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Lockheed Martin Challenge Avionics Systems IRP Presentation, Spring 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Lockheed Martin Challenge Avionics Systems IRP Presentation, Spring 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lockheed Martin Challenge Avionics Systems IRP Presentation, Spring 2009

2 Problem Statement –Problem Statement Current UAV technology is not capable of launching vertically using a rail launch system into the atmosphere. As such, current UAV’s are not suitable for use for urban operations as they must be launched away from the urban setting due to obstacles. This presents problems for certain missions that could be assisted by UAV technology.

3 Need Statement –Need Statement The Iowa State LM Challenge Team has been asked to design an unmanned autonomous aerial vehicle to take off from a vertical or near-vertical pneumatic launch system within the confines of an urban environment. This vehicle will be used to fly low altitude reconnaissance missions and will be retrieved using a standard belly landing outside the target environment.

4 System Block Diagram

5 Operating Environment –Expected to perform in an urban setting, necessitating special considerations for Line of Sight and obstacles. –Aircraft is designed to use a vertical pneumatic launch system to avoid obstacles presented by urban areas. C –Choice of optics was driven by a need to protect the sensitive electronics from damage upon launch, during flight, and upon landing.

6 Deliverables –Avionics package capable of autonomous navigation of aircraft using user-defined flightplan –Camera system capable of 6” target resolution at 100’ –Operational range of 1 mile for video transmission –Components integrated for a pneumatically-assisted vertically-launched aircraft

7 Schedule

8 Work Breakdown

9 Autopilot

10 Autopilot Requirements –Be capable of autonomously navigating an aircraft using pre- programmed waypoint navigation –Support communication with a ground station to display telemetry and position data

11 Technical Challenges –Complexity and time constraints promoted purchase of a commercial autopilot system –Immense G-loads during launch saturate sensors ( > 20 G ) –Maintaining vertical orientation throughout launch phase –Integrating into custom aircraft

12 Key Considerations –Ground Station software –Sensors to aid in launch –Error handling –Size and weight –Power consumption –Available technical support –Customization capabilities –Ability to handle additional sensors –RC override

13 Market Survey These three products satisfy the functional requirements of our system and were deemed as finalists for selection based on their relative merits along with our final selection –Procerus Kestral –High power consumption –Cloudcap Piccolo –Large, heavy, and power hungry –O Navi Phoenix/AX –No ground station or onboard software included

14 Autopilot Selected Model MicroPilot 2128 –Support for additional sensors increases our chances of safe and reliable launch and recovery –MicroPilot has demonstrated excellent service and support –HORIZON software provides excellent ground station as well as easy configuration of autopilot –RC override provides us with the option for manual launch.

15 Onboard Radio Modem –9Xtend-PKG OEM –Plug-and-play for basic operation with other 9Xtend modems –Very lightweight –Demonstrated compatibility with our autopilot

16 Video Subsystem

17 Requirements –Shall provide real-time video to ground station –Shall operate in an urban environment –Shall be capable of resolving a 6 inch target from an altitude of 100 feet –Shall be a fixed-position camera –Shall be designed to enable a modular payload system

18 – CMOS Cameras – Small, lightweight – Low quality – Industrial “Box” Cameras – High quality image, cheap – Heavy, large – Pan-Tilt-Zoom Cameras – Flexible, high quality image – Heavy, large, expensive Camera Alternatives

19 Camera Selection: KT&C model KPC-650 –Exceeds resolution requirements –Demonstrated ability to perform in UAV’s –Varifocal auto-iris lens used –NTSC video output –Relatively low-cost, easy to replace

20 Camera Resolution Image of a round 6 inch target (highlighted in red) from a distance of 100 feet

21 Video Transmitter –Must be robust in environments with RF interference –Must not interfere with other aircraft systems –Direct line-of-sight (LOS) often not possible in an urban environment, reducing transmission range –FCC regulations limit RF transmissions for civilians (maximum of 1 Watt) –A transmitter of 1 Watt requires a Technician Class radio license to operate

22 Video Transmitter: Compensating for Interference –Due to obstructions in an urban environment, weather conditions, and altitude, it can be difficult to maintain signal contact –Other EM sources present in the area further degrade and interfere with the signal –Interference is offset by increased transmission power –To complement transmitter power we utilize a directional antenna to increase reception range

23 Video Transmitter Selection: LawMate TM-241800 –Chosen for maximum allowable power and small size –Demonstrated ability to work in UAV’s –Accepts video data in composite NTSC format –Readily compatible with our camera –Utilizes a 12V power source, simplifying onboard power requirements

24 Video Receiver –Receiver is subject to less restrictive size, weight, and power limitations –Must operate in the 2.4GHz band to receive video signal from selected video transmitter –Easy output to the display was also a consideration

