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1 Preparatory Meeting of Experts for the First Conference of African Ministers responsible for Civil Registration 10- 14 August 2010 UNCC, Addis Ababa,

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Presentation on theme: "1 Preparatory Meeting of Experts for the First Conference of African Ministers responsible for Civil Registration 10- 14 August 2010 UNCC, Addis Ababa,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Preparatory Meeting of Experts for the First Conference of African Ministers responsible for Civil Registration 10- 14 August 2010 UNCC, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia M. Mubila Statistics Department African Development Bank Partnership Building and Resource Requirements and Mobilization

2 2 Outline of Presentation  Background - Areas of Interventions  Partners of Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) Systems in Africa  CRVS Partners Working at Country, Regional & International Levels  Modalities and Instruments for Partnership and Collaboration  Resource Requirements at National Level  Resource Mobilization  Way Forward

3 3 A. Civil registration Area of intervention that provides data and information for:  Justice system administration  Public administration  Rights, protection and benefits B. Vital Statistics Another area of intervention which provides  Data for informed decision making & MDG measurement and monitoring  Demographic & social statistics  Provision of epidemiological and other research data requirements. Background - Areas of Interventions

4 4 These are:  National institutions  Regional organizations/SROs  International organizations  Bilateral organizations  Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) Partners of Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) Systems in Africa

5 5  National institutions  Ministries responsible for civil registration  Ministries responsible for national statistics  Civil registration authorities  National Statistics Offices (NSOs)  Other relevant ministries, departments and local administrations CRVS Partners Working at Country Level

6 6  Issues of concern  Problems of coordination of the activities of these various institutions  Hence difficult to attain the required level of performance without the appropriate integration and coordination within and between these institutions  For international partners the problem is how to coordinate their interventions. CRVS Partners Working at Country Level (cont…

7 7 Issues of concern:  The need to create a common platform for the different actors in order to avoid duplication and even sending mixed signals to countries by introducing conflicting approaches and methods  The institutions that operarte at different levels intervene in CRVS, but no forum to harmonize and coordinate their interventions and activities;  Need to have a system that helps to integrate and coordinate interventions CRVS Partners Working at Regional & International Level

8 8  Need for harmonized CRVS plans and programmes at the national, regional & international to address the issues of concerns that have led to drawbacks in the past & recent times At national level – based on national circumstances; Regional level – (regional medium-term plan for CRVS reform and improvement, 2010-2012) International level - International Programme for Accelerating the Improvement of Vital Statistics and Civil Registration Systems - already in place – but may need specific plans or programmes for Africa Modalities and Instruments for Partnership and Collaboration

9 9  Need for establishing advocacy fora  National – e.g. CRVS Stakeholders Forum or declare a “CRVS Day” for advocacy purposes  Regional:  Conference of African Ministers responsible for Civil Registration – a good example for the Africa Region  African Symposium on Statistical Development (ASSD)  International – may need a forum for Africa as a region?? Modalities and Instruments … Cont’d

10 10  Need for using existing fora  At national level – depending on what already exists in countries  At regional level – Statistical Commission for Africa (StatCom-Africa) for vital statistics and MCCR for CR  International level – UN Statistics Commission primarily for vital statistics but for CR Modalities and Instruments … Cont’d

11 11 A.Resource requirements for civil registration (based on major areas of interventions that require significant resources)  Financial resources (Salaries & allowances)  Capacity building  Training  Development of registration instruments and tools  IT solutions and tools  Monitoring and evaluation  Stationary (office, registration, certification, etc)  Infrastructure development  Office building, furniture & transport Resource Requirements at National Level

12 12 B. Resource requirements for vital statistics  For the majority of countries, could be reflected as integral part of National Statistics Systems (NSSs) through National Strategies for the Development of Statistics (NSDS)  Special provision can be designed for those countries whose vital statistics is outside the NSO Resource Requirements at National Level … Cont’d

13 13  Difficulties in mobilizing resources in many cases due to absence of structured national plans and programs. Future interventions should depend on plan & program availability  At national level – countries need to develop and share national CRVS plans and programs  Countries to have clear Road Map on how CRVS systems are to be developed  At regional level – a regional draft medium-term plan already prepared and being shared Resource Mobilization

14 Resource Mobilization-SCB II  The Bank is implementing a SCB Progarm Phase II 2009-2010 mainly to improve Social Statistics  Program supports activities that lead to improvement of data quality and availability of data required for MDGs monitoring, such as:  PHC, Household surveys activities  strengthen and revitalize civil registration and vital statistics systems  However, lack of systematic plans and programs is resulting to low utilization rates of financial resources provided to countries (NSOs) 14

15 15 Way Forward Proposed measures to be taken:  Collaboration through integrated intervention frameworks  Avoid parallel systems and hence duplication  Need for resource planning - assessment of requirements, availability and gaps  Ensure responsiveness and accountability  Ensure availability of national plans and programmes – pre-requisite and measure of commitment  Create some funding mechanism at regional level

16 16 Thank you

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