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Federal Aviation Administration ASPIRE Update APEC TPT-WG Aviation Emissions Taskforce Singapore 15/16 Sept 09.

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Presentation on theme: "Federal Aviation Administration ASPIRE Update APEC TPT-WG Aviation Emissions Taskforce Singapore 15/16 Sept 09."— Presentation transcript:

1 Federal Aviation Administration ASPIRE Update APEC TPT-WG Aviation Emissions Taskforce Singapore 15/16 Sept 09

2 Federal Aviation Administration Presentation Contents Background What is ASPIRE and its purpose? ASPIRE membership What are the goals of ASPIRE? ASPIRE Strategic Plan ASPIRE Flight Concept The Way Ahead

3 Federal Aviation Administration Background APEC Environmental Summit in Singapore in September 2007. Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP) collaboration could help airlines reduce their fuel burn and emissions. Holistic approach involving coordination of all phases of flight ASPIRE ‘Joint Statement’ signed in Singapore in Feb 2008 between US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Airservices Australia and Airways NZ Demonstration flights started in September 2008

4 Federal Aviation Administration What is ASPIRE? ASPIRE is a forum for collaboration where the air navigation service provider (ANSP) partners will engage with governments, airlines and other stakeholders to reduce the environmental impact of aviation throughout Asia and the South Pacific through technological innovation and best practice air traffic management

5 Federal Aviation Administration Goals 1.implementation of operational procedures on Asia Pacific flights interoperability of procedures and standards 3.capitalise on existing technology and best practices 4.develop shared environmental performance metrics 5.provide a systematic approach to ensure milestones are achieved and key risks are managed 6.communicate ASPIRE goals and achievements

6 Federal Aviation Administration 6 ASPIRE Partnership The current ASPIRE partners (FAA, Airservices Australia and Airways NZ) have approved expansion of the ASPIRE partnership in 2009/10 2009 - Japan Civil Aviation Bureau (October) 2010 – Civil Aviation Authority Singapore Focus will be on adding key strategic partners in the future who are prepared to: –Promote best practices for environmental stewardship –Take a leadership role in development of new technologies and procedures

7 Federal Aviation Administration The ASPIRE Strategic Plan Strategic plan was released in Oct 2008 by the ASPIRE partners 3 primary components: –Recommended ANSP Best Practices in Asia and the South Pacific –Fuel and emissions metrics and reporting –The ASPIRE Work Program “A”

8 Federal Aviation Administration ASPIRE Recommended Best Practices Asia and SoPac procedures, practices or services that have demonstrated success in the reduction of fuel burn and emissions Examples include: –User Preferred Routes –Dynamic Airborne Reroute Procedures –Performance Based Navigation (PBN) Separation –Reduced Vertical Separation Minima (RVSM) –Optimized Profile Descents

9 Federal Aviation Administration 9 ASPIRE Performance Measurement Recognition of the need to develop end-to- end performance measurements for fuel and emissions, including: –Calculate the benefits of SoPac enhancements (e.g. 30/30, RVSM) –Establish current baseline performance –Develop the “Perfect Flight” benchmark

10 Federal Aviation Administration 10 ASPIRE Work Program A Work Program A was initiated in June 2008 by the initial ASPIRE partners to focus on South Pacific efforts The Work Program promotes new or expanding initiatives with potential to reduce emissions

11 Federal Aviation Administration 11 ASPIRE Work Program A (cont) Work Program A initiatives include: –Development of the performance model –The “ASPIRE Flight” demonstration program –Enhancement of the Dynamic Airborne Reroute Procedures –Oceanic In-Trail Procedures –Oceanic separation below 30/30 –Coastal Tailored Arrivals

12 Federal Aviation Administration 12 The ASPIRE Flight Concept 3 Flight demos between the US and Australia/New Zealand Flights have demonstrated a snapshot of the maximum potential for environmental efficiency: –Using today’s technology and procedures, and –Removing controllable constraints The ASPIRE flights are media events involving VIP’s from airlines, industry and ANSP’s Press coverage before, during and after each flight

13 Federal Aviation Administration 13 ASPIRE Flight Components Gate to Gate demonstrations, involving: –No-Delay taxi to the runway –Unimpeded climb-out on departure –User Preferred Route for the oceanic phase of flight –Reduced Vertical Separation Minima (RVSM) –Cruise Climb –Variable optimized speed –RNP-4 oceanic separation minima (30/30) –Dynamic Airborne Reroutes (DARP) –Tailored Arrival to the approach –No-Delay taxi to the gate

14 Federal Aviation Administration 14 ASPIRE Flights Operator Sponsor ANSP Sponsor ANSP Partner AirframeCity Pair ASPIRE Flight One Air New Zealand Airways NZFAAB777 Auckland to SFO ASPIRE Flight Two Qantas Airlines Airservices Australia FAAA380 Los Angeles to Melbourne ASPIRE Flight Three United Airlines FAA Airservices Australia B744 Sydney to SFO   

15 Federal Aviation Administration 15 ASPIRE – Air New Zealand Air New Zealand B777 from Auckland to SFO Successfully Conducted Sept. 12, 2008 Operational Notes: Flight fully executed each planned ASPIRE optimization event A single dynamic reroute (DARP) was performed in Auckland airspace An additional DARP was evaluated, but was not needed Flight was able to fly a complete Tailored Arrival into SFO

16 Federal Aviation Administration 16 ASPIRE – Air New Zealand

17 Federal Aviation Administration 17 ASPIRE – Qantas Qantas Airlines, A380 from Los Angeles to Melbourne, Australia Successfully Conducted October 20 th, 2008 Operational Notes: Successfully executed every planned operational element except the dynamic reroute (DARP) Ground optimization at LAX limited by special A380 handling requirements Flight was routed direct to the oceanic gateway, bypassing airspace restrictions Attempted the DARP in Oakland airspace, but the aircraft was unable to downlink the dynamic route request

18 Federal Aviation Administration 18 ASPIRE – Qantas

19 Federal Aviation Administration 19 ASPIRE – United United Airlines, B744 from Sydney to San Francisco Successfully Conducted Nov 14th, 2008 Operational Notes: Flight fully executed each planned ASPIRE optimization event A dynamic reroute (DARP) was performed in Oakland airspace Flight was able to fly a complete Tailored Arrival into SFO The flight was met at SFO by California Gov Arnold Schwarzenegger

20 Federal Aviation Administration 20 ASPIRE – United

21 Federal Aviation Administration Summary Fuel Savings Fuel Saved (in kilos) Flight in Oct 8900 Flight in Oct 8900 Flight in Sept 3500 Flight in Sept 3500 Flight in Nov 4800 Flight in Nov 4800 Fuel Carbon (in kilos) Flight in Oct 28,000 Flight in Oct 28,000 Flight in Sept 11,200 Flight in Sept 11,200 Flight in Nov 15,000 Flight in Nov 15,000 “Perfect Flight” Savings Demonstrations were part of ASPIRE initiative

22 Federal Aviation Administration 22 ASPIRE status The ASPIRE Partners have published the first ASPIRE Annual Report The report includes: –Status on ASPIRE Work Program –Data from performance measurements –Outcomes of ASPIRE flight demonstrations ASPIRE Chair handed to Airservices Australia ASPIRE Website

23 Federal Aviation Administration 23 ASPIRE Wins Jane’s ATC Global Award Any Questions? Also see contacts from ASPIRE Partners at http://www.aspire-

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