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CE220 Unit 8: Disease Prevention, Infection Control, and Risk Management Feel free to chat with each other until class begins.

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Presentation on theme: "CE220 Unit 8: Disease Prevention, Infection Control, and Risk Management Feel free to chat with each other until class begins."— Presentation transcript:

1 CE220 Unit 8: Disease Prevention, Infection Control, and Risk Management Feel free to chat with each other until class begins

2 Unit 8 Overview Readings 1.Text Chapter 11, pp. 284-307, "Child Abuse and Neglect" 2.Text View BMI Charts pp. 527- 533 Discussion (1 of 2) Asthma & Allergens (2 of 2) Asthma Action Plan Seminar Body Mass Index "Issues To Consider: Cultural Practices and Child Abuse" Web Resources NAEYC on Child Abuse Mayo C’hood Obesity BMI Asthma Allergies

3 Announcements Request Incomplete - Mon., Feb. 14 Request Incomplete - Mon., Feb. 14 –Incomplete Coursework – Fri., March 4 Submit All Late Work - Tues., Feb. 15 Submit All Late Work - Tues., Feb. 15 End of Term – Tues., Feb. 22 End of Term – Tues., Feb. 22 Final Grades Online – Tues., Feb. 28 Final Grades Online – Tues., Feb. 28

4 FINAL PROJECT ~ 280 Points Due Tuesday, February 15, 2011 CONTENT (Analysis) (240 points) 1. An Introduction: Writing is clear with smooth transitions (20 points) 2. One Indoor Activity (80 points) 3. One Outdoor Activity including (80 points) 4. Resource Page: Safety, Health and Nutrition Internet Resources (20 points) 5. Food Safety Essay (20 points) 6. Reference Page: (20 points) ORGANIZATION/STRUCTURE (40 points) Grammar/Spelling (20 points)Format (20 points)

5 FINAL PROJECT DETAILS Examples and template posted to Doc Sharing Examples and template posted to Doc Sharing 6 parts: –1 page essay describing correlation between health, safety, and nutrition –Indoor activity related to health and nutrition (i.e. hand washing, tooth brushing) –Outdoor activity related to safety (i.e. bike safety, fire evacuations) –Resource page of 5 resources related to nutrition or nutrition education for families; include name, contact information (i.e. local health department, FDA) –1 page essay related to food safety  Paragraph 1-proper handling and precautions for breast milk, formula, and solids  Paragraph 2-Proper food preparation, including choking hazards  Paragraph 3-precautions related to food allergies (i.e. nuts, wheat, milk) –References (APA format)

6 Asthma and Allergies What ECPs need to know!  Which children in my care have asthma or allergies?  What triggers asthma attacks and allergies?  What your plan of action is when a child has an asthma attack or allergic reaction? Asthma and Allergy Foundation 

7 Childhood Obesity –What is the cause? –What are the possible health complications? A serious condition in which a child is well above the average weight of children his age (95 th % or above).

8 Calculate Your Body Mass Index Calculate Your BMI

9 Child Obesity Rules Abuse Alexander Draper, USA TODAY Updated 7/23/2009 Age: 14 Sex: Male Weight: 555 pounds Age: 14 Sex: Male Weight: 555 pounds Mother charged with criminal neglect. Child in foster care.

10 Child Abuse and Neglect Abuse to mistreat, attack, or cause harm to another individual to mistreat, attack, or cause harm to another individual Common categories: Common categories: –Physical –Emotional or verbal –Sexual (Marotz, p. 285-289) Neglect failure of a parent or legal guardian to properly care for and meet the basic needs of a child under 18 years of age failure of a parent or legal guardian to properly care for and meet the basic needs of a child under 18 years of age Common categories: Common categories: –Physical –Emotional or psychological

11 What is Child Abuse? – p6vf-z3A&feature=channel p6vf-z3A&feature=channel p6vf-z3A&feature=channel – pEPTZds pEPTZds pEPTZdsReactions? Your role as an ECP?

12 Legislation Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act of 1974 Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act of 1974 –(US Department of Health and Human Services) –First national attention to maltreatment of children –Rewritten 1988, 1989, 1992, 1994, 1996, 2003, 2006 Timeline of Major Federal Legislation Child abuse and neglect have occurred throughout history. Only in recent years has the public recognized the full impact of long- term effects of maltreatment. Marotz, p.285

13 Reporting Abuse and Neglect ECPs required to report abuse and neglect ECPs required to report abuse and neglect –When should you report it?  Have a written plan  “Help Guide”/Warning Signs: – ual_neglect.htm ual_neglect.htm ual_neglect.htm –How should you report it?  1-800-4-A-CHILD  Local CPS –Failure to report can lead to prosecution –Report suspicion (Marotz, p. 291-297)

14 Helping Abused and Neglected Children LISTEN to them LISTEN to them Develop a trusting relationship with them Develop a trusting relationship with them –Play therapy –Artwork –Encourage them to express their feelings Be a good role model Be a good role model Art and Play Therapy: American Assoc. of Art Therapy: Art and Play Therapy: American Assoc. of Art Therapy: (Marotz, p. 298)

15 Statistics Abuse and neglect has steadily increased over the past 5 years Abuse and neglect has steadily increased over the past 5 years In 2009, nationally estimated 1,770 children died from abuse and neglect. In 2009, nationally estimated 1,770 children died from abuse and neglect. 61% are victims of neglect 61% are victims of neglect 44% are victims of abuse 44% are victims of abuse Three-quarters (75.8%) of child fatalities were caused by one or more parents. Three-quarters (75.8%) of child fatalities were caused by one or more parents. An average of 4 children die DAILY from abuse or neglect An average of 4 children die DAILY from abuse or neglect Department of Child Welfare

16 Considering Cultural Differences "Issues To Consider: Cultural Practices and Child Abuse" (Marotz, p. 290) Cultural practice vs. abuse? How do cultural differences affect parental practices and values? Should parents be expected to give up traditional cultural practices? Why do teachers need to understand cultural differences?

17 Weekly Reminders Complete Readings Complete Readings Read Web Resources Read Web Resources Discussion Board: Discussion Board: –Post responses to BOTH discussion questions –Participate in meaningful dialogue with your classmates throughout the unit Post response to Seminar Option 2 IF you do not attend seminar Post response to Seminar Option 2 IF you do not attend seminar

18 References Marotz, Lynn (2009). Health, Safety, and Nutrition for the Young Child. Clifton Park: Thomson Delmar Learning. “Childhood Obesity” (n.d). Retrieved on June 30, 2008 from obesity. obesity obesity You Tube Department of Child Welfare

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