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1 Office of Governmentwide Policy Center for Policy Evaluation January 9, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Office of Governmentwide Policy Center for Policy Evaluation January 9, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Office of Governmentwide Policy Center for Policy Evaluation January 9, 2008

2 2 BECKY RHODES Deputy Associate Administrator

3 3 Agenda Background Purpose Methodology Website Program Review Tool Follow-up activities

4 4 Background and Mission Outgrowth of OMB PART evaluation Facilitate government-wide reform: –Measuring and improving policy –Adopting best practices –Implementing innovative tools

5 5 Federal Mail Executive Council Interagency Committees/Councils Interagency Committee for Aviation Policy Property Management Executive Council Executive Relocation Steering Committee Executive Travel Steering Committee Motor Vehicle Executive Council Interagency Mail Policy Council Interagency Council on Property Management FedFleet Policy Council Interagency Travel Management Committee Transportation Management Policy Council E-FAS Executive Steering Committee

6 6 Policy Cycle Role Continuous Improvement Discuss policies w/Interagency Committees and OMB GSA establishes or changes policy APO/AOO implement or supplement OGP policy AOO writes SOPs and internal guidance APO verifies policy is followed within Agency APO reports to GSA GSA Evaluates GSA identifies SWOTs GSA – Office of Governmentwide Policy APO - Agency Policy Office AOO - Agency Operations Office

7 7 Linking: Policies, Goals and Measures Mandates & Best Practices linked to: –Policy, guidance, industry best practices –Suggested performance measures –Strategic goals: Efficiency/Effectiveness Accountability Safety & Environment

8 8 Link Example QuestionReference Suggested Performance MeasureCategory MANDATES Do you ensure that your agency-wide fleet acquisitions meet the fiscal year average fuel economy standards for passenger automobiles and light trucks? 41 CFR 102- 34.30/55 Provide your agency's average mpg for new acquisitions in the most recent fiscal year. Safety/ Environment

9 9 Our Approach Conduct annual agency evaluations via Internet Evaluate data, provide initial on-line response Provide agencies final written evaluation Evaluate and post government-wide data

10 10 Submission Roles & Responsibilities AA Agency Users (AU): Complete data responses Submit to Agency Approvers (AA) Revise as needed & resubmit to AA 10

11 11 Submission Roles & Responsibilities AA Agency Approvers (AA): Review AU submissions Approve or disapprove w/ comments Submit to GSA 11

12 12 Submission Roles & Responsibilities AA GSA: Evaluate responses, identify SWOTS, provide agency and government-wide evaluation. 12

13 13 Performance Targets Establish baseline/SWOTS – 1 st year Produce annual government-wide report Produce policy trend analysis – 3 rd year

14 2008 Schedule Action required from…Process descriptionDates Customer AgencyComplete interim assessmentJan 11-Feb 13 GSAConduct evaluations & provide feedbackFeb 14-Mar 13 Customer AgencyComplete final assessmentMar 14-Mar 31 GSAConduct final evaluationsApr 1-Apr 30 GSA & Customer AgenciesHold group & individual agency out-briefsMay 1-May 31 GSAProduce agency reportsJun 1-Jul 31 GSAProduce annual reportDec 15

15 15 Questions

16 16 Agenda for Users & Approvers Website Program Review Tool (PRT) Next steps

17 17 Website ( Presentations Discussion/questions Table with seven policy areas: –Questions, References, Measures, Strategic goal category, Evaluation example, POCs Links to Program Review Tool (PRT), government & non-government websites

18 18 CPE Website-Continued FAQs Background Annual schedule Data Collection Form parts Instructions and scoring Reasons for non-compliance

19 19

20 20 Components of PRT 4 Parts: Help, Forms, Reports, Tools Help: Detailed instructions, FAQs Data Collection Forms (DCF): Data input Reports: Output Tools: Define users & approvers

21 21 Data Collection Forms (DCFs) Mandates: –GSA policy, your agency, IG, OMB, GAO, PART Best Practices GSA Feedback: –Unscored questions on what works & needs improvement Do GSA’s government-wide reports and agency feedback provide your agency with useful information? Do you provide policy development input and is it considered? Does your agency have any best practices that you recommend for government-wide consideration?

22 22 Mandate & Best Practice DCF Layout Six sections: A.Question & whether you follow it (Yes/No) B.Is adherence checked or addressed (Yes/No) C.Provide supporting documentation & narrative; if “No” to A/B, select reason for noncompliance D.GSA interim response & assessment E.Agency follow-up reply (if needed) F.GSA final response

23 23 7 Reasons for Non-Compliance 1.Other priorities precluded compliance 2. Lack of resources - funding 3. Lack of resources - personnel 4. Compliance planned for later date 5. Unaware of requirement 6. Received GSA waiver 7. Other

24 24 Submission Process 1.AU completes three sections: –Mandates, Best Practices, GSA feedback 2.AA submits to GSA 3.GSA provides agency interim scores 4.Agency adds info and resubmits 5.GSA scores Mandates/Best Practices sections, and evaluates GSA Feedback

25 25 Login to PRT

26 26

27 27 Select “help” to get this screen 202.501.2824 System problems “Oops” Other questions

28 28 DCF Selection for Program Areas 2008

29 29 Data Input

30 30 Completion Status Completion status for policy by section (Mandates, Best Practices, GSA Feedback) Overall progress towards policy area completion

31 31 Send for Agency Approval

32 32 Agency Approver sees all policy areas they are responsible for approving. Status for Agency Approver

33 33 AA can’t change or comment on individual questions Comments from Agency Approver

34 34 Agency Approver Submits

35 35 GSA Evaluates Responses If GSA rates a response “Strong” no additional response is needed

36 36 Emails from WebApps Emails are sent when: New users or passwords reset DCF status changes: –AU submits DCF for review –AA rejects or approves DCF –GSA completes initial/final agency scoring

37 37 Reports and Analytical Tools Create or use saved queries Quick Reports show performance by: –Program Area & Strategic Goal –Comparison by Program Area & Strategic Goal –Across All Program Areas & Strategic Goals –Government-wide by Question Report Creator

38 Benchmark – Agency/Government-wide

39 Government-wide Summary-All Programs

40 40 What Happens after Evaluation? Post evaluation survey for process improvement: –Accuracy of the evaluation –Quality of feedback received –Assess impact of evaluations –Professionalism of evaluators Evaluate agency and government-wide results Share SWOT’s (Interagency Executive Councils/Committees, focus groups) Third Party survey

41 41 Policy Cycle Continuous Improvement Discuss policies w/Interagency Committees and OMB GSA establishes or changes policy APO/AOO implement or supplement OGP policy AOO writes SOPs and internal guidance APO verifies policy is followed within Agency APO reports to GSA GSA Evaluates GSA identifies SWOTs GSA - Office of Governmentwide Policy APO - Agency Policy Office AOO - Agency Operations Office

42 42 Additional Information Janet Dobbs, CPE Dir., Website: AircraftJay Spurr202.208.0519 Mail ManagementStewart Randall 202.501.4469 Motor VehicleEd Lawler 202.501.3354 Personal PropertyRick Bender 202.501.3448 RelocationEd Davis202.208.7638 TransportationStewart Randall 202.501.4469 TravelLois Mandell202.501.2824

43 43 Questions

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