Tornado/Wind (Job 1)

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Presentation on theme: "Biblical Weather Forecast. Examples of God’s Use of Weather The Flood (Gen. 6-9) Drought (Gen. 39-50) Hurricane/Sea Storm (Jonah) Tornado/Wind (Job 1)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Biblical Weather Forecast

2 Examples of God’s Use of Weather The Flood (Gen. 6-9) Drought (Gen. 39-50) Hurricane/Sea Storm (Jonah) Tornado/Wind (Job 1)

3 Purposes of God’s Use of Weather Purify Dependence on God To Warn/Teach To Create Respect

4 God’s Use of Wind

5 God made the wind and He has control over it (Gen. 8:1; Exodus 15:10; Amos 4:13). God not only controls He has command over and uses the wind (Psalm 107:25). God created the wind to ride upon a circuit or routine (Eccl. 1:6). There are four directions of the wind (Ezek. 37:9; Mark 13:27) Wind was not designed to be seen or contained (John 3:8)

6 Use of Wind in Scripture The Lord used wind to bring destruction on the ungodly (Exodus 10;13, 19; 14:21; 15:10). God used the wind to feed His people (Num. 11:31-34). The Lord used the wind to express His majesty and power (1 Kings 19:11).

7 Use of Wind in Scripture God used wind to punish/torment the ungodly (Ps. 11:6). To encourage his servants to repent (Jonah 1:4).

8 Spiritual Uses/Figures of Wind Used figuratively to show God’s absolute control and creative power (Ps. 18:10; Ps. 104:3). To show that the ungodly will not profit (chaff and wind; used 6 x’s in Scripture; Ps. 1:4; 35:5; 83:13; Job. 21:18; Isa. 17:13; Dan. 2:35).

9 Spiritual Uses/Figures of Wind Used to describe the brevity and frailty of man (Ps. 103:15-16). To describe the vanity of life apart from God (Eccl. 1:14; used 10 x’s in Ecclesiastes). To describe the vanity of living in sin (Hosea 8:7).

10 Spiritual Uses/Figures of Wind Used to describe the Holy Spirit/Seen not heard/invisible but effects visible (John 3:8; Acts 2:2). To describe the fickle nature of false teachers (Eph. 4:14). To describe the unstable nature of one who does not trust God (James 1:6).

11 Jesus Control of Wind Proves His Deity Jesus rebuked the wind and it obeyed His very wishes (Mark 4:35-41). Jesus calms the areas in my life that seem out of control or tossed about by the winds of life. (Mt. 14:25-33).

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