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Types of Government Because sometimes, making decisions as a group can be hard!

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Presentation on theme: "Types of Government Because sometimes, making decisions as a group can be hard!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Types of Government Because sometimes, making decisions as a group can be hard!

2 Why govern?  Because without it, this is how decisions would be made:

3 Role of government 1.Create laws 2.Enforce the laws 3.Protect the rights of the people, from foreign threats, and domestic threats 1.Create laws 2.Enforce the laws 3.Protect the rights of the people, from foreign threats, and domestic threats

4 How do we judge governments?  Fair?  Are all voices being given an equal value? Are certain people’s interests placed above the rest?  Representative?  Are all voices being heard? Is anyone being excluded?  Efficient?  Can decisions be made quickly in times of crisis? Do laws/decisions take years and years to pass?  Responsive?  Can things be changed once a decision has been made? Can evil people be removed?  Fair?  Are all voices being given an equal value? Are certain people’s interests placed above the rest?  Representative?  Are all voices being heard? Is anyone being excluded?  Efficient?  Can decisions be made quickly in times of crisis? Do laws/decisions take years and years to pass?  Responsive?  Can things be changed once a decision has been made? Can evil people be removed?

5 Not everyone has the same answer

6 Unlimited governments- The person/people in power have absolute power The people being governed have little voice Limited governments- The person/people in power have little absolute power The people being governed have a major voice in the government and control over its decisions Have no constitution or laws limiting government power Rule through fear Have total control over citizens Have a constitution People have a say in making rules and laws People do not fear the government Some level of trust in the government system

7 Direct Democracy  government authority is based on the will of the people, constitution limits power  All people vote on the issues directly (majority rules)  government authority is based on the will of the people, constitution limits power  All people vote on the issues directly (majority rules)

8 Representative Democracy  government authority is based on the will of the people  people elect representatives to make the decisions and pass laws for their country (everyone gets to vote to elect, constitutional limits)  government authority is based on the will of the people  people elect representatives to make the decisions and pass laws for their country (everyone gets to vote to elect, constitutional limits)

9 Dictatorship  Single person rules through various oppressive means  Have absolute power and do not take into consideration what the people want  Single person rules through various oppressive means  Have absolute power and do not take into consideration what the people want

10 Monarchy  One person rules with absolute authority through inheritance  Person justifies power through “Divine right to rule”, retains power with similar strategy as dictators  One person rules with absolute authority through inheritance  Person justifies power through “Divine right to rule”, retains power with similar strategy as dictators

11 Constitutional Monarchy*  King or queen is just a figurehead  For all other purposes, they are a representative democracy  King or queen is just a figurehead  For all other purposes, they are a representative democracy

12 Theocracy  Religion is used to determine laws of the society  Religious leader is given almost complete power over society but must rule within laws of the religion  Religion is used to determine laws of the society  Religious leader is given almost complete power over society but must rule within laws of the religion

13 Republic  Usually occurs after a monarch or dictator has been overthrown  People elect a figure to perform the same duties  That leader still has a majority of power, but they were elected!  Usually occurs after a monarch or dictator has been overthrown  People elect a figure to perform the same duties  That leader still has a majority of power, but they were elected!

14 Analysis: Place all 7 forms of government (including const. monarchy) on to the spectrum based on their characteristics and how they would look in practice with the Do First activity.

15 Argue: According to the four ways we judge a government, which type of government do you think would be the most effective for choosing the music for our class? You must describe your choice in terms of unlimited or limited, and justify your choice using at least three pieces of evidence.

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