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1 31/28GHz Bands Spectrum Sharing Studies David Grace (UOY) First Annual Review, Brussels 10 February 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "1 31/28GHz Bands Spectrum Sharing Studies David Grace (UOY) First Annual Review, Brussels 10 February 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 31/28GHz Bands Spectrum Sharing Studies David Grace (UOY) First Annual Review, Brussels 10 February 2005

2 2 Introduction Why do we want to use 31/28GHz bands in Europe? Work undertaken in WP2.4 Output to ITU-R Working Party 9B

3 3 Why adopt 28/31GHz for HAPS in Europe Rain attenuation significantly lower Effective spectrum sharing should be possible The main purpose of submitting docs to ITU 9B Band required to ensure commercial roll-out of HAPs technology Higher availability and lower costs of equipment Fixed dishes can be used more widely in place of steerable dishes at 47/48GHz Significantly greater knowledge of technology at Ka-band Huge (export) market for complementary service provision to terrestrial and satellite

4 4 Activities on HAPS in ITU Current Spectrum Identification 47.9-48.2 GHz 47.2-47.5 GHz 31.0-31.3 GHz 27.5-28.35 GHz 1.9-2.1 GHz Freq. high low Worldwide allocation for FS (WRC-97) Regional allocation for FS (WRC-00/03) (Proposed by Japan and APT) (up) (down) Worldwide allocation for IMT-2000 (WRC-2000) (Effort made by Sky Station) WRC: World Radiocommunication Conference, FS: Fixed Service Heavy rain attenuation (Sharing study ongoing in ITU-R) Made available in 20 countries in Asia and Russia, and all countries in North/South American countries. But restriction for HAPS still remained. (Sharing study ongoing in ITU-R) Courtesy of NICT, Japan

5 5 Spectrum for Broadband Wireless using HAPs Rain attenuation in 48 GHz band and 30 GHz band (ITU-R Rec.618-5) ~ Why do we need Ka band ? ~ Courtesy of NICT, Japan

6 6 Countries that can use 31/28 GHz band for HAPS (WRC-2000, Istanbul) WRC-2000 Approved in WRC-2000 (Istanbul) Bhutan, Indonesia, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Japan, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Pakistan, the Dem. People’s Rep. of Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Viet Nam Courtesy of NICT, Japan

7 7 Countries that can use 31/28 GHz band for HAPS (WRC-2003, Geneva) Approved in WRC-2000 (Istanbul) Bhutan, Indonesia, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Japan, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Pakistan, the Dem. People’s Rep. of Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Viet Nam Approved in WRC-2003 (Geneva) The Rep. of Korea, Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Lesotho, Malaysia, Uzbekistan, Philippines, Kyrgyzstan, and all the countries in North and South American region WRC-2003 Courtesy of NICT, Japan

8 8 Work on Spectrum Sharing 1 Exploiting expertise of established ITU WP 9B attendees Dr Masayuki Oodo (NICT) on secondment to UOY Prof Young-Heung Kang on secondment to UOY from Kunsan University, Korea Discussed in detail in D10 Interference Studies using HeliNet Parameters

9 9 Work on Spectrum Sharing 2 ‘European HAPS’ model definition Reduced number of cells Higher elevation angle Identifying typical antenna patterns On going work is looking at more advanced ways of spectrum sharing E.g. multiple HAPs sharing a common coverage area

10 10 Example Results Cellular reuse – cluster 3 In general using the HeliNet Parameters, interference is far less of a problem

11 11 ITU-R Working Party 9B Documents To be submitted to 22 April 2005 Meeting Via Slovenia/Spain subject to national approval Major political battle due to the perceived implications on terrestrial B-FWA Proposed Preliminary Draft Revision of Rec ITU-R F.1569 Alternative HAPS system model for interference evaluation in the 28 and 31 GHz bands Working Document Toward PDRR of Rec ITU-R F.1569 Measured radiation patterns of prototype onboard antenna designed for HAPS in the 28 GHz band Preliminary Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R SF.1609 Interference evaluation from fixed service systems using high altitude platform stations to conventional fixed service systems in the bands 27.5-28.35 GHz and 31-31.3GHz

12 12 Conclusions Spectrum sharing work has shown that the main issues are HAPS GS interfering with B-FWA Terminal Stations Can be mitigated with DCA (and in practice by clutter) Up to 3 documents submitted to ITU-R WP9B The first documents on use of 31/28 GHz for HAPS from Europe (subject to politics)

13 13 Document Properties

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