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Embajada de la República Argentina Irlanda Welcome.

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Presentation on theme: "Embajada de la República Argentina Irlanda Welcome."— Presentation transcript:

1 Embajada de la República Argentina Irlanda Welcome

2 Index Introduction Evolution of the ICT market in Argentina ISS year to year Series & Characterization Expectations for 2015 Regulatory Framework and Initiatives

3 Introduction In recent years, Argentina has made ​​ a significant and sustained development of its software industry and services. Main features of the IT industry in Argentina  Highly qualified human resources.  Academic excellence.  English language skills.  Innovation and creativity.  Solid telecommunications and computing infrastructure.  Competitive costs and prices.  Increased entry into new foreign markets and increase in exports.  Joint work between government, academia and the business sector.  Strong domestic market recovery.  Legal framework that encourages the development of the sector.

4 Evolution of the ICT market in Argentina ICT Market Evolution 2003 -2013 In USD Millions Source: Source: Prince & Cooke - CICOMRA (National Chamber of Informatics and Communications of the Argentine Republic)

5 Evolution of the ICT market in Argentina ICT Market Evolution 2003 -2013 In USD Millions Source: Source: Prince & Cooke - CICOMRA (National Chamber of Informatics and Communications of the Argentine Republic)

6 The ISS Sector 2003-2014 Series Year-on-year sales evolution (in million of Pesos), revenue from abroad (in million of Pesos) and employment (in thousand of employees) for the ISS sector - 2003- 2014 Series

7 The ISS Sector 2003-2014 Series Year-on-year sales evolution (in millions of USD), revenue from abroad (in millions of USD) and employment (in thousand of employees) of the SSI sector - 2003-2014 Series

8 Characterization of ISS sector Main customers per sector (vertical) based on their participation in sales Average 2012-2014

9 Characterization of ISS sector Main customers per sector (vertical) based on their participation in revenue from abroad Average 2012-2014

10 Characterization of ISS sector Participation of different activities in revenue from abroad - average 2012-2014

11 Characterization of ISS sector Canada 0,3% EEUU 50% Mexico 7,3% Panama 0,4% Colombia 1,4% Ecuador 1,7% Peru 4,4% Bolivia 0,4% Chile 9,4% Others Latin America 3,3% Spain 0,7% Others Europe 7,4% Asia 1,1% Participation in revenue from abroad based on export destination - average 2012-2014 Venezuela 0,2% Brazil 5,6% Paraguay 0,6% Uruguay 6%

12 Expectations for 2015 Sales, revenue from abroad, and employment

13 Expectations for 2015 Argentina IT, International Business Network The Argentina IT network is a platform for internationalization which aims to facilitate the integration and consolidation of Argentine companies for software and services in the world's most attractive markets. International offices: US, Colombia, Chile, Brazil, Mexico.

14 Expectations for 2015 Enterprise Europe Network Argentina Argentina has joined the EEN Helps SMEs to fully take advantage of the opportunities offered by the European market. It works through local business organizations to provide: Internationalization services Technology transfer Funding and access to funds Legal advice and information services.

15 Expectations for 2015 Enterprise Europe Network Argentina Argentina has joined the EEN The node will provide a range of services aimed primarily at SMEs and research, development and innovation (R + D + i) public and private: Search for partners in business cooperation, technology transfer and international R + D + i Information on National Intellectual Property Regime Information on industrial promotion schemes Information on funding and access to funds Promotion of seminars and workshops in different sectors Argentina´s first activity of the EEN: "Prime brokerage event EEN Argentina ICT Sector on 24 and 25 June.

16 Expectations for 2015 WebSummit 2015 Start Ups Soponsored By The Embassy of the Argentine Republic in Ireland Within four years Websummit has become one of the most influential events in technology internationally. This year The Embassy of the Argentine Republic in Ireland will sponsor 5 startups which will have the chance to show their products to a large number of potential customers and specialized investors.

17 Software industry promotion GOVERNING LEGAL PROVISIONS: Law No. 26692 on the promotion of the software industry (amending Law No. 25922) DESCRIPTION: The program aims to promote the creation, design, development, production, implementation and fine- tuning of software systems developed as well as their technical documentation, both in terms of basic aspects and applications, and including the necessary development to integrate it into different processors. BENEFITS: Tax stability for all national taxes during the term of the promotion (until December 31, 2019). Non-refundable fiscal credit (except Income Tax) for up to 70% of employer’s social security contributions pertaining to the total payroll associated with the promoted activities. This credit may be offset against national tax liabilities

18 Acknowledgment Observatorio Permanente de la Industria del Software y Servicios Informáticos (OPSSI) Permanent Observatory of the Software and Informatic Services. Cámara de Empresas de Software y Servicios informáticos (CESSI) Chamber of Software and IT Services Companies. Cámara de Informática y Comunicaciones de la República Argentina (CICOMRA) Chamber of IT and Communications Infoleg La Subsecretaría de Desarrollo de Inversiones y Promoción Comercial The Undersecretariat for Investment Development and Trade Promotion

19 Embajada de la República Argentina Irlanda Thank you!

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