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TURBA is the worlds only private ratings system delivering unparalleled analysis of start-ups and legacy companies. A patent pending algorithm and eyes-on.

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2 TURBA is the worlds only private ratings system delivering unparalleled analysis of start-ups and legacy companies. A patent pending algorithm and eyes-on review of every business plan, including background checks, and previous business success rates. Hands-on Business Review….

3 Our Success Ratings™ give you the confidence to deploy your lending capital to the most effective business plans for long-term client retention, and multiple rounds of financing. With over a 99.7% percent loan success rate TURBA helps institutions focus on client relationships that command returns. Success Ratings™ Powering Investments….

4 Access our database of TURBA reviewed startups and legacy business plans seeking financing. Search using Success Ratings™, or custom your search with filters including: – loan size, geographic area, industry type, credit rating, and more. More Than an Review….

5 Contact Us phone : 800-856-7972 mail 650 Castro Street STE: 120-412 Mountain View, CA Visit our web site

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