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NZTA’s Proposed Changes to the Regional Freshwater Plan for the Wellington Region Part of a proposal of national significance Community Meeting 16 February.

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Presentation on theme: "NZTA’s Proposed Changes to the Regional Freshwater Plan for the Wellington Region Part of a proposal of national significance Community Meeting 16 February."— Presentation transcript:

1 NZTA’s Proposed Changes to the Regional Freshwater Plan for the Wellington Region Part of a proposal of national significance Community Meeting 16 February 2011 Sally Baguley – Project Leader - EPA

2 2 What is the EPA? The Environmental Protection Authority A statutory office housed within the Ministry for the Environment Administers the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) consideration process for proposals (or parts of proposals) of national significance A wide range of factors are relevant in determining if a matter is “of national significance”

3 3 NZTA’s proposed plan change NZTA have indicated that: The proposed plan change is the 1 st stage in a 2 stage RMA consideration process for the Transmission Gully Project. 2 nd stage will be the notices of requirement and regional council resource consents. 2 nd stage expected to be lodged with the EPA later in 2011. 2 nd stage will include the details of the Transmission Gully Project and its anticipated environmental effects This 1 st stage relates only to the proposed change to the policy framework in the Regional Freshwater Plan for the Wellington Region.

4 4 A region’s freshwater plan includes objectives, policies and rules which set the framework for how the freshwater resource in that region should be managed NZTA’s proposed plan change amends 3 policies, inserts 1 new policy, and inserts 2 new definitions into the Wellington Region Freshwater Plan. The policies will apply to the water bodies impacted upon by the Transmission Gully Project NZTA have indicated that the proposed changes will give more options for implementing the Transmission Gully Project NZTA’s proposed plan change

5 5 Transmission Gully in relation to water bodies

6 6 What has happened so far? NZTA lodged the plan change request 6 Sept 2010 EPA made its recommendation to the Minister 10 Sept 2010 The Minister directed to a board of inquiry10 Sept 2010 The Board met Oct – Nov 2010 Board decided to proceed to notification 3 Dec 2010 Greater Wellington prepared the plan change 24 Dec 2010 Public notice of the proposed plan change 12 Feb 2011

7 7 The Board of Inquiry Environment Judge Dwyer (chairperson) Russell Howie(member) Glenice Paine (member) David McMahon (member) David Mitchell (member)

8 8 The EPA’s website: NZTA’s website for information on the Transmission Gully Project More information

9 9 Hard copies can also be viewed at: Environmental Protection Authority - Thorndon, Wellington The Ministry for the Environment - Auckland and Christchurch Greater Wellington Regional Council Kapiti Coast District Council Porirua City Council Hutt City Council Upper Hutt City Council Wellington City Council

10 10 Submissions Any person can make a submission on the proposed plan change Submissions must be received by the EPA by 5pm Friday 11 March 2011 A copy must also be sent to NZTA Submissions may be lodged by post, email or in person to the EPA office You must state your position on the proposal and what decision you would like the Board of Inquiry to make Submission forms are available from the EPA website

11 Friend of the Submitters The `Friend of the Submitters’ is an independent planning advisor to assist submitters during the board of inquiry process Mark St Clair of Hill Young Cooper Limited

12 Friend of the Submitters – drop in sessions

13 Further submissions The EPA will make available a summary of submissions 10 working days to make a further submission Further submissions can be made on the submissions by the following: –Any person representing a relevant aspect of the public interest –Any person who has an interest in the request greater than the interest of the general public –The local authority The Friend of the Submitters will also be available during the further submission process

14 14 Board of Inquiry - Process The role of the Board is to consider and decide on the proposed plan change The Board will receive all submissions and further submissions that are made to the EPA They will also consider the local authority (Greater Wellington) key issues report They will commission other expert reports They will hold a hearing They will write a decision report

15 15 Board of Inquiry - Hearing The Board will hold a hearing Hearing procedures available at http://www.epa.govt.nz Procedures include a timetable for evidence exchange and expectations of hearing presentations Procedures direct the EPA to circulate information via email and its website If a submitter wants to be heard at the hearing, they should indicate this in their submission.

16 16 Board of Inquiry - Decision The Board will prepare a draft decision report Comments on draft report must be provided within 20 working days after release of the draft decision The Board must issue it’s final decision within 9 months of the day the EPA published the public notice, by 12 November 2011 The decision may only be appealed to the High Court on points of law by particular parties All submitters will receive a copy of the final decision

17 17 Reminder… Submissions must be received by the EPA by 5pm Friday 11 March 2011 Proposed plan change documents are available from the EPA website A hard copy is available to view at EPA & Council offices A summary fact sheet on the application and board of inquiry process, as well as submission forms are available on the EPA website and from the Friend of Submitters The Board has prepared hearing procedures which outline timetable and requirements for the hearing.

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