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IT Project Portfolio Governance Process Presented to ITCC 3/12/2010 Presented by: Vicki Callaway IT Planning & Project Mgmt.

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Presentation on theme: "IT Project Portfolio Governance Process Presented to ITCC 3/12/2010 Presented by: Vicki Callaway IT Planning & Project Mgmt."— Presentation transcript:

1 IT Project Portfolio Governance Process Presented to ITCC 3/12/2010 Presented by: Vicki Callaway IT Planning & Project Mgmt

2 Purpose The governance process was developed to provide a consistent, efficient, and visible decision-making process and communication plan for the initiation of IT projects. The IT Governance Process ensures that the Service Portfolio will continue to have new or modified services that meet the needs of the University and that initiatives are prioritized based on the strategic goals of the University and available resources.

3 Process Highlights Project Definition: A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service or result (PMI - Project Management Book of Knowledge)

4 Process Highlights Proposal – +/- 50% budget and human resource estimates – Ranking based on strategic impact and viability – Dependencies between projects established and considered. – Choose top projects to further define (charter phase) Mandates Infrastructure Other

5 Process Highlights Charter – +/- 20% budget and human resource estimates – Ranking based on strategic impact and viability – Dependencies between projects refined and considered. – Included in department budget planning – Human resource capacity review – Establish top projects that must be completed in FY11 – other projects may be undertaken, but resources will be applied to the top projects first.

6 Process Highlights Project Portfolio Reviews – Periodic reviews of project health, progress and portfolio viability (at least quarterly) – Review can be triggered by a new mandate or project request at any time.

7 Proposal Phase Statistics Proposed projects – 37 – Legal mandates – 3 – UM System or campus mandates – 5 – Infrastructure – 13 (3 also legal mandates) – Strategic Projects – 19 11 approved to move to charter phase for additional consideration If cut by 5% we will not be able to fund all mandates, infrastructure, and 11 other projects at the level requested. During Charter phase we will compare to available human resources.

8 Project Ranking New process based on an Educause whitepaper, “Managing the IT Project Portfolio: A Project Ranking Process” and tailored to our environment* 11 Strategies with 3-5 criteria to choose from – 5 define strategic impact – 6 define project viability – Working on a 12 th strategy based on competitive advantage Each criteria assigned a numerical value and each strategy is weighted based on importance Projects are ranked and those that fall in top 10 for both strategic impact and viability are considered for the charter phase. If one of these top projects is dependent on another then we add that project dependency to the list as well. Mandates and Infrastructure projects are entered into the ranking system, but are considered differently due to their requirements and impact. *Randall Alberts, Georgia State University,

9 Next Steps Entering Charter Phase – complete by mid April Developing better reporting to include website for campus audience.

10 Questions? Contact Information: Vicki Callaway IT Planning & Project Mgmt

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