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Geography 111: Geography 111: Human Geography Places and Regions in Global Context.

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Presentation on theme: "Geography 111: Geography 111: Human Geography Places and Regions in Global Context."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geography 111: Geography 111: Human Geography Places and Regions in Global Context

2 Office Hours JEFF DEGRAVE 140 Phillips Hall 3:00pm - 4:30pm MW -OR- by appointment Tel: 836-4471 Email: Syllabus:

3 My Philosophy Your Education = Your Job

4 ? Who am I ?

5 Born in Green Bay

6 Green Bay is the largest Belgian immigrant settlement in the United States Famous Belgians: Curly LambeauCurly Lambeau Gerardus Mercator (???)Gerardus Mercator (???) Kim Clijsters and Justine Henin (both former #1 ranked tennis players in the world)Kim Clijsters and Justine Henin (both former #1 ranked tennis players in the world) Jacques Rogge: Recent head of the IOCJacques Rogge: Recent head of the IOC Liz ClaiborneLiz Claiborne Audrey HepburnAudrey Hepburn Henry Ford (of Belgian descent)Henry Ford (of Belgian descent) The SmurfsThe Smurfs

7 Graduated High School in Toledo, Ohio Eau Claire Toledo

8 B.A. (Geography): Ohio University (Athens, OH) M.A. (International Affairs): Florida State University (Tallahassee, FL) Ph.D.! (Geography): U of Minnesota

9 Things I like: Traveling DarkChocolate Unique Architecture Cultures of the World Old Stuff

10 Honduras

11 Laos

12 Things I DO NOT like: Hot Dogs Baloney CHEATING!CHEATING!

13 What is cheating? Referred to as “Academic Misconduct” Comes in a wide variety of forms, techniques, definitions—see syllabus What is “plagiarism?” Q:Q: Is cutting and pasting information off the Internet without citing your source considered to be plagiarism?YES!!

14 Questions?

15 Things we’ll learn about this semester… How to read a mapHow to read a map Globalization and World EconomicsGlobalization and World Economics Nations and StatesNations and States Languages of the worldLanguages of the world Religions of the worldReligions of the world Immigration and EthnicityImmigration and Ethnicity Colonization and Political GeographyColonization and Political Geography And so much more!And so much more!

16 But what do you know already? What country is home to the most Muslims? What is the largest immigrant group in the U.S.? What is the most widely spoken language in the world? What is the only OPEC country in the Western Hemisphere? Second to Warsaw, Poland, what city has the highest population of Polish ancestry? What country has the largest English speaking population? What is the smallest (in square miles) country on Earth?

17 How’d you do? Country with most Muslims: Largest immigrant group in the U.S.: Most widely spoken language: Only OPEC country in the Western Hemisphere: What city has the highest population of Polish ancestry: Country with largest English speaking population: Smallest (in square miles) country on Earth: Indonesia Indonesia Germans Germans Chinese (Mandarin) Chinese (Mandarin)VenezuelaChicago India India Vatican City Vatican City

18 Getting Started: The Basics

19 Geography = Fun!

20 What IS Geography? (“geo” = earth “graphien” = to write) “ Writing of the Earth” Just memorizing place names and boundaries? No! You need to learn their spatial context Only where things and people are located? No! You need their descriptive background

21 Geography: It’s all relative.

22 Geography is a SYNTHESIS of many fields of study Geology Anthropology Political Science Sociology Women’s Studies Archaeology History Demography Statistics Ethnic Studies Hydrology Computer Science GEOGRAPHY

23 Geography is about... Where things and people are: –Spatially –Relatively Why things and people are where they are. What the relationship or interaction is between people, things and place.

24 Does Geography Matter? Current World Illicit Trafficking Where from? Where to? Why?

25 Distribution of Wealth …and Opportunity. Region:USD ($) GDPpc North America: $32,296 GDPpc Australia:$29,909 GDPpc Europe:$25,467 GDPpc South America:$ 9,254 GDPpc Asia:$ 2,539 GDPpc Africa:$ 1,560 Source: World Bank, 2013

26 Distribution of Wealth …and Opportunity.

27 Geography Matters CONCLUSION: Geography Matters

28 Fields of Geography Human (or Cultural) Geography Physical Geography Geography crosses the human-nature border

29 Geography compares different places… Paris-sur-la-Seine Eau Claire sur-la-Chippewa

30 Geography compares different S C A L E S


32 Geography compares changes over time and space

33 Geography studies anything related to PLACE BP: Oil Consumption Binge Alcohol Use in Past Month among Persons Aged 12 or Older Oil consumption per capita: Tonnes Consumed (2010)

34 Binge Drinking in the U.S.


36 If you can map it, it’s geography. (Map of plant seed varieties by region) Even dorkbots.

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