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1 The Voice of the Industrial Base 1 IBR Guide NDIA PMSC Working Group NDIA PMSC Meeting January 31, 2007 Updated Feb 4, 2007 Prepared by; Joe Houser KM.

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Presentation on theme: "1 The Voice of the Industrial Base 1 IBR Guide NDIA PMSC Working Group NDIA PMSC Meeting January 31, 2007 Updated Feb 4, 2007 Prepared by; Joe Houser KM."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 The Voice of the Industrial Base 1 IBR Guide NDIA PMSC Working Group NDIA PMSC Meeting January 31, 2007 Updated Feb 4, 2007 Prepared by; Joe Houser KM Systems Group Strength through Industry & Technology

2 2 IBR Guide NDIA PMSC Working Group IBR Guide NDIA Working Group Objectives: Review the current Integrated Baseline Review Guide and determine if it should be revised to reflect: -Changes in the environment that would justify a revision -Clarifications that would improve results of IBRs -Verify consistency between the IBR Guide and recent other NDIA EVM Guides

3 3 IBR Guide NDIA PMSC Working Group IBR Guide NDIA Working Group Members Joe Houser, Lead, KM Systems Group Walt Berkey, Lockheed Martin Gary Humphreys, Humphreys & Associates Dennis White, Robbins Goioa Kevin Martin, KM Systems Group Sondra Ewing, Lockheed Martin Denis Hallman, Welkin / CSC Deborah Duffy, UTC Dan Milano, FAA Keith Kratzert, FAA Government, Debbie Tomic to provide 1 - 2 volunteers

4 4 IBR Guide NDIA PMSC Working Group Current Environment Since the NDIA IBR Guide was issued in June 2003, there have been changes in policy and practices that may justify a Guide review to address: - Review NDIA application guide and recently revised FAR-EVM, OMB requirements, and Capital Programming Guide to identify changes required for existing NDIA IBR Guide - Compare IBR guide to other NDIA Guides for inconsistencies clarifications that would improve IBRs - Candidate revisions include: - Program Level IBRs - Pre-contract award IBRs - Consolidated program level and contractor IBRs - Consolidating or clearly separating IBRs and EVM surveillance

5 5 IBR Guide NDIA PMSC Working Group Forward Plan - Conduct May 2007 PMI-CPM IBR Workshop with EVM community to gather satisfaction levels and recommendations – Humphreys, Houser, and Gov’t rep - Conduct comparison of related documents and document findings - DoD EVMIG and other DoD IBR needs – DoD rep - Capital Programming Guide – Kevin Martin - EVM FAR Clause – Gary Humphreys - Application Guide – Walt Berkey - Surveillance Guide – Deborah Duffy - Certification Guide – Denis Hallman - Intent Guide – Keith Kratzert - OMB August 2005 Guidance – Dennis White - Civilian Agency IBR needs – Dan Milano - Assess and recommend IBR Guide revisions Note: during the NDIA PMSC meeting, Debbie Tomsic indicated a single NDIA IBR guide for all Government agencies and departments was acceptable

6 6 IBR Guide NDIA PMSC Working Group Forward Plan Schedule March 15 - Findings report due (use attached format) March 31, Distribute summary of findings (Houser) April 2 – Telecon review of summary findings and preliminary recommendations discussion April 25 - Report findings and preliminary recommendations - Excludes PMI-CPM workshop findings May 10 – PMI-CPM IBR Workshop - IBR Working Group members are encouraged to attend and assist with the IBR Workshop August NDIA PMSC Meeting - Incorporate PMI-CPM Workshop findings - IBR Working Group final recommendations for PMSC review and concurrence

7 7 IBR Guide NDIA PMSC Working Group Attachment: sample format for findings documentation OtherProgram Level IBRs Pre-Contract Award IBRs Consolidated Program Level and contractor IBRs Segregating EVM Surveillance from IBRs IBR Guide does not distinguish between program level and contractor IBRs IBR Guide does not include guidance for conducting pre- award IBRs Evaluation Area: EVM FAR Clause Evaluator: Gary Humphreys Note: state findings as a statement and not as a recommendation

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