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Exaopc OPC Interface Package Presentation Material

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1 Exaopc OPC Interface Package Presentation Material
April, 2006 Process Automation Solutions Dept. Industrial Automation Systems Business Div.

2 The Benefits of an Open Process Interface
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3 OPC Foundation established in 1996.
What is OPC ? Object-oriented system provides standard framework for the configuration of reusable software components in Windows environment. Industry standard OLE (COM) interface for data transfer between industrial clients and servers. OPC Foundation established in 1996. International Non-Profit Foundation established for enacting the specification of the OPC interface. (Membership of the OPC Foundation is now over 350) Working as a member of committees for OPC specification. Yokogawa has been a member of the OPC Foundation since it was established in 1996 OPC = OLE (Object Linking & Embedding) for Process Control and OPC = Openness, Productivity, Connectivity Proprietary info goes here…

4 OPC Foundation Members
(International Non-Profit Foundation) OPC Council Japan OPC Council Europe About 49 companies Over 398 companies worldwide April 2006 Proprietary info goes here…

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Benefits of OPC Reduced cost Investment protection Easier to maintain Increased productivity No single standard for interfacing with process data sources. Application vendors must each develop proprietary interface. Provides a standard interface for applications to communicate. Vendors only need to adhere to the standard OPC interface. Application - A Application - B Application – A (OPC Client) Application – B (OPC Client) X Y Z X Y Z OPC interface OPC interface OPC Interface A B A B A B CENTUM DCS PLC CENTUM DCS PLC Proprietary info goes here…

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Features of OPC Connectivity & Flexibility Multi-vendor supported client-server architecture Easy access to real-time industrial data from a broad range of automation devices and systems Efficiency optimized for the process industry for fast data transfers Expandability Continuous evolution of specification standards in line with technology breaks Proprietary info goes here…

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Merits of OPC End User Broad range of vendor selection providing more flexible system integration at reduced cost Reduced total cost of ownership Application Engineer Availability of a general-purpose integration tool Eliminates need for bespoke interface development Software Developer Unification of device driver development High level of code reusability in extension of interface libraries Proprietary info goes here…

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OPC Specifications -1 Data Access (DA) interface Reads & Writes real-time process data Alarms & Events (A&E) interface Notifies on Alarms and Events occurring asynchronously from process fields Historical Data Access (HDA) interface Reads time-sequential process data (Historian, Trend data) Batch Data Access interface Exchanges Batch data (ANSI/ISA-S88.01) Equipment capabilities Current operating conditions Historical data Recipe contents Proprietary info goes here…

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OPC Specifications -2 Security (enhanced) Common OPC interface for Security issues in accessing OPC servers of DA, A&E, HDA and others OPC-XML (under discussion) Data exchange using XML format OPC-DX (under discussion) enhanced communication for multi-server and multi-vendor integration Proprietary info goes here…

10 Yokogawa Role Within The Foundation
Member of the ‘Council’ in Japan Specification definition and enhancement Review of technical impact of recommendations Product Development in Support of the Foundations Objectives Exaopc Server All application products offer OPC Client capability : Exaquantum, Exasmoc, Exaspot, Exaplog, Exapilot etc.. Currently developing OPC Server capability for Exaquantum OPC Interoperability Workshop 1999.Feb. USA Sep. Tokyo 2000.Sep. Tokyo Apr. USA 2001.Feb. USA Jul. Osaka 2001.Jul. Tokyo Apr. USA 2002.Sep. Tokyo 2003.Jul. Tokyo 2004.Mar. USA Proprietary info goes here…

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Yokogawa OPC Server Proprietary info goes here…

12 Yokogawa OPC Server is Exaopc
Client Applications (OPC Client) Other Applications Connectivity OPC Interface (OPC Server) Reliability High Quality High Performance Process Data P C S CENTUM CS, CS1000, CS3000, CENTUM-XL, Micro-XL DAQSTATION ProSafe-RS Other DCS PLC Proprietary info goes here…

