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Jewels from James Trouble with the Tongue 1:26; 3:1-12.

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Presentation on theme: "Jewels from James Trouble with the Tongue 1:26; 3:1-12."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jewels from James Trouble with the Tongue 1:26; 3:1-12

2 Jewels from James Trouble with the Tongue The Tongue Must be Bridled 1:26 Loose tongue-disciple deceives himself Loose tongue-disciple’s religion is worthless

3 Jewels from James Trouble with the Tongue Caution to would-be teachers 3:1-2a Expect a stricter judgment (greater condemnation) 3:1 Why? We all stumble in many ways.

4 Jewels from James Trouble with the Tongue Controlling the Tongue is a Sign of Maturity 3:2b If a person can control his mouth (a very tough task), he has demonstrated the ability to control his entire body

5 Jewels from James Trouble with the Tongue Tongue is a little member with great influence 3:3-5 bit- horse rudder- ship small fire- forest fire

6 Jewels from James Trouble with the Tongue Tongue is a fire – set on fire by hell The very world of iniquity Its destructive activity can defile the whole body lying 4-letter words gossip filthy talk backbiting swearing slander blasphemy clamor cursing abuse dirty jokes malignity boasting

7 Jewels from James Trouble with the Tongue The Tongue Cannot be Tamed 3:7-8 Man has tamed beast, bird, reptile and sea creature No one can tame the tongue! It is a restless evil and full of deadly poison

8 Jewels from James Trouble with the Tongue We must strive to use our tongue consistently 3:9-12 Should not bless God and curse men with same tongue! Does a fountain have two kinds of water? Does a fig tree produce olives? A vine produce figs? Salt water produce fresh?

9 Jewels from James Trouble with the Tongue How am I Doing With My Tongue? 1:26 Loose tongue-disciple deceives himself Loose tongue-disciple’s religion is worthless

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