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PREVIOUS GNEWS. 7 Patches – 11 bugs addressed Affecting Windows, Windows Servers, Vista, Media Player, DirectX, Macrovision (DRM) Other updates, MSRT,

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Presentation on theme: "PREVIOUS GNEWS. 7 Patches – 11 bugs addressed Affecting Windows, Windows Servers, Vista, Media Player, DirectX, Macrovision (DRM) Other updates, MSRT,"— Presentation transcript:


2 7 Patches – 11 bugs addressed Affecting Windows, Windows Servers, Vista, Media Player, DirectX, Macrovision (DRM) Other updates, MSRT, Defender Definitions, Junk Mail Filter Patch Tuesday 7 Security Patches - 3 Critical, 4 Important –MS07-063 – SMBv2 (Vista) - Remote Code Execution –MS07-064 – DirectX (Directx 7 – 10) - Remote Code Execution –MS07-065 – Message Queuing Service (2K, XP) – Remote Code Execution –MS07-066 – Windows Kernel (Vista) - Privilege Escalation –MS07-067 – Macrovision Driver (XP, 2003) – Local Privilege Escalation –MS07-068 – Media File Format (Runtime 7 - 11) - Remote Code Execution –MS07-069 – IE Cumulative Update

3 Holes / Patches Samba, Overflow in “reply_netbios_packet()” and GETDC (patch available) FLAC file format, eEye reports 14 vulns Lotus Notes 1-2-3 File Viewer, Overflow in 123sr.dll (patch available) Avaya OpenSSL, Overflow in “SSL_get_shared_ciphers()” (work around available) Cygwin, Overflow in cygwin1.dll (patch available) Avast, Tar handling (patch available) Skype, Overflow in sykpe4com.dll (patch available)

4 Hacking FBI brags on BotNet hunting, “Operation Bot Roast II” –8 controllers in 5 months AT&T plans decommissioning of payphones over next year –RIP 1889 - 2008 MS 27 Mhz Keyboards cracked, Expect Logitech to follow Sun announces open-source rewards program –Code a thousand hours get a magazine subscription Oak Rodge National Lab compromised via phishing –Possible link to China

5 Holes / Patches (more) Apple Patch Release 2007-008 –41 patches Apple QuickTime, Overflow in “content-type” header –Multiple exploits posted to Milw0rm Mozilla Firefox, Multiple vulns multiple updates OpenOffice, bypass security restrictions in HSQLDB engine (patch available) Media Player, Overflow in 3ivx MPEG-4 5.0.1 –Exploit posted to Milw0rm BitDefender ActiveX, Overflow in “InitX()” (patch available) –Exploit posted to Milw0rm

6 Games Blizzard and Activision announce merger Sony game “ICO” for PS2 violates GPL

7 Corp. Hell OLPC “Give one, Get one” extended to Dec 31 2007 –45,000 ordered (24 Nov 2007) –MS and Intel turn up competitive heat Nigerian Company claims patent infringement against OLPC’s XO laptop –Multilingual keyboard technology –Prior fraud record Devorak says food more important than computers Verizon Wireless to open network to 3 rd party devices –Google Android on the supported list Germany deems network locked iPhones legal Nokia Claims ogg as proprietary format PDF is no ISO 32000 Facebook allows Beacon to be disabled in light of privacy concerns

8 Film / Music Comcast targets fan-sub anime Free Software Foundation launches “Expert Witness Defense Fund” EMI to decrease funding of industry groups (RIAA, IFPI) Blade Runner: The Final Cut

9 Papers German Botnet Study, “Characterizing the IRC-based Botnet Phenomenon” NIST, “Guide to Industrial Control Systems (ICS) Security” –SCADA, DCS, PLC

10 Vista SP1 Preview Nikto 2.00 Medusa 1.4 (passwd cracker) EFF ISP Forgery Detection Toolkit / pcapdiff Iodine 0.4.1 (dns tunnel) Swift Intruder (flash runtime analysis) Snort FireFox (and and 2.0.011) Updates

11 Legal HushMail follow-up, Warning users of required compliance with legal “back-doors” FCC cable TV vote delayed –Measure would allow more FCC control of industry All US border crosses to get terrorist risk profiles and kept for 40 years Japan to fingerprint all foreigners Canadian Passport website allowed access to personal data ISC2 claims Google and Yahoo indexing infringes on Trademarks

12 CON Results Hack In The Box Malaysia 2007 (sept), videos no on-line Undisclosed MS bugs demo’ed at KiwiCon –WPAD –Ethical hacker, Beau Butler –160,000 PCs in New Zealand reported vulnerable

13 CON Events Completed Cons –LISA, 11 - 16 Nov 2007 - Dallas TX –OWASP + WASC, 12 -15 Nov - San Jose CA –BreakPoint, 15 - 18 Nov - Mexico –SecTor, 20 – 21 Nov – Toronto Canada –PacSec 2007, 29 – 30 Nov - Tokyo Future Cons –Chaos Communication Congress, 27 - 30 Dec 2007 - Berlin –l

14 All images scavenged without permission

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