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Advanced Higher Geography

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1 Advanced Higher Geography
Course Ollie Bray – Knox Academy, East Lothian

2 What is advanced higher?
Advanced Higher Geography is a one year course building on the skills and knowledge developed in the Higher course. The Advanced Higher syllabus is designed to develop a greater maturity of outlook by providing the opportunity for in depth independent study. It is a particularly useful course for students who wish to study geography at university.

3 The Course ©Microsoft Word clipart Unit 1 Geographical Methods and Techniques -the emphasis on this unit is on fieldwork, statistical analysis and mapping. Unit 2 The Geographical Study - this unit develops the skills from Unit 1 into a dissertation. Unit 3 Geographical Issues - this unit stands alone since it is based around the Applications topics covered in the Higher course.

4 Assessment Geographical Study – 40% Geographical Issues – 40%
Final Exam – 20%

5 Knox Academy Advanced Higher Geography
Geographical Study

6 Introduction The geographical study is assessed internally (on a pass/fail) basis and externally. Worth 40% of the marks.

7 What’s involved? Your study should be in the form of a report, where you examine a research topic in depth. This may be undertaken in your local area and should normally contain evidence of the application of an appropriate range of skills specified in Unit 1.

8 Length Your report should consist of 3000 words and be limited to 25 pages. It should include relevant maps, diagrams, illustrations, tables and appendices.

9 Structure (1) Your report should include:
An introduction which clearly defines the aims of the study (research questions and hypotheses are encouraged). Research location – information and map on the area to be studied. Methodology – including strategies for collecting and processing information.

10 Structure (2) A main body of researched material obtained through primary and / or secondary sources. This information should be factually accurate and should be used to recognise and explain geographical relationships in the form of an analysis.

11 Structure (3) A concluding section which indicates clearly the findings of your report. The limitations of your study can also be included in this section. References and appendices should be included at the end of your document.

12 Deadlines You will be expected to stick to a number of important deadlines. All fieldwork data must be collected by the end of October break. Fieldwork Study (1st draft) to be handed in last week of autumn term.

13 What should my study be on?
You have a free choice of topic. BUT investigations should be kept within a manageable scale. This means topics need to be micro (local) rather than macro (world wide) scale.

14 Example Macro Micro Housing supply in Britain Suburban sprawl
of Haddington Scottish Agriculture The differences between upland and lowland farming in East Lothian Acid Rain The evidence and effects of Acid Rain in the Cairngorms

15 Top Tip The key to success is keeping topics manageable.
©Microsoft Word clipart The key to success is keeping topics manageable. Only consider topics that are well documented and/or easily accessible.

16 Any Questions?

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