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Good News not yet on Tidbits For 8 th grade reading 99.3 percent of our students met standard with 81.8 percent commended. For 8 th grade math 99.3 percent.

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2 Good News not yet on Tidbits For 8 th grade reading 99.3 percent of our students met standard with 81.8 percent commended. For 8 th grade math 99.3 percent of our students met standard with 60.8 percent commended. For 5 th grade reading 96.5 percent of our students met standard with 70.4 percent commended. For 5 th grade math 97.7 percent of our students met standard with 82.9 percent commended. Dawn Burkholder and Julie Hills were selected to be trained as a PYP site visitors. If that weren’t impressive enough, I also learned that Shehnaz Wadhwania was also selected to be trained as a MYP site visitor 2

3 Good News not yet on Tidbits The Computer Science team placed 2 nd Reggie Du Frances Schommer Ebin Neduvelil Joachim Valdez The Science team placed 2 nd, advances to the State Meet as Wild Card Subhang Acharya Ranna Al-Dossari Reggie Du Zach Walters Individual medals were awarded to: Joachim Valdez won 1 st place in Computer Science, advances to the State Meet Umang Parikh won 1 st place in Feature Writing, advances to the State Meet Reggie Du won 3 rd place in Science Reggie Due won 4 th place in Computer Science Nathan Miller tied for 4th Place in Current Issues Zach Walters tied for 5 th place in Science 3

4 Summer School Middle School Summer School: ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies Location: Williams Prep or Hampton Prep Dates: June 6 – June 30, Monday thru Friday Time: 8 am – 10 am or 10 am to 12 pm (if student needs to make up one class) 8 am – 12 pm (if student needs to make up two classes) Supervised Study: will be free of cost if a student needs to stay from 8am to 12 pm due to transportation issues Cost: $150 (1 class) $250 (2 classes) High School Summer School: ALL Mathematics Location: Williams Prep or Hampton Prep Dates: June 6 – July 1, Monday thru Friday Time: 8 am – 2 pm (lunch provided 11:30 am – 12 pm) Cost: $200 (each semester) Grades: students will be given a report card Uplift will post grades to PowerSchool 4

5 Summer School High School Summer School: ALL English, Science, Social Studies Location: Home Uplift Campus using Texas Virtual School Dates: June 6 – July 1, Monday thru Friday Time: 8 am – 2 pm Cost: $200 (each semester) Grades: each campus will monitor/post its own grades 5

6 Funding Still don’t have firm numbers due to timing and personnel being away from school but all indicators indicate more parents participating in payment of fees and Panther Parent Fund. We are in the process of developing our budget for next year and still are on track to hold salaries at least steady and no lay offs. On-line auction for VIP and the golf tournament sponsored by the Panther Dads are going on and need support. We are working on expanding our alumni outreach through two ways: Have invited them to golf tournament and are working on a plan to reach out to them in the fall. Also have a counselor who will be working part time on newest graduates. 6

7 Advocacy The rally in Austin is still on for May 4 th – Sign up with Kelly by Friday. There will be a bus to pick up at 7 We still need parents to advocate for access to the permanent school fund and flat funding for charter schools with their House Representative. 7

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