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Nationalism Threatens Old Empires Section 22-4 pp. 705-708.

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1 Nationalism Threatens Old Empires Section 22-4 pp. 705-708

2 Preview Questions How did nationalism contribute to the decline of the Austrian empire? What were the main characteristics of the dual monarchy? How did the growth of nationalism affect the Balkans?

3 Austria: A Declining Empire Leaders Resisted Change –Censorship –Resist Industrialization Nationalist Stirrings –Cultural diversity and nationalism led to tension –Hapsburgs crushed revolutions of 1848

4 Austria: A Declining Empire Early Reforms –Francis Joseph inherited throne –Defeat in wars led to political change New constitution and legislature Satisfied few

5 The Dual Monarchy Negotiated by Francis Deak after loss to Prussia in 1866 Austria-Hungary –Separate states –Own constitutions and legislatures Slavs now desire self-rule

6 Balkan Nationalism Serbs and Greeks lead revolts against Ottomans Great European powers seize control of Balkans Series of wars and conflicts = “Powder Keg of Europe”

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