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Mediconsult Ltd. Benefits of the project Mediconsult’s own experiences of the project How software companies can utilize the results What is there for.

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Presentation on theme: "Mediconsult Ltd. Benefits of the project Mediconsult’s own experiences of the project How software companies can utilize the results What is there for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mediconsult Ltd

2 Benefits of the project Mediconsult’s own experiences of the project How software companies can utilize the results What is there for the health care organisations Possible obstacles that might delay practical applications

3 Mediconsult Ltd Year of foundation 1975 18 years of experience in health care information processing and consulting Offices in Helsinki and Kuopio Customers: hospitals, health centres, private clinics, occupational health units, rehabilitation centres

4 Main product: Mediatri SchedulesRadiology Domestic nursing and home services Doctors’ appointmentsPhysiotherapyWard Child welfare clinic and school health care Social work and rehabilitation Occupational health Maternity clinic and family planning PsychologistDental treatment LaboratoryLogopedistInvoices and ledger

5 Mediconsult and PlugIT Mediconsult joined PlugIT in spring 2002 At first there seemed to be big expectations Later the project focused on a few concrete problems Interfaces aroused our interest Participated actively in interface definition work

6 Context Manager Implementation based on standard version 2 Only a little influence on client program code Clients are easy to implement Possible to extend usage to custom subjects and items

7 Users, patients and codes Interfaces: IdentifyProfile, ProfileAccess, Codeservice, Codeset, Code Most applications have their own registers Information is needed throughout the application Possibly difficult to alter existing program code Interfaces are recommended in new programs

8 Authentication and authorization Interfaces: AuthenticateUser, AuthorizationAccess Authentication is usually made only once Authorization is checked all the time and everywhere AuthorizationAccess-interface may require large code modifications in existing applications

9 Benefits Increase of knowledge Cost savings Programs are easier to use simultaneously Time savings Duplicate registers can be avoided Centralized rights management

10 In the future Implementations will reveal the problems in interface definitions Standardization work must continue HL7 Common Services SIG SerAPI-project

11 Thank you !

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