25 Video Receiver Selection: LawMate RX-2480B –Chosen for portability and compatibility with our transmitter –Includes rechargeable battery – simplifies testing –Supports reception on 8 channels to avoid signal conflicts –Provides output in standard composite video format

26 DC-DC Converter –Major Onboard System Power Requirements ComponentCurrent RatingVoltage Rating Video Camera180 mA12 Vdc Video Transmitter500 mA12 Vdc Autopilot Core160 mA @ 6.5 Vdc4.2 – 27 Vdc Radio Modem730 mA4.75 – 5 Vdc Voltage LevelTotal Estimated Current Total Estimated Power 12 Vdc680 mA8.16 W 5 Vdc817 mA4.085 W

27 DC-DC Converter –Murata Power Solutions TMP-5/5-12/1-Q12-C –Provides +5 and ±12 V outputs –Can supply up to 25 Watts –Small and lightweight compared to alternatives

28 Layout Technical Challenges –Size and weight –Relative positions of components –Proximity of antennas, RC control, and transmitters –Extreme stresses of launch phase –Modularity

29 Layout



32 Ground Station Radio Modem –Xtend-PKG –Plug-and-play operation with our ground station –Demonstrated compatibility with our ground station software –Same vendor and model as onboard radio modem –Size and weight less of an issue at ground station

33 Ground Station and User Interface –Requirements –Ability to communicate with and control autopilot –Ability to display real-time video feed –Mobile

34 Ground Station and User Interface –Components –Driven by onboard component selection –Laptop Computer –Able to run HORIZON software package –Able to interface with Xtend-PKG radio modem –Portable Television –Able to interface with LawMate RX-2480B video receiver –Able to accept input from video storage device

35 Ground Station and User Interface –HORIZON Software Package –Satisfies communication, control and telemetry display requirements –Designed by autopilot manufacturer for use with our chosen autopilot system, ensuring compatibility and reliability

36 HORIZON Software Package

37 Measured Performance Avionics Endurance: -1400 mAh battery -Using NiMH for testing for safety concerns; LiPo would yield higher power capacity - Tested endurance = 45 minutes Radio Modem Transmission Range: -Range tests have demonstrated reliable communication to a minimum of 0.44 miles within an urban environment. -Further range necessitates more powerful transmitter Project Requirements: Endurance – 2 hours is a desired max, 1 hour minimum Range – Desired to be >= 1 mile Video Transmission Range: -Range tests confirm reliable reception to a minimum of 0.33 miles

38 Testing

39 Integration and Test Issues –Integration –Autopilot configuration to aircraft, configuration of sensors, integrating RC control with autopilot – Test –FCC & FAA regulations –Time frame, lack of trained pilot on avionics team –Safety and legal issues prevent testing in target environment

40 Autopilot Testing –Autopilot – Successful test of endurance – Successful test of communication system – Successful test of operation and sensor functionality – Configured Yaw and Pitch PID loops

41 Autopilot Testing

42 Continual, increasing downward pitch. Maximum travel of pitch: 83 degrees Increasing downward pitch with correction. Maximum travel of pitch: 20 degrees Overcompensation leading to upward pitch. Maximum travel of pitch: 24 degrees

43 Video Subsystem Testing –Video System – Successful test of endurance – Successful test of range – Successful test of quality – Successful flight test of video system

44 Acceleration Data Logger –Problem Statement The launch team requires an accelerometer capable of recording acceleration data to test and analyze operation of the launch system. A customized system capable of withstanding and measuring high acceleration is needed. The system also needs to be able to fit into a confined cylindrical tube.

45 System Testing –Test Done –Successfully tested hardware –Successfully validated accelerometer readings –Test Issues –SPI communication between BS2 and accelerometer is not exact

46 Future Accelerometer Development –Remanufacture PCB to support additional hardware

47 What comes next? –Further testing and configuration of autopilot –Finish calibrating PID loops –Rework wiring and layout to save weight and space –Develop flight plans for specific missions and test for reliability

48 Demonstrations

49 Questions?

50 Specifications Appendix

51 Physical Characteristics MicroPilot Weight28 g Dimensions (L x W x H)100 mm x 40 mm x 15 mm Power Requirements140 mA @ 6.5 Volts Supply Voltage4.2 – 26 V Separate supplies for main and servo powerYes Functional Capabilities Includes Ground Station softwareYes Max # of Waypoints1000 In-flight waypoint modification possibleYes GPS Update Rate1 Hz Number of servos24 Sensors AirspeedYes, up to 500 kph AltimeterYes, up to 12000 MSL 3-axis Rate Gyro/Accelerometers (IMU)Yes Accelerometer Saturation Point2 G GPSYes Data Collection Allows user-defined telemetryYes – max 100 Customization User-definable error handlersYes – loss of GPS Signal, loss of RC Signal, loss of Datalink, low battery User-definable PID loopsYes – max 16 Autopilot can be loaded with custom programYes – with XTENDER SDK (separate)

