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CodeCrunch (CS1020 AY2014/5 Sem 2) Getting Started.

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Presentation on theme: "CodeCrunch (CS1020 AY2014/5 Sem 2) Getting Started."— Presentation transcript:

1 CodeCrunch (CS1020 AY2014/5 Sem 2) Getting Started

2 Logging in  Visit using IE or Chrome.  Use your NUSNET id and password to login. 2 (Note: CodeCrunch does NOT work well on Firefox.)

3 Selecting a task (1/3) 3  Click on the course name from dashboard.

4 Selecting a task (2/3)  Click on the task name. 4

5 Selecting a task (3/3) 5  Shortcut for selecting an uncompleted task: Click on the task name from dashboard. (Note: Only uncompleted tasks are shown on dashboard.)

6 Solving a task  Follow the instructions in the Task Content section.  Write your program and test it thoroughly before submission. 6

7 Submitting a task (1/3)  Once you are done, scroll down to the Submission (Course) section.  Click on Browse and select your solution program.  Take care to submit the correct file – some exercises have limited number of submissions. 7

8 Submitting a task (2/3)  Wait for the loading box to appear.  Click on Submit.  The progress indicator may not move prior to clicking Submit. 8

9 Submitting a task (3/3)  You should see a green box indicating that your program has been submitted successfully.  Click on My Submissions to see the grade awarded for that submission. 9

10 Reviewing a submission (1/3)  You should see the following table containing the details of your submission.  If you are awarded a grade of A, congratulations, you have passed CodeCrunch’s correctness test! (However, please read slide 13.) 10

11 Reviewing a submission (2/3)  If you did not succeed, click View details to check your output. 11

12 Reviewing a submission (3/3) What’s wrong with this output? 12  Check the Test Output tab for the difference between the expected output and your output.

13 Grading Issues  Note that CodeCrunch is used to provide instant feedback on the correctness of your programs based on a few sets of test data made known to you. (These data sets are on the CS1020 website.)  After the submission deadline, your programs will be tested on more test data that are unknown to you.  The last submitted program for each exercise will be manually graded on style and design besides correctness.  The correctness mark given by CodeCrunch may be overriden by your grader if your program has flaws that are not caught by CodeCrunch’s tests.  Hence, test your programs thoroughly yourself; do not use CodeCrunch as the tester. 13

14 14 THE END

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