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More Syntax Introduction to the Study of Syntax 2: Advanced Phrase Structure, Recursion, and Complex Clauses tt.

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Presentation on theme: "More Syntax Introduction to the Study of Syntax 2: Advanced Phrase Structure, Recursion, and Complex Clauses tt."— Presentation transcript:

1 More Syntax Introduction to the Study of Syntax 2: Advanced Phrase Structure, Recursion, and Complex Clauses tt

2 Basic Clause Structures S VP Aux AdjunctSubjectPredicate Object NP VP V Predicator Operator AdvP Sometimes will take a cab he PP In the morning NP Every night

3 Basic Clause Structures S VP Aux AdjunctSubjectPredicate Object VP V Predicator Operator Proper John will take a cab Pro he NP her husband Perhaps

4 Basic Clause Structures S VP Aux AdjunctSubjectPredicate Object VP V Predicator Operator Proper John will take Pro him NP her husband Maybeshe

5 The formulation of rules S  NPVP(AdvP) VP Aux VP  VNP  ’  ’ reads ’can be rewritten as’

6 The notion of recursion ….. S …..S  ….. NP …..NP  ….. X …..X  In general:

7 Complex Clause Structures S VP S´ Aux AdjunctSubjectPredicate Object VP V Predicator Operator S´

8 Complex Clauses AdverbialSubject VerbalObject Predicate [ S [ S´ Because they have studied diligently] [ NP the students] [ VP may pass [ NP their exams]]] [ S [ S´ That they have studied diligently] [ VP pleases [ NP me]]] [ S [ NP The students] [ VP claim [ S´ that they have studied diligently]]]

9 Because Subord S´ S NP VP they have studied diligently SubjectPredicate S VP Aux VNP may pass DN theirexams NP the students Subject PredicateAdjunct

10 S VP V NP pleases Pro me Predicate That SubordS NP VP they have studied diligently SubjectPredicate S´ Subject

11 S VP V claim Predicate Subject NP The students that SubordS NP VP they have studied diligently SubjectPredicate S´

12 Finite – non-finite Every sentence (main, or root, clause) must contain a finite verb! A finite verb is a verb marked for tense Finite (tensed) verbforms: -Ø/-s: walk, walks break, breaks -ed: walked broke Present Past Non-finite verbforms: -Ø: walk, break -en: walked, broken -ing: walking, breaking Infinitive, Imperative Past ptc. Present ptc. Gerund

13 Non-finite clauses Subordinate (embedded) clauses may be finite or non-finite I prefer [ S´ that he takes a cab]finite I prefer [ S´ to take a cab] I prefer [ S´ for him to take a cab]non-finite

14 Types of non-finite clauses … Subject VerbalObject Predicate [ S [ S´ To study diligently] [ VP will please [ NP the students]]] Infinitive clause [ S [ NP The professor] [ VP wants [ S´ the students to study diligently]]] Infinitive clause [ S [ S´ Studying young people] [ VP can be [ AP interesting]]] Gerund clause Subject complement [ S [ NP The professor] [ VP wants [ S´ to study diligently]]] Infinitive clause

15 Types of non-finite clauses Adverbial [ S [ S´ Having studied diligently] [ NP the students] [ VP may pass [ NP their exams]]] Present participle clause [ S [ S´ Given enough time] [ NP the students] [ VP may pass [ NP their exams]]] Past participle clause Subject VerbalObject Predicate

16 The DN professor VP V wants S Predicate NP Subject S´ NP the students S Ø VP work diligently VP Aux to SubjectPredicate Subord Object Infinitive clause ‘accusative with infinitive’

17 The DN professor VP V wants S Predicate NP Subject S´ NP Ø S Ø VP work diligently VP Aux to SubjectPredicate Subord Object controls [The professor] is the ‘logical subject’ of [to work] Infinitive clause

18 S VP Aux VNP will please DN thestudents Predicate Ø Subord S´ S NP VP Ø study diligently SubjectPredicate To VP Aux Subject controls

19 S VP Aux VAP can be interesting Predicate S´ Subject Ø SubordS NP VP Ø Study young people SubjectPredicate -ing VP Aux Gerund Clause ‘It can be interesting to study young people’

20 S VP Aux VAP can be interesting PredicateSubject people Ø D NP N´ AP N Studying young N´ AP NP ‘Young people who study can be inter- esting’

21 S VP Aux VNP may passtheir exams PredicateAdjunct students NP Subject the ND VP S´ Present Participle Clause Ø SubordS NP Ø Study diligently SubjectPredicate -ing VP Aux controls

22 S VP Aux V may pass PredicateAdjunct students NP Subject the ND controls VP S´ Past Participle Clause Ø SubordS NP Ø Give -en VP Aux enough time V V´Aux {passive} NP V´ Ø OiOi OdOd subject

23 Test yourselves on these: 1.a.John is eager to please b.John is easy to please 2.a.John persuaded Jill to see a doctor b.John promised Jill to see a doctor

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