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By: Thomas And Kailyn. Intro Vocabulary - Clan: a group of related families’ -Clan Mother: the leader of their clan, they also chose tribal leaders.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Thomas And Kailyn. Intro Vocabulary - Clan: a group of related families’ -Clan Mother: the leader of their clan, they also chose tribal leaders."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Thomas And Kailyn

2 Intro Vocabulary

3 - Clan: a group of related families’ -Clan Mother: the leader of their clan, they also chose tribal leaders. -Clan emblem: a symbol for a clan

4 -Sachems: Sachems are the leaders of villages and distribute jobs. -Girdling: when lumber jacks set fire to a trees base then cut the trunk down with axes -Rawhide: when hunters skin the animal and dry its hide.

5 Interesting facts Iroquois mothers taught their daughters how to prepare hides, farm, cook, fish, and make clothing. Women were also incharge of the longhouses.

6 In each village, the oldest women of each clan, was the clan leader. These leaders chose village leaders. The reason the oldest woman is the clan leader is because the eldery are greatly respected.

7 The clan names were animal names such as, turtle, bear, wolf, hawk, fish, and many others. The reason clan names are animals are because animals are also greatly respected. You probably know that when Native Americans kill animals they use all their parts.

8 Women were the heart and soul of the longhouse village. They had many jobs in and out of the longhouse. They gathered wild foods. Planted corn, squash and other vegetables and raised the children.

9 12 word summary SUMMARY The Iroquois jobs and family are strongly linked together as you have learned. BANK

10 Our thoughts Well we did not know how hard there jobs were compared to ours, here’s one thing I’m sure glad I do not have to only wear rags for clothing In the winter. Also our thoughts are that I’m glad that I don’t have to work all day and clean up after the men of the group. Also I would not want to sleep on a shelf in a unsealed house with twenty other Family’s. well those are our thoughts what are yours? :D

11 Ending questions 1. What is one job that clan mothers have? 2. What is the definition of clan? 3. What jobs do Iroquios mothers teach their daughters?

12 Thank you!!!! Thank you for watching our presentation. We hope you liked our presentation.

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