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Enhancing experiences and raising standards through the experiences and outcomes Sciences.

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Presentation on theme: "Enhancing experiences and raising standards through the experiences and outcomes Sciences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enhancing experiences and raising standards through the experiences and outcomes Sciences

2 Opportunities A coherent approach to planning the curriculum, learning, teaching and assessment Literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing embedded throughout curriculum delivery

3 Support

4 Glow Glow is transforming the way that the curriculum is delivered in Scotland. It breaks down geographical and social barriers and provides the tools to ensure a first-class education for Scotland. Glow provides: A trusted and safe environment for pupils, practitioners and parents A space to create personalised programmes of work and share thinking and curricular resources A variety of online tools to enhance learning experiences Virtual learning to share information and take part in a lesson Tools to enable you to communicate and collaborate across the network Communities of practice that offer practitioners rich opportunities to share and collaborate Innovation in learning and teaching approaches by engaging and immersing young people in powerful and relevant learning experiences Motivation and support for individualised learning, personalisation and choice.

5 What is the NAR? The NAR will provide: Support for assessment in the context of CfE, NQ and national monitoring (SSLN) arrangements Examples of assessment approaches and evidence relating to experiences and outcomes across all curriculum areas, stages and levels Examples and guidance for CPD in assessment Initial focus was on literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing across learning; next phase – curriculum Opportunities for professionals to design examples of assessment and contribute to the NAR In time, opportunities for pupils to engage in self and peer assessment.

6 Mission Space A Primary 4&5 Interdisciplinary Topic on Space Jo Clark, Port Ellen Primary School

7 Background Port Ellen Primary School, Isle of Islay Composite class: 21 Primary 4&5 children Mix of first and second level, two ASL children Curriculum for Excellence outcomes since 2008 Argyll and Bute interdisciplinary planners used alongside discrete subject planners Assessment in context: Currently being developed within school

8 Provide deeper, more active learning Interdisciplinary learning: o Numeracy and science outcomes o Skills and knowledge o Mission Space Challenge o Cross-cutting theme: ICT o Focus capacity: Effective Contributor Storyline approach: Zip Zap the alien Co-operative group tasks Glow Meets Assessment: Variety of approaches to allow personalisation and choice, reliability and validity, equal access


10 BtC5 Overview: Assessment Learner engagement is crucial Many approaches to assessment required Focus on breadth, challenge and application Professional dialogue required to agree standards Assessment should be reliable, valid and proportionate CfE principles should underpin reporting Quality assurance required

11 Learner Engagement Shared learning intentions Worked out success criteria together, differentiated Children chose type of assessment, key questions Self and peer assessed presentations for challenges Space Logs documented learning journey Specialist group posters Variety in methods of assessment

12 Range of Assessment Information DoSay MakeWrite

13 Curricular focus: Maths Outcomes My learning in mathematics enables me to: apply skills and understanding creatively and logically to solve problems, within a variety of contexts. I can display data in a clear way using a suitable scale, by choosing appropriately from an extended range of tables, charts, diagrams and graphs, making effective use of technology. MTH 2-21a I can draw 2D shapes and make representations of 3D objects using an appropriate range of methods and efficient use of resources. MTH 2-16c Having investigated where, why and how scale is used and expressed, I can apply my understanding to interpret simple models, maps and plans. MTH 2- 17a

14 Maths Learning Opportunities Display Data using Technology Compare graphs of planet facts Use of Excel for tables and graphs Choosing scale, graph type and labeling Analysing evidence Draw 2D shapes and relate to 3D Draw circles using a compass Radius and diameter Create 3D shapes from nets Shape and spaceship design Investigate use of scale Use of scale in real life Different units of measurement Make accurate scale representation of planets Scale distances between planets

15 ASSESSMENT MISSION SPACE: MATHS World Maths Day 1 March Resource: Using Maths - – Mission into Space, Tick Tock Books Resource: Using Maths -– Mission into Space, Tick Tock Books Co-operative group task: Problem solve using your maths skills to win a place on a flight to Mars to visit Zip Zap Success criteria: Everyone contributes to poster, must show working out, suggest improvements for next time Peer assessed, voted

16 I can: By safely observing and recording the sun and moon at various times, describe their patterns of movement and changes over time. I can relate these to the length of a day, a month and a year. SCN 1-06a I can: By observing or researching features of our solar system, use simple models to communicate my understanding of size, scale, time and relative motion within it. SCN 2-06a

17 Sciences Learning Opportunities Sun, Earth and Moon Sun dials Moon diaries and phase scrolls Gravity experiment Design a constellation Relate to Time Night and day simulations online Time zone research Night and day podcasts and reports Diary of day on another planet Features of the Solar System Scale model of solar system Create planet fact files Glow Meets with astronomers and astronauts Alien animation

18 ASSESSMENT MISSION SPACE: SCIENCE National Science Week 15th March Resource: Voyage to Mars Teaching Pack, from Leicester University adapted, NASA education links, UK Space Agency Co-operative group Task: To gain a place on mission to mars complete carousel of science activities, using a scientific method and recording your observations. Also in groups to build a lunar rover to special specifications and test Success criteria: Apply correct method to tasks, draw conclusions from results Peer assessed, voted

19 Mission Overview MISSION 1: Chromatography MISSION 2: Rock Density MISSION 3: Air Pressure Rocket MISSION 4: Chemical Satellite Launch MISSION 5: Temperature Protection ROLES: Data Logger, Navigator, Space Probe Technician, Communications Officer, Video Data Logger


21 Glow Enhancing Learning Set up class Glow Group Space: The Final Frontier Web links, Zip-Zap, details of space homework, discuss space facts Science Too Hot to Handle Glow Group: resources and Glow Meets Space: children question astronomers from Edinburgh and St Andrews Later Glow Meet with astronauts from NASA


23 Mission Space: Childrens Thoughts Emily: I really liked it because we got to do lots of activities like science experiments and challenges to go to other planets. Jason: I would like a chance to tell other people all the interesting facts we learnt, and we could work better in groups next time. Liam: It was interesting, I really liked doing the animations because I liked finding out how to make them. Ellen: Good, because I can tell people lots of interesting facts about space. Daniel: I enjoyed the mission to Mars, and would like to do even more science next time!

24 Web links Contact me with any queries at: NASA SPACE Maths: fantastic resources for maths in context UK Space Centre resources ARNING_RESOURCES/ ARNING_RESOURCES/ ARNING_RESOURCES/ Glow National Science Group Too Hot To Handle ts/nationalsite/Science/Too%20Hot%20To%20Ha ndle%20Project/default.aspx ts/nationalsite/Science/Too%20Hot%20To%20Ha ndle%20Project/default.aspx

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