13 Exaopc grows up with OPC
R3.20 support CS 3000 R3.07 n R3.11 support CS 3000 R3.06 n n R3.10 for Win Server 2003 n R3.01 for Windows XP n R2.10 Batch, OPC server redundancy n R2.01 for Windows 2000 n R1.20 Enhancement n R1.10 for CENTUM-XL/mXL n R1.01 Exaopc for Windows NT n HIS-OPC for Windows NT ▲DA1 ▲DA2 ▲DA2.05 ▲DA3.0 ▲XML-DA1.01 ▲DA2.05a ▲A&Edraft ▲A&E1 ▲A&E1.02 ▲A&E1.1 ▲HDAdraft ▲HDA1.1 ▲HDA1.2 OPC-UA ? ▲Batch1 ▲Batch2 ▲OPC-DX1 ▲Security1 ▲Complex 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007or later Proprietary info goes here…

14 Software Architecture
OPC Interface Process Data Engineering Data OPC Client < Server common area > Exaopc DA Server Exaopc HDA Server Exaopc A&E Server Exaopc DA Server common area Historical (Backup) Database Exaopc A&E Server common area A&E I/O Cassette DA I/O Cassette DB handling Access handling Message handling < I/O Cassette area> Exaopc ENG FCS Proprietary info goes here…

15 plus valuable functions
What is Exaopc Number 1 OPC Server around the world on..... Highest Performance Highest communication performance <2,000data/sec.> Reliability & High Quality DCS class quality Online configuration History catch-up Connectivity Full compliance to OPC standard interface, and one of the best interoperability Server with OPC client plus valuable functions Proprietary info goes here…

16 Exaopc Primary Features
Reliability History Catch-Up : Automatic back-up of historical data Traffic Stability : Cut off limits for peak access Easy Engineering DCS Tag List Equalization : Automatic equalize of tags Connection Test Tool : Analysis and trouble shooting Yokogawa DCS customization Message integration with HIS operator’s station (Process Alarm / Sequence Message / Operation-Guide etc.) Over 7800 OPC servers are installed in the world Proprietary info goes here…

17 Increased reliability of data.
History Catch-up Automatic back-up historical data Automatically saves process data acquired by DA Server for a defined period. Restores data on restarting, even if the client is down. Facilitates reference of time series data. Unnecessary for client to specify data saving. Increased reliability of data. OPC Client (1)Client stop (3)Catch Up (2)Client re-start Ethernet ENG HIS Data Buffer Control Bus FCS Proprietary info goes here…

18 Optimized data handling to improve overall system efficiency
Traffic Management Peak access management Controls influence of massive data access from client over DCS system functions Avoids control station and control bus data access overload Orders client to standby when exceeding max number of accessible data items Optimized data handling to improve overall system efficiency Proprietary info goes here…

19 DCS Tag List Equalization
Automatic equalization with DCS tags Acquires CENTUM tag listing on Exaopc Auto-notifies the client of addition & deletion of tags occurred within the CENTUM domain Updates internal table for data acquisition based on the notified information and informs OPC client of the update HIS FCS Control Bus Ethernet ENG OPC Client Simplifies engineering to reduce deployment costs Tag List Tag List Proprietary info goes here…

20 The engineering efficiency improves rapidly.
Connection Test Tool Analysis and trouble shooting Integration test with DCS is possible without OPC client. Reduces maintenance man-hours when investigating communication errors. The engineering efficiency improves rapidly. Proprietary info goes here…

21 Improved integration between DCS and OPC Client Application
Message Integration Message integration with HIS operator’s station Outputs message to HIS/ICS from OPC client Improved integration between DCS and OPC Client Application HIS FCS Control Bus Ethernet ENG OPC Client Proprietary info goes here…

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Application Capacity Proprietary info goes here…

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Thank you for your attention. Proprietary info goes here…

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