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Presentation on theme: "COORDINACION DEL PROGRAMA DE CAMBIO CLIMATICO LEARNING WEEK FOR COMPREHENSIVE CLIMATE CHANGE PLANNING Miguel A. Altamirano Deputy Director on Adaptation."— Presentation transcript:

1 COORDINACION DEL PROGRAMA DE CAMBIO CLIMATICO LEARNING WEEK FOR COMPREHENSIVE CLIMATE CHANGE PLANNING Miguel A. Altamirano Deputy Director on Adaptation Coordination of the Climate Change Program National Institute of Ecology / SEMARNAT Windhoek, Namibia, OCT 10, 2011. Mexico’s experience setting emissions targets

2 COORDINACION DEL PROGRAMA DE CAMBIO CLIMATICO Mexico overview -Mexico is a developing country located in the American Continent, in the region of Central and North America. -It is a republic composed of 32 States and approx. 2,500 municipalities, free and sovereign in all matters concerning its internal organization but united in a federation. -Land area of ​​ near 2 million km2 - Population 112.3 million inhabitant in 2010 -1 USD = 13 pesos States Municipalities

3 COORDINACION DEL PROGRAMA DE CAMBIO CLIMATICO Mexico's political organization divides the exercise of governmental authority into three branches: Legislative Represented by the Senate and House of Representatives Judicial It falls on the Supreme Judicial Court, the Courts Collegiate and Unitary Circuit and District Courts Executive by the President of the Republic Include 18 Ministries Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT)

4 COORDINACION DEL PROGRAMA DE CAMBIO CLIMATICO MISSION: To generate scientific and technical information on environmental problems for: Informing society Impulsing environmental protection Promoting sustainable use of natural resources Supporting decision making What is the National Institute of Ecology? Decentralized agency of SEMARNAT: created in 1993, it was reinvented in 2001 5 General Direction: 300 trusted employees, 75 graduate degree 1.Economics and Environmental policy 2.Urban and regional pollution 3.Ecosystem Conservation 4.National Center of Environmental Research and Training. Climate Change Topics in Climate Change: National Communications, Inventories of Greenhouse Gases (GHGs), State Programs, Portals, Focal Point of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), support for negotiations, research on emissions mitigation and adaptation to climate change.

5 COORDINACION DEL PROGRAMA DE CAMBIO CLIMATICO Activities of Mexico on Climate Change Mexico has made activities to meet commitments with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (Articles 4.1 and 12.1).

6 COORDINACION DEL PROGRAMA DE CAMBIO CLIMATICO Main drivers for the climate change agenda in Mexico -Political interest and leadership in the international arena by the President of Mexico -Promotion of attention to the issue locally by the Governors of the states -Experience in the operation of institutional arrangements and processes to receive international resources and transparency in the exercise thereof. -National Development Plan (2007-2012). For the first time climate change is recognized as a very serious problem and is addressed by the side of the GHG emission mitigation and adaptation to the adverse effects of the phenomenon -For the first time Sector Programs (2007-2012) of several Secretaries propose strategies to face climate change

7 COORDINACION DEL PROGRAMA DE CAMBIO CLIMATICO Main drivers for the climate change agenda in Mexico -Creation of the Intersecretarial Commission on Climate Change (CICC, for its acronym in spanish), i n 2005, to achieve institutional coordination. Composed of 10 ministries, including the finance, social, agricultural, economic. Includes formal and informal work groups. -Special Climate Change Program (PECC 2009-2012). Mexico recognizes the importance of taking action that contribute to the international community's efforts in mitigation of GHG emissions and adaptation to CC. -Capacity building in techniques officials and local research institutions to develop their State Programs for Climate Change Action (PEACC)‏. PROGRAMAS ESTATALES DE ACCIÓN ANTE EL CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO

8 COORDINACION DEL PROGRAMA DE CAMBIO CLIMATICO How we set our vision -Awareness and capacity building of officials from the ministries that participate in the CICC, provided by the INE and SEMARNAT. -Development of research: eg. national inventory of GHG emissions, GHG emission projections with tools such as LEAP, technological paths, curves were obtained abatement cost. -Were identified and evaluated potential mitigation measures grouped into three sections: 1) those that can be carried out with national resources, 2) those that require international support and resources, 3) which should be considered when exist the technological development Mexico emitted 709 Millions of Ton CO2eq., in 2006. (1.5% of Global)

9 COORDINACION DEL PROGRAMA DE CAMBIO CLIMATICO How we set our vision -The results were analyzed by the PECC Working Group of the CICC, to arrange a voluntary mitigate target of short and medium term that the President of Mexico announced at COP 15. -Setting the legislative framework and proving fiscal incentives Some of the biggest champions: -Mexican President and Governors of states -Intersecretarial Commission on Climate Change With support of national and international finance.

10 COORDINACION DEL PROGRAMA DE CAMBIO CLIMATICO Lessons learnt to move to developing a mitigation strategy -To include participation of private initiative to set mitigation targets -Awareness and capacity building of officials from different ministries and the legislators, at national and local level. -Institutionalization of processes through the CICC at national y subnational level, to set and meet goals and objectives about mitigation and adaptation to CC -Establish strategic partnerships with multilateral and bilateral agencies to generate the inputs required for the development and implementation of a CC strategy. -Having a framework for the medium and long term to provide continuity to the attention of climate change by the future government -Development of State Programs for Climate Change Action, to influence the next administration will give priority to issues of mitigation and adaptation to climate

11 COORDINACION DEL PROGRAMA DE CAMBIO CLIMATICO Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1 ¡¡ THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION !! Miguel A. Altamirano National Institute of Ecology / SEMARNAT Periférico Sur 5000, 5th floor Col. Insurgentes Cuicuilco Delegación Coyoacán 04530 México, D.F.  Visit our Website: Climate Change Website


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