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PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REFORM IN CROATIA Presentation for the Conference “Reforms and modernization of administration in Western Balkan countries and their.

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Presentation on theme: "PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REFORM IN CROATIA Presentation for the Conference “Reforms and modernization of administration in Western Balkan countries and their."— Presentation transcript:

1 PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REFORM IN CROATIA Presentation for the Conference “Reforms and modernization of administration in Western Balkan countries and their European perspectives” Skopje, 28. October 2005 Prepared by Teodor Antić With the support of the European Commission

2 2 DIRECTIONS OF THE PAR 2000 Opening, differentiation and strengthening of the operational independence of the administration, De-concentration of government and decentralization in the political and administrative system, Strengthening of local and regional self-government

3 With the support of the European Commission 3 PAR 2000 - POLICY OBJECTIVES  Professionally qualified, responsive and empowered civil service,  Administrative structure skilled for leadership, management and development,  Politically independent, merit based, task and performance oriented civil service,  De-fragmented and transparent regulatory framework

4 With the support of the European Commission 4 PAR 2000 - ACTIVITIES Two directions:  State administration  Local and regional self-government

5 With the support of the European Commission 5 PAR 2000 – GOVERNMENT PROGRAMME  Stopping the expansion of the state administration  Horizontal decentralization  Rationality and efficiency ; cost-reduction and savings programme  Vertical decentralization ; strengthening of the local and regional self-government

6 With the support of the European Commission 6 MAIN PAR PROJECTS  “ Support to the Civil Service Reform and the Development of a Training System for Civil Servants”; EU CARDS 2001  “Decentralization of Public Administration”; OSI and Croatian Law Centre  “Development Strategy of Croatia in the 21st Century”; Office for the Development Strategy  “Development Strategy of Communal Economy”; Ministry of Public Works, Reconstruction and Construction, “Quantum” Ltd and Austrian Association of Municipalities  “E-Croatia”; Central State Office for E-Croatia

7 With the support of the European Commission 7 Project “Support to the Civil Service Reform and the Development of a Training System for Civil Servants” Specific objectives:  Strengthening and modernization of civil service legislation and practices  Strengthening of the capacity of The Central State Office for Administration  Development of training programmes

8 With the support of the European Commission 8 Project “Decentralization of Public Administration” Specific areas of local self-government:  The electoral system  The territorial organization  The legal capacity  Status of employees  Decentralization of elementary and secondary schools  Decentralization of health care  Decentralization of welfare services  Decentralization in the field of art institutions  Finances

9 With the support of the European Commission 9 Project “Development Strategy of Croatia in 21 st Century  Strategy for 19 administrative areas relating to economic and social life  9 strategies have been adopted

10 With the support of the European Commission 10 Project “Development Strategy of Communal Economy Comprehensive study:  State of affairs  Comparative review  Institutional framework for development  Harmonization with EU standards  Models of financing  Conclusions and recommendations

11 With the support of the European Commission 11 Project “E-Croatia” Basic goals:  To enable public to receive information on time and be actively involved in society through the networked information system  To organize a comprehensive exchange of information and experience in business and entrepreneurship  To equip the state to become a transparent, quick and effective service to its citizens

12 With the support of the European Commission 12 PAR - Other programmes and projects  Reform of Social Security ; (the Ministry of Labour and Welfare, the WB and the DFID)  Fiscal Decentralization ; (the Ministry of Finance, the US AID and the Barents Group, USA)  Technical Assistance in Formulating Frameworks for the Conceptualisation of the Regional Policy of the Republic of Croatia ; (the Ministry of Public Works, Reconstruction and Construction and the EC)  Public Expenditure Analysis ; (the Ministry of Finance and the WB)  Reform of Local and regional Self-government ; (the Urban Institute, USA)  Best Practice in Leadership and Service Provision by Local Self- government and National Training Strategy in Croatia ; (the CoE and the Association of Towns and Municipalities of Republic of Croatia)  Etc.....

13 With the support of the European Commission 13 Achievements - Decentralization The First phase (2001-2004)  The new Law on local and regional self- government  The Amendments on the Law on financing of local and regional self- government units  Decentralization in primary and secondary education, welfare, health care, art institutions and fire fighting The Second phase (2004 - )  The Programme of decentralization  The Committee for decentralization  The Amendments on the Law on local and regional self-government

14 With the support of the European Commission 14 Achievements – Human resources and professional training in PA The new Law on civil servants Admittance to civil service Career in civil service Responsibilities of civil servants Conflict of interests Professional trainings and exams Termination of service Other... The Centre for professional education and training Tasks: To develop professional programmes and courses To deliver permanent trainings for civil servants

15 With the support of the European Commission 15 PAR Current challenges and limitations State administration  Number of employees; redistribution of human resources  Lack /insufficiency of qualifications and skills  Pay system /“negative selection”

16 With the support of the European Commission 16 PAR Current challenges and limitations Central level:  Inappropriate approach to decentralization activities  Lack of management skills and abilities  Resistance Local level:  Insufficient capacities of local units  Negative experience  Lack of knowledge, skills and experience Decentralization

17 With the support of the European Commission 17 PAR IN CROATIA THANK YOU ! Teodor Antić Croatia

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