52 Physical Characteristics Procerus Kestral Weight16.65 g Dimensions (L x W x H)52.65 mm x 34.92 mm x ? mm Power Requirements500 mA Supply Voltage3.3V and 5V Separate supplies for main and servo powerYes Functional Capabilities Includes Ground Station softwareYes Max # of Waypoints100 In-flight waypoint modification possibleYes GPS Update Rate1 Hz Number of servos12 Sensors AirspeedYes, up to 130 m/s AltimeterYes, up to 11200 MSL 3-axis Rate Gyro/Accelerometers (IMU)Yes Accelerometer Saturation Point10 G GPSYes Data Collection Allows user-defined telemetryUnspecified Customization User-definable error handlersYes, Loss of Datalink, Loss of GPS, Low Battery, Imminent Collision, Loss of RC Signal User-definable PID loopsUnspecified Autopilot can be loaded with custom programYes, Developer’s Kit available for $5000 for one year license

53 Physical Characteristics Cloudcap Piccolo Weight109 grams Dimensions (L x W x H)130.1 mm x 59.4 mm x 19.1 mm Power Requirements5 Watts ( ~ 400 mA @ 12V ) Supply Voltage4.8 – 24 Volts Separate supplies for main and servo powerNo Functional Capabilities Includes Ground Station softwareYes, basic Max # of Waypoints100 In-flight waypoint modification possibleYes GPS Update Rate4 Hz Number of servos6 Sensors AirspeedYes AltimeterYes 3-axis Rate Gyro/Accelerometers (IMU)Yes Accelerometer Saturation Point2 G, 10G with external sensor package GPSYes Data Collection Allows user-defined telemetryUnspecified Customization User-definable error handlersYes User-definable PID loopsUnspecified Autopilot can be loaded with custom programYes

54 Physical Characteristics O Navi Phoenix AX Weight45 grams Dimensions (L x W x H)88.14 mm x 40.13 mm x 19 mm Power Requirements84 mA @ 12V Supply Voltage7.2-24 Volts Separate supplies for main and servo powerNo Functional Capabilities Includes Ground Station softwareNo Max # of WaypointsUnspecified In-flight waypoint modification possibleUnspecified GPS Update Rate1 Hz Number of servos6 Sensors AirspeedNo AltimeterYes 3-axis Rate Gyro/Accelerometers (IMU)Yes Accelerometer Saturation Point10 G GPSYes Data Collection Allows user-defined telemetryUnspecified Customization User-definable error handlersUnspecified User-definable PID loopsUnspecified Autopilot can be loaded with custom programYes, REQUIRED

55 Camera Selection: KT&C model KPC-650 Specifications –Power: 180mA @ 12VDC –Effective pixels (NTSC): 768(H) x 494 (V) –Weight: 137 grams –Size: 31mm(W) x 31mm(H) x 55mm(L)

56 Video Transmitter Selection: LawMate TM-241800 Specifications –Power: 500mA at 12VDC –Output: 1W RF power –Weight: 30 grams –Size: 26 x 50 x 13mm

57 Video Receiver Selection: LawMate RX-2480B Specifications –Power: 800mA at 5V –Battery life: ~3.5 hrs. –Weight: 135 grams –110 x 70 x 20mm

58 DC-DC Converter Selection –Murata Power Solutions –TMP-5/5-12/1-Q12-C +5Vdc @ 5A +12Vdc @ 1A 3.04 x 2.04 x 0.55 in, 170 grams

59 Onboard Radio Modem Initial Research –Xtend-PKG 900MHz Power Supply 7-28V Max Current 900mA Outdoor LOS Range 14 mi. 2.75 x 5.5 x 1.13 in, 200 grams –Physical size too large for our fuselage –Can be used for ground station

60 Onboard Radio Modem Selection –9Xtend-PKG OEM 900 MHz Power Supply 4.75-5.5Vdc Max Current 730 mA Outdoor LOS Range 14 mi. 1.44 x 2.38 x 0.02 in, 18 grams

61 REPORT DISCLAIMER NOTICE DISCLAIMER: This document was developed as a part of the requirements of a multidisciplinary engineering course at Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. This document does not constitute a professional engineering design or a professional land surveying document. Although the information is intended to be accurate, the associated students, faculty, and Iowa State University make no claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, quality, or adequacy of the information. The user of this document shall ensure that any such use does not violate any laws with regard to professional licensing and certification requirements. This use includes any work resulting from this student-prepared document that is required to be under the responsible charge of a licensed engineer or surveyor. This document is copyrighted by the students who produced this document and the associated faculty advisors. No part may be reproduced without the written permission of the course coordinator. Images within this presentation were obtained via the courtesy of their respective owners, listed below: Lockheed Martin Corporation MicroPilot Genwac/Watec RangeVideo Murata Power Systems Digi Intl.

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