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2011−12 California Physical Fitness Test (PFT) PFT Overview.

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Presentation on theme: "2011−12 California Physical Fitness Test (PFT) PFT Overview."— Presentation transcript:

1 2011−12 California Physical Fitness Test (PFT) PFT Overview

2 Objectives  Highlight what is new or has changed for 2011−12  Review important PFT features and requirements  Review timeline changes  Address major areas of data errors in 2010−11  Respond to questions 2California PFT Overview Presentation

3 California PFT Web Site 3California PFT Overview Presentation

4 California PFT Web Site 4California PFT Overview Presentation

5 California PFT Web Site 5California PFT Overview Presentation

6 CDE PFT Web Page 6California PFT Overview Presentation

7 What’s New  Online PFT Coordinator Designation Form  Form must be updated to get a current PFT Coordinator password  Superintendent/charter school administrator approval required  Password needed to enter data, or access, view, and correct results 7California PFT Overview Presentation

8 What’s New (cont.)  Changes to the Student Data File Layout  No new fields added or deleted  Height (feet) – Valid range is 03–07  Weight (pounds) – Valid range is 030 to 400 8California PFT Overview Presentation

9 What’s New (cont.)  Handling of Errors  Student records with errors are not scored nor reported.  School Code – Code is missing or is invalid for the LEA.  Grade – Grade is missing or invalid.  Gender – M or F is missing or code is invalid. 9California PFT Overview Presentation

10 What’s New (cont.)  Handling of Errors  Date of Birth – Date is missing or invalid.  Participation Level – Code is missing or invalid.  PFT Data Fields – Data is invalid.  Student Name – First or last name is missing. 10California PFT Overview Presentation

11 What’s New (cont.)  Handling of Warnings  Student records with warnings are scored and reported.  Student records with warnings are likely to impact the scoring and reporting.  For a complete list, see Section 5 of PFT Coordinator Manual (pg. 38). 11California PFT Overview Presentation

12 What’s New (cont.)  Handling of Warnings  PFT Start Date – Date is missing, is after May 31, or is invalid.  SSID – Is missing or invalid.  Incomplete Data – Fitness tests with insufficient data. 12California PFT Overview Presentation

13 What’s New (cont.)  Handling of Errors and Warnings  No override for warning flags resulting from out-of-range age or insufficient data.  If warnings are not corrected, the warning flag will remain in the student record. 13California PFT Overview Presentation

14 What’s New (cont.)  Handling of Errors and Warnings  Differentiated counts of errors and warnings will be displayed.  Automated messages will only be sent to PFT coordinators with errors in the system. Warnings will not prompt automated messages.  PFT coordinators will be periodically reminded and encouraged to correct all errors and warnings. 14California PFT Overview Presentation

15 What’s New (cont.)  Confirmation Report  Web-data upload users receive an automated confirmation message.  Web-data entry users can print a confirmation message from the PFT Manager Welcome page. 15California PFT Overview Presentation

16 What’s New (cont.)  Template Generator  Creates a correctly formatted student data file from 2011−12 STAR Pre-ID or FITNESSGRAM V8 or V9 files.  Only one of these three types of files can be used in the generator at a time.  Downloadable step-by-step instructions for using Template Generator included with the application. 16California PFT Overview Presentation

17 What’s New (cont.)  Delete ALL Students  Select the Delete ALL Students button to delete the entire LEA data file.  Delete the original submission before uploading a replacement file.  Delete action cannot be undone. 17California PFT Overview Presentation

18 What’s New (cont.)  Delete ALL Students (Caution!)  Deleting all students will delete every record for the LEA including 1) those that have been corrected online, and 2) those entered using Web-data entry. 18California PFT Overview Presentation

19 What’s New (cont.)  Healthy Fitness Zones (HFZs)  No changes to the HFZ ranges for 2011−12.  Needs Improvement – Some Risk (for Aerobic Capacity and Body Composition) is reported as Needs Improvement. 19California PFT Overview Presentation

20 What’s New (cont.)  Healthy Fitness Zones (HFZs)  CDE PFT FITNESSGRAM: Healthy Fitness Zone Charts Web page at sszones.asp sszones.asp sszones.asp 20California PFT Overview Presentation

21 Aerobic Capacity  One-Mile Run, PACER, Walk Test  All options reported in terms of VO 2 max (since 2010−11).  Encourage height (feet, inches) and weight (pounds) be collected for all students.  Incomplete data for any option is scored Insufficient “I” and reported as Needs Improvement. 21California PFT Overview Presentation

22 Body Composition  Skinfold Measurements, Body Mass Index (BMI), Bioelectric Impedance Analyzer (BIA)  Height (feet, inches) and weight (pounds) are needed for BMI.  If height and weight are not provided, skinfold measurements or percent body fat (BIA) are needed. 22California PFT Overview Presentation

23 File Format  File Format  File format for Web-data upload is tab- delimited text (since 2010−11).  CSV, fixed-width, Access files not accepted.  Client can open CSV files in Excel and save as tab-delimited text file. California PFT Overview Presentation23

24 Data Security  E-mail Attachments  CDE cannot accept student-level data files sent through e-mail.  LEAs cannot send or accept student-level data files sent through e-mail.  Violation of Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and California laws protecting student privacy. 24California PFT Overview Presentation

25 Timeline Updates and Changes  February 15, 2012  District Portal opens for submitting PFT data (Web-data entry and Web-data upload).  June 30, 2012  Deadline for submitting PFT data. District Portal closes for submissions. 25California PFT Overview Presentation

26 Timeline Updates and Changes (cont.)  For LEAs that submit by June 30, 2012:  July 5, 2012 Preliminary LEA student-scored data file posted.  July 5 to September 4, 2012 Data correction window continues. 26California PFT Overview Presentation

27 Timeline Updates and Changes (cont.)  For LEAs that submit by June 30, 2012:  September 7, 2012 Revised LEA student-scored data file posted.  October 10 – 18, 2012 Tentative Public Release of Results. 27California PFT Overview Presentation

28 Timeline Updates and Changes (cont.)  October 3 to October 19, 2012  Tentative second and final data submission and correction window.  Only Web-data upload allowed submission method during this window. 28California PFT Overview Presentation

29 2010−11 Data Errors  Errors in exports from SIS  Zeros in place of blanks  Missing or invalid school codes  Two-digit DOB year  P or F or 1 or 2 for Shoulder Stretch 29California PFT Overview Presentation

30 2010−11 Data Errors (cont.)  PACER, Curl-Up, Push-Up, and Modified Pull-Up  Two form breaks allowed with first form break counting as a repetition or lap.  Two forms breaks at the start of the test is scored a one (1).  Score of 0 not allowed and will not be scored nor reported. 30California PFT Overview Presentation

31 Additional Information  PFT Coordinator Manual  Detailed descriptions of all error and warning flags.  Student Data File Layout and sample Student Data Collection Form.  Information about the data collection, submission, and correction processes. 31California PFT Overview Presentation

32 Additional Information (cont.)  Available on the PFT Resources page of the California PFT Web site at 32California PFT Overview Presentation

33 CDE Contact Information Linda Hooper Education Research and Evaluation Consultant 916-319-0345 33California PFT Overview Presentation

34 CDE Contact Information (cont.) Doug Jann Education Programs Consultant 916-323-5798 34California PFT Overview Presentation

35 SJCOE Contact Information PFT Help Desk (preferred) pftdata@sjcoe.net888-852-9681 35California PFT Overview Presentation

36 Q&A 36California PFT Overview Presentation

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