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High Altitude Imaging and Atmospheric Data Collection Experiment by SABRE (Scientific Aerospace and Balloon Research Engineers) Team Advisor:Atin Sinha.

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Presentation on theme: "High Altitude Imaging and Atmospheric Data Collection Experiment by SABRE (Scientific Aerospace and Balloon Research Engineers) Team Advisor:Atin Sinha."— Presentation transcript:

1 High Altitude Imaging and Atmospheric Data Collection Experiment by SABRE (Scientific Aerospace and Balloon Research Engineers) Team Advisor:Atin Sinha Team Leader:Ashle’ Perry Team Member:Jeremy Robinson Team Member:Nedgby Marcelin

2 2 2 Mission Goal Acquire pressure & temperature data from sea level to stratosphere Compare the data with that predicted by standard atmospheric model Compare the data with the recorded value by weather balloon launched same day Identify possible causes if any variance is observed

3 3 3 Mission Objectives Launch payload from the ground to about 33 km into the atmosphere Record temperature and pressure data as well as video images Retrieve the data for post-flight analysis Compare the data with standard model and experimentally observed data Make a presentation to the PACER staff

4 4 4 Science Objectives Verify the trend of temperature and pressure variation with altitude as predicted by standard atmospheric model Compare the observed temperature and pressure with the recorded data in the region on the day of experiment Determine the variation of the container surface temperature with the ambient temperature Determine the height of the tropopause and how far it extends Account for unexpected changes in temperature due to albedo

5 5 5 Science Requirements Record the ambient and surface temperature from -75º C to 35º C every 15 seconds with an accuracy of 0.5º C Record pressure from above 1000 mb to near vacuum every 15 seconds with an accuracy of 5 mb Record time synchronized with temperature and pressure recording Record altitude synchronized with the rest of the data Record video images of earth’s surface extending to horizon to provide any visual clue for discrepancy in expected result

6 6 6 Standard Atmospheric Model (Temperature)

7 7 7 Standard Atmospheric Model (Pressure)

8 8 8 Summer Temperature Changes at Ft. Worth in 2009

9 9 9 Technical Objectives Record the temperature, and pressure data Record video images Build payload that can withstand the environmental conditions of the upper atmosphere (up to about 33 km), and survive landing Stay within project financial budget Provide power to the payload for at least 4 hours Complete PDR, CDR, and FRR on schedule

10 10 Technical Requirements Equip the payload with two temperature and one pressure sensors to be able to measure -75º C to 35º C and 1000 to 6 mb respectively Provide a real time clock to time stamp the data Install a video camera to continuously record the image Maintain the interior temperature of the payload above -20º C Write all information on a non-volatile memory microchip Use sturdy, lightweight material to construct the payload so that it can survive the environmental condition of upper atmosphere and survive rough landing Provide lightweight, inexpensive powersupply for the duration of flight (about 4 hours) Develop and follow a detailed project management schedule to complete the project in a timely fashion and within budget

11 11 Project Activities Electrical Circuit Design Sensors and Control Power Supply Software Design and Prototyping Mechanical Design and Thermal Control Fabrication and Environmental Testing Data Acquisition, Testing and Validation Launch Activities Post flight Data Processing and Analysis Documentation and Presentation

12 12 Mechanical Design

13 13 Payload Design 13

14 14 Payload Design Is a hexagonal foam structure with the following components securely mounted on a sliding partition: BalloonSat board Sensor board mounted piggy back Video camera 2 Battery packs

15 15 External structure 15

16 16 Internal Structure 16

17 17 Payload Support 17

18 18 Thermal Design

19 19 Thermal Design During the course of the Balloon flight the payload is going to travel through the Troposphere, the Tropopause, and the Stratosphere. While traveling through these levels in the atmosphere our payload will encounter temperatures ranging from approximately -60°C to 20°C. The payload will also have to encounter pressures ranging from approximately 100,000 pascals to 1000 pascals. In addition our payload box will encounter small amounts of shortwave radiation, also called albedo..

20 20 Thermal Calculations InsulationPowerSurfaceMaterialInnerOuterEmissivity ConductivityAbsorbtion Thickness (m) (W) area (m) Temp °C (W/mK) 0.0200.065 aluminum foil-18.1 aluminum foil-1.2- 0.0210.065 aluminum foil14.711. aluminum foil29.824. 0.0220.065 aluminum foil44.

21 21 Thermal Dynamics Plot 21

22 22 Weight Table ComponentsWeight (g) Uncertainty (g) BalloonSat69+0+0 BalloonSat Battery pack62+1+1 Camera Battery Pack43+1+1 (Wires/cables/sensors/screws/boards)15+1+1 BalloonSat with extra sensor board115+1+1 Camera106+0+0 Box/insulation98+1+1 Total508+5+5

23 23 Electrical and System Design

24 24 Electrical Design

25 25 Power Supply

26 26 Power Budget ComponentVoltage(V)Current (mA) Duration (H)Power (mW)Capacity (mA-hr) BalloonSat12554 660 220 Camera55003 1500 Temperature Sensor Circuitry 124.34 51.6 17.2 Pressure Sensor Circuitry 123.74 44.4 14.8 Total Excluding Camera 12634 756 252 Total12 563 4 2256 1752

27 27 Power Discharge for Main Battery Pack Discharge Plot from Plot relating discharge to temperature from

28 28 Power Discharge for Camera Battery Pack Discharge Plot from ― Room Temperature ― 0ºC ― -21ºC

29 29 Sensor Circuit Board Board

30 30 Software Design

31 31 Data Event Formatting DescriptionData typesize(bits)size(byte) 10's of monthsNibble40.5 1's of monthsNibble40.5 10's of datesNibble40.5 1's of datesNibble40.5 10's of hoursNibble40.5 1's of hoursNibble40.5 10's of minutesNibble40.5 1's of minutesNibble40.5 10's of secondsNibble40.5 1's of secondsNibble40.5 Pressure sensorByte81 Temperature sensor AByte81 Temperature sensor BByte81 TOTALN/A648

32 32 Flight Software

33 33 System Testing Results

34 34 Vacuum Testing

35 35 Thermal Testing

36 36 Shock Testing

37 37 Calibrations

38 38 Pressure Sensor Calibration

39 39 Temperature Sensor A Calibration

40 40 Temperature Sensor B Calibration

41 41 Data Acquisition and Analysis Plan

42 42 Ground Software Implementation and Verification BASIC Stamp programming software Term 232 software Microsoft Media Player software Microsoft Notepad software Graphical Analysis software Microsoft Excel software

43 Data Analysis

44 44

45 45

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48 48

49 49

50 50 Team SABRE: Albany State University

51 51 Questions ???

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