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“Seventh Grade” Spelling and Vocabulary Words By Gary Soto.

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Presentation on theme: "“Seventh Grade” Spelling and Vocabulary Words By Gary Soto."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Seventh Grade” Spelling and Vocabulary Words By Gary Soto

2 exposition the beginning of a story where we are introduced to the characters, setting, and conflict *Exposition

3 climax the highest point of action or interest in a story; the turning point *Climax

4 resolution the end of the story where all loose ends are tied up *Resolution

5 impression an outward appearance based on looks and actions Students that show up for class on time make good impressions on their teachers.

6 ferocity fierceness; extreme intensity The crab’s pure ferocity was evident as he clicked his angry claws in mid-air…

7 quiver to shake with a slight, rapid movement The turkey began to quiver as it sensed that Thanksgiving was rapidly approaching.

8 sheepishly with a bashful or embarrassed look The boy grinned sheepishly as his seventh grade crush handed him the papers he’d dropped all over the floor.

9 linger to continue to stay; delay leaving The smell of the freshly cut flowers lingered in the air.

10 portly stout or overweight The orange cat in the three-piece suit was quite portly; he had to waddle down the hall.

11 unison harmony or agreement; as with one voice The entire group of kids sang “The Wheels on the Bus” in unison.

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