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Assessment and Interventions Kath Togneri, Head Teacher Kaimes School Edinburgh.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment and Interventions Kath Togneri, Head Teacher Kaimes School Edinburgh."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment and Interventions Kath Togneri, Head Teacher Kaimes School Edinburgh

2 Our Experiences and outcomes The National Context Assessment –Learning and achievements Interventions –Autism friendly Progression –Breadth, coherence and relevance


4 Autism Toolbox The current terminology of ASD is rooted in impairment. In such a context it can be easy to overlook the talents, strengths and competencies of individuals. It is therefore essential to consider ASD in a way that takes accounts of assets as well as challenges The Autism Toolbox: An Autism Resource for Scottish SchoolsThe Autism Toolbox: An Autism Resource for Scottish Schools [Publication] p42

5 not achieved through a tick list or prescriptive set of tasks. It is individual to each child (young person) and relies on –careful observation –identification of concepts/skills requiring further –exploration –dialogue with parents –other professionals –interpretation of information (Autism Toolbox p 62)

6 Social Curriculum 1.Assessment must consider social and communication skills 2.The developmental profile of children and young people with ASD can be mixed or spiked. 3.The pupil may be very inconsistent in the execution of tasks. 4.They may demonstrate competency but then appear to have lost the skill or the motivation to carry out the task therefore ASD is central and not peripheral.. Autism Toolbox Part 2 Section 2.4 Assessment

7 Examples Parent/pupil view Transition planner Pupil Profile IEP Collecting data

8 What I am good at CDT Computing Eco Committee member My hobbies and interests Warhammer Computer games My hopes and dreams I see myself having a job and staying at home as long as I can. If you don t stay at home, you have to pay for stuff on your own. Getting Ready for your Future

9 My Transition Meeting Name:Date of BirthHome Address/ contact details: Year Group S4 S5 S6 Date of my meeting:School Leaving Date:Key school contact person: Statutory Proposed People who came to my meeting: At my Transition Meeting we talked about: My strengths and interests – things I am good at and enjoy doing How I am getting on at school – How I am getting on at school, my current targets, what is going well, the support I get in school, alternative assessment arrangements, anything else? My Plans for the Future – my school leaving date, possible post-school options, things to help me get ready for my transition, my transition action plan, anything else

10 IEPs 1.Assessment will inform key areas for inclusion in educational target setting and future planning. 2.Targets should not be solely academically driven. 3.Assessment should also incorporate and value wider achievements. 4.Wider achievements should be recognised in order to boost and maintain self esteem of pupils. 5.Children and young people with ASD often do not see themselves reflected in the usual celebrations of achievement in schools. Autism Toolbox Part 2 Section 2.4 Assessment

11 Education in Edinburgh Learning and Teaching Community Learning Pupils Grid Additional Support for Learning i Information Centre i CPD PlanningTransition Toolkit Policies Guidelines and ResourcesAuthority: ASSET

12 ASSET: Additional Support Self Evaluation Tool How does it work? ASSET is structured around the four themes which make up QI 5.3. These are Theme 1:Tasks activities and resources Theme 2: Identification of learning needs Theme 3: The roles of teachers and specialist staff Theme 4: Meeting and implementing the requirements of legislation

13 Intervention/Progression Progression - increasing the breadth and the depth of learning at each level as well as providing greater challenge for pupils as they move to the next levels. Experiences and outcomes offer opportunities to consolidate and extend learning in individual areas - to meet the varied needs of children and young people, recognising that they will progress at different rates....the curriculum framework sets out broad expectations for progression..... PowerPoint file: Ensuring progression - getting started (1.4 MB)

14 Interventions Work with various agencies Ensure learning in a variety of settings –Outdoor education Embrace curriculum for excellence

15 Autism toolbox part 3 section 5


17 Progression Challenge